View Full Version : We're in trouble...

04-04-2006, 08:19 PM
April (Cats*Rule), Sarah (WarahGirl1995), and I went to the school. I didn't take Buddy because he's blew out my shoulder once (and I'm doing physical therapy for it now) and I don't want it happening twice. So anyway, Buddy got out of the house and we were at the school, having all the fun we needed, throwing frisbees, laughing, and then, Buddy came. They ran after him and a series of screams came from every derection. "THERE'S A LEASH LAW YOU KNOW!", "GET THOSE DOGS ON A LEASH!", "I'M CALLING THE POUND!", "THAT DOG BETTER NOT BITE ME!", "YOU FREAKS!". We finally caught them. So many people called the pound and I am so scared. Buddy is still gone... if he goes to the pound...

It wasn't our fault at all. It was my sister's, she let Buddy out! And now I am going to be in soooo much trouble... huhhhh :(

04-04-2006, 08:31 PM
Buddy just came home.

04-04-2006, 08:36 PM
how terrible! i'm glad Buddy is home! :D

Toby's my baby
04-04-2006, 08:38 PM
Thats horrible! I'm glad he's back at home though!

04-04-2006, 08:40 PM
Thanks guys :) I'm still wondering what's going to happen. Georgia's already got 2 warnings for getting out of the house to chase cats :rolleyes: And Buddy has at least 2 for running off and bothering the elementry school across the street :rolleyes: 3 strikes and they're out. I'm really scared... please keep us in your thoughts.

04-04-2006, 08:41 PM
Can your parents fence your yard so it cannot happen again?

04-04-2006, 08:52 PM
That was extermely scary. One of my scariest experiences. It was not fun going to the school that time. Everyone was telling us we didn't care about our dogs... :rolleyes: You all know that is sooo not true. We care about our dogs so much, if not, why would we be here? And referring to our, I mean, that I was walking Alaska so I am reffering to him as mine :p

04-04-2006, 08:56 PM
Awww *huggies*
at least hes home safe now

04-04-2006, 08:57 PM
sounds like you need to keep a better eye on them,and be careful not to let them out.You should work on his off-leash commands also,if you dont want this happening again.
I'm glad Buddy came home :)

04-04-2006, 09:03 PM
hi im waragirl1995(sarah) when they kald the pound we had to get out of the field..... then they said i dont care about are dogs...... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: that made us mad , it proves they dont know as very well.......... Im glad that dog got home before the pound got him , even though im really mad at buddy :mad:

04-04-2006, 09:06 PM
sounds like you need to keep a better eye on them,and be careful not to let them out.
I'm glad Buddy came home :)

We do, or at least I do... :rolleyes:

Can your parents fence your yard so it cannot happen again?

We have one around the backyard what we need is one in the front yard, I've tried conviencing them to build one in the front but it's never going to happen. Plus, it won't work for Buddy, he jumps.

04-04-2006, 09:09 PM
We do, or at least I do... :rolleyes:

she wasn't trying to be mean..:)

04-04-2006, 09:09 PM
I wasn't trying to either, I was reffering to my sister letting Buddy out.

04-04-2006, 09:10 PM
even though im really mad at buddy :mad:

It wasn't his fault.

04-04-2006, 09:12 PM
sounds like you need to keep a better eye on them,and be careful not to let them out.You should work on his off-leash commands also,if you dont want this happening again.
I'm glad Buddy came home :)
i know i was watching my dog, rupert they just were to strong

04-04-2006, 09:14 PM
It wasn't his fault.

I guess that is true.

04-04-2006, 09:17 PM
It wasn't his fault.
oh i know , he just got the dogs shook up becuase he was running away (as usaul) and he scared us when he ran away becuase we thought he would never come back or the pound would take him away

04-04-2006, 09:19 PM
oh i know , he just got the dogs shook up becuase he was running away (as usaul) and he scared as when he ran away becuase we thought he would never come back or the pound would take him away

Exactly how to put it, thanks Sarah.

04-04-2006, 09:20 PM
Sounds like someone needs some training/obedience classes. :)

If he "runs away as usual" he needs training and correction.... and that's not his fault! :)

As Buddy's owner you (especially your parents... where were they on this?) NEED to take extra percautions if he is indeed close to being picked up by the pound and causing so much trouble.

04-04-2006, 09:21 PM
Sounds like someone needs some training/obedience classes. :)

If he "runs away as usual" he needs training and correction.... and that's not his fault! :)

Very well said, Kay!! The pup doesn't realize he is doing wrong when he is taking off for some fun! He needs to be taught gently.

