View Full Version : Pet sitting pictures

04-27-2002, 10:56 AM
I'm not taking care of them for long. Just from about 11:30-6:00 ish. I picked them up at the Vets this morning, and when I got there, it says "CLOSED" but the time said it was open till 12..So I left and came back just as someone was leaving and said it was open. So I went in and got them. I don't know if you remember a post earlier from my friend Caitlin? Anyway, shes away on a trip and the Vets closed about 6 hours after she got home (and its closed tomorrow) so she wouldn't have been able to pick them up till then. So I told her I'd pick em up for her. Do you remember her talking about her dog Diana, and farret Chester Thai (sry I duno If thats how you spell it...its pronoused tie I think..) I don't think she would mind me sharing some pics I took of her beautiful babies, and if she does then...she does ;D

The pics of Chester didn't come out well, I was gonna get someone to take the pic if I held him later..(don't beat me Cait :x)
She loved getting her pic taken! She'd run right over to the cam. (Caitlin, shes SPOILED ROTEN!! lol)
Can't forget my baby who was eye balling the farret..

04-27-2002, 11:49 AM
Does anyone else own a farret? Is it super hyperactive? this guy wants to explore and stuff but im afraid to let him run around with out a lease on (I dont have a farret collar..-someone- neglected to leave him one at the vets..lol j/k)

04-27-2002, 12:00 PM
I had a farret... She was VERY snoopy! i also would not let her lose without a leash on. they are very crafty and can get into tiny holes and hide. She was a real sweetie though.

04-27-2002, 12:45 PM
Adorable pictures!!! Chester, the lil ferret is adorable and Diana is soooooo pretty!! She does look like she likes having her picture taken :) Is she a border collie by any chance? Kinda looks that way to me but I dunno...

Nice of you to pick up your friends pets, I bet they are happy to get to be with you instead of at the vets!

04-27-2002, 01:33 PM
Yeah, I think Caitlin told me before she is a border collie mix. I'm not sure about how much happier here they are, Chester doesn't seem to like me..he jumps around with his back up lol