View Full Version : I'm finally going to...

04-06-2006, 06:53 PM
Lose weight! I started my diet today. It's one I kinda made up myself. lol... I'd really like to lose 15 pounds by the end of the summer. I can't eat any junk food (chips, ice cream, etc) and NO candy! I also do 120 crunchers a day, I'm trying to make my stomach a little smaller by the wedding I have to go to in May. I carry all my weight in my stomach... so I do exercises for that. Today my friend and I went roller blading and we played volleyball. I will do about 10 minutes of running a day, plus what we do in gym. I just thought I should share. Please wish me luck!!

Toby's my baby
04-06-2006, 07:28 PM
Good Luck!!! I'm sure your already beautiful, but I want to wish you the best of luck! I'm hopefully going to stick with something this year, and do an exercise program. I'm not really trying to loose weight though (I weigh 120, and I'm 5' 5") but i want to get stronger, and be able to run farther, and for longer periods of time. I already run about 2 miles a day, but hopefully by the end of summer I'll be at about 3 or 4 miles, and HOPEFULLY I'll be doing some 'crunchers' too, but I'm not very good at keeping up at something like that. :o :p GOOD LUCK!

04-06-2006, 07:57 PM
Good luck, girls! I know you can do it! Just a little forewarning, though... lots of crunchers won't help melt the fat in your tummy, and if done improperly can actually make your tummy bigger! (from building muscle) Aerobic activity may be a better bet. Have fun!

04-06-2006, 08:01 PM
Good luck to both of you! I am trying to lose some weight. But I get alot of excersice already. I go outside ALMOST everyday.

04-06-2006, 08:59 PM
Thanks everyone. I do my crunchers correctly because we have to do them at school and my gym teacher walks around to make sure we are doing it right. It burns! lol... my dad says it should help. I am in hockey and I never lose weight because I gain muscle. This year I didn't lose anything because we didn't have to go on diets this year.

Toby's my baby... WOW I wish I was that size!!! I weigh 152 and I'm only 5' 3" 1/2.

Thanks everyone! :)

04-06-2006, 09:45 PM
Sounds good! But go to a few exercise websites first. My advice is you look a bit more into it, just so you can stick to it better. I think it will be REALLY hard to stick to a "No junk food" diet, so allow yourself some, just in moderation.

As well, if you're doing that many crunches a day, you should be doing back strengthening exercise too. You can really hurt your back if you don't. Whenever you strengthen one muscle, you have to strengthen the opposite one as well. (ex. biceps/triceps)

Good luck! :)

04-06-2006, 09:51 PM
Sounds good! But go to a few exercise websites first. My advice is you look a bit more into it, just so you can stick to it better. I think it will be REALLY hard to stick to a "No junk food" diet, so allow yourself some, just in moderation.

As well, if you're doing that many crunches a day, you should be doing back strengthening exercise too. You can really hurt your back if you don't. Whenever you strengthen one muscle, you have to strengthen the opposite one as well. (ex. biceps/triceps)

Good luck! :)

Thanks. What back strengthning exercersizes are there?

04-06-2006, 10:02 PM
Oh, I don't really know what they're called. I think one is the Superman or something. Some you can do are laying on your stomach, lifting one leg and the opposite arm, holding, then switch. Here's some health links for you.







There's plenty more.

04-06-2006, 10:59 PM
Ya well I"m not gonna lose weight but I need to work out I weigh 110 and i'm 5'7 I don't want to get skinnier then i am now but I need to work on my legs the most that is where my fat is at and I need to work out to run farther and be able to catch up for track next year and volleyball. So..I'm just working on that and need to work on muscles also since i'm weak lol but ya not planning to get skinny just build up and for me I would have to excersice but I don't know about the eating.

04-07-2006, 12:06 PM
Good for you, I have been doing something similar for the past couple of weeks, and already feel better!

04-07-2006, 01:32 PM
Just so you know...you cannot spot-lose fat...meaning that if you work out your tummy you will NOT lose fat in your tummy but gain muscle there.

Aerobic exercise combined with diet is the best way to lose fat. You will lose fat from EVERYWHERE though, there is no way to lose it from just one area.

Good luck to you!!

Miss Z
04-07-2006, 01:45 PM
Good luck! I've never tried to lose weight before, I've heard people say it's hard but I'm sure you'll do it. If it's what you really want then go for it:D

Have to ask though, what are 'crunchers'? Are they what I would call 'sit-ups', where you lay on the floor with your legs bent up and then sit up without using your hands? Cuz they are KILLERS! I did aerobics and fitness at school in February, and they were the worst. They do tone muscles though:rolleyes: :)

04-07-2006, 03:46 PM
Have to ask though, what are 'crunchers'? Are they what I would call 'sit-ups', where you lay on the floor with your legs bent up and then sit up without using your hands? Cuz they are KILLERS! I did aerobics and fitness at school in February, and they were the worst. They do tone muscles though:rolleyes: :)

Crunchers are like situps expect you don't go all the way up, you only lift your shoulders off the ground. They burn wayyy more then sit ups.

When you do crunchers, muscle replaces the fat, you don't add muscles and don't lose any fat.

Thanks everyone. I also jog alot, too. I had two chips today. lol... I'm such a cheater. ;)

04-07-2006, 04:15 PM
Good luck with your diet! I don't need a diet and if I tried, I probably wouldn't stick to it well. Just make sure you don't become anorexic (sp?) or anything. Just kidding, I know you won't do that! Good luck anyway.

04-07-2006, 04:20 PM
Good luck with your diet! I don't need a diet and if I tried, I probably wouldn't stick to it well. Just make sure you don't become anorexic (sp?) or anything. Just kidding, I know you won't do that! Good luck anyway.

Thanks. lol... it is hard. I never realized how much treats I ate before until now!