04-04-2006, 09:33 PM
Sounds like someone needs some training/obedience classes. :)

If he "runs away as usual" he needs training and correction.... and that's not his fault! :)

As Buddy's owner you (especially your parents... where were they on this?) NEED to take extra percautions if he is indeed close to being picked up by the pound and causing so much trouble.

Oh just me Kay.... we've tried... and tried... and tried... and tried.......

04-04-2006, 09:34 PM
Oh just me Kay.... we've tried... and tried... and tried... and tried.......

You are... 14? You can work on training him yourself you know. All it takes is some time and patience, but more importantly CONSISTANCY. And everyone in the household needs to also be consistant in the same training.

If your parents are not willing to work with him and helping to keep him from continually running out, then maybe its time to look into other options for him.

04-04-2006, 09:38 PM
Oh just me Kay.... we've tried... and tried... and tried... and tried.......

If you are unable to train him successfully, contact a professional.

Training will only work if everyone in the household is consistent. Quite possibly other options will be needed if proper training isn't given.

*edit*J.. great minds think alike. :o

04-04-2006, 10:44 PM
Before you go outside for a walk, or leave a car, make SURE they are on a leash and you're holding the other end.. don't give them the chance to run off.

Also... don't let them offleash ANYWHERE. By a long training leash.. or go to a store and buy you're own rope to clip to their collars so you can choose the length.. it would probably be cheaper!

Lori Jordan
04-04-2006, 11:02 PM
What do you mean by 3 strikes your out? the dog did not hurt anybody,they cannot take your dog away if he was picked up and you had called to verify it you would get your dog back, They cannot do anything..my dog has taken off twice she was taken to obedience and she is cured!!

04-05-2006, 09:45 AM
What do you mean by 3 strikes your out? the dog did not hurt anybody,they cannot take your dog away if he was picked up and you had called to verify it you would get your dog back, They cannot do anything..my dog has taken off twice she was taken to obedience and she is cured!!

I know. But our local shelter gives dogs 3 chances and then we have to pay a fee.

You are... 14? You can work on training him yourself you know. All it takes is some time and patience, but more importantly CONSISTANCY. And everyone in the household needs to also be consistant in the same training.

If your parents are not willing to work with him and helping to keep him from continually running out, then maybe its time to look into other options for him.

I do train him. For at least 1/2 hour daily. My parents are too busy. I'm going to continue trying and if it doesn't pay off I think it'll be time to look into other options for him.

Pawsitive Thinking
04-05-2006, 09:56 AM
I know. But our local shelter gives dogs 3 chances and then we have to pay a fee

Maybe a fine will convince your parents to take some action to make sure your dogs can't get out again

04-05-2006, 10:01 AM
They weren't exactly getting out... we had them on a walk. If you talking about Buddy...

Pawsitive Thinking
04-05-2006, 10:03 AM
They weren't exactly getting out... we had them on a walk. If you talking about Buddy...

Oh right, I see. For some reason I thought he had escaped from home....will read whole thread next time. Training, training and more training is the only answer - will be time consuming and at time infuriating but well worth it in the end. Good luck

04-05-2006, 10:14 AM
Buddy did. The others were on a walk. Sorry for the confusion :p

Pawsitive Thinking
04-05-2006, 10:36 AM
Buddy did. The others were on a walk. Sorry for the confusion :p

So he wanted to join in the fun?

04-05-2006, 10:39 AM
I guess so. Well, he was playing my friend's dog, Coco (reminded me of Raustack ;) ). And he jumped their fence (I'm guessing) and then it all started...

Lori Jordan
04-05-2006, 10:57 AM
Well i would seriously harp your parents it cost well i payed 120 for my dog Molly she would hear the door close a little too tight and would take off now Having a dog is like having a child YOU HAVE TOO FILL THERE NEEDS! we taech are oung ones right from wrong ...im not saying obedience works for every dog i have been there done that but if you want to have a dog you can trust i would not put this off any longer

Miss Z
04-05-2006, 11:14 AM
Thanks guys :) I'm still wondering what's going to happen. Georgia's already got 2 warnings for getting out of the house to chase cats :rolleyes: And Buddy has at least 2 for running off and bothering the elementry school across the street :rolleyes: 3 strikes and they're out. I'm really scared... please keep us in your thoughts.

Woah, that's really alien to me. I've never heard of warnings for dogs. I really hope that everything