View Full Version : I Won't Say Goodbye / Sad Mommy

04-05-2006, 04:17 PM
Hey everyone,
Well, it's been a sad couple days for me and Mommy. She's looking into switching schools and going back to her old school, 4 hours from here. It wouldn't be any problem except that my Grandpa won't let me walk around in his house because he's allergic to me. So I had to stay on my Finding Nemo blankie for two days.. And Mommy would have to live with Grandma and Grandpa if she went back to EHS.. we could still visit and she'd graduate in December... but I'd miss her to much..


Hey Guys,
I feel horrible, since he'd been confined to a blanket for two days, I thought I'd take him for a walk. I tried keeping him in the grass as much as possible but I guess it was just too much, we got home to give him a bath only to find his back paws with open sores because they dragged on the concrete. I feel so bad, I put medicene on them and he cried, which is even more sad because he can feel some things now and it's obviously hurting him. I just wanted to get him some excersize... and I don't know what to about the school thing....


04-05-2006, 04:22 PM
i'm so sorry. what a terrible thing to go through. :( can Bailey not stay with a friend that isn't allergic to him until you return? good luck!

04-05-2006, 04:29 PM
Well, most likely he'd stay with his Nana [my mom] here. It's just the distance thing and I would hate for Mom to have to take care of him for that long.

Toby's my baby
04-05-2006, 07:31 PM
I'm so sorry you are going through this! I hope you can choose something, good luck!!!

04-05-2006, 07:34 PM
thank you...

does anyone have any suggestions for his paws? I tried wrapping them and they came off, i tried putting baby tights to keep them on but then his diaper falls off...i have a sleeper bag for him but idk if that would do any good since they'd be rubbing too... i need to get him a wheelchair... my 17th bday is coming up in June, i think I'm going to ask for just money so maybe i can get enough to get him one....we'll see..

04-05-2006, 08:16 PM
BaileysMom, is it possible to use a sling with Bailey? To hold his back end up to help him get around? I use one with my Lacey who just had knee surgery to help her up steps, made me think about Bailey.

04-05-2006, 08:17 PM
Check out this site they do special orders too.

04-06-2006, 08:08 AM
Paw pads are pretty durable, Im very surprised they are all open from just him walking on the concrete. I think he needs to see a vet.

I wish you luck with that & finding someone to care for him while you are away.

Cessa's Mom
04-06-2006, 08:18 AM
Here's a website I saved to my favorites. It has some diagrams and suggestions for home made carts.


04-06-2006, 08:24 AM
Oh no, I am so sorry, I missed that post. I was not aware of his condition.

They do make a lot of different style carts/sheelchair things for dogs and for a quick fix you can use a homemade sling, a towel wraped aaround the dogs belly.


04-06-2006, 08:28 AM
Poor Bailey, have you looked into getting him a wheelchair of some kind? I bet he would love it and then he wouldn't get any more sore paw pads.

I'm sorry to hear about school and hope you two won't have to be seperated.

Many hugs to Bailey

04-06-2006, 12:48 PM
Maybe someone could make you a wooden wheel chair?

The wooden frame is more the strong enough to support a small dog, to hold the dog up, sew some materal from an old pillow case to a pair of his diapers, or add a button from an old shirt or jacket, so they can be removed & then washed. For wheels, get a set of child training wheels, as they'll be a nice size & as he grows You can adjust them :)

Have you tried talking to the school about your dogs condition? if not, make an appointment with the Dean & bring the dog with you & since the dog is in a diaper & cannot run wildly, he might give you special permission to bring him to school with you (not to class but so he can live in a dorm room) & if your lucky you can get a single room, so you don't have to worry about other people accidently steping on him or bugging him while your in class.

Best of luck with the little guy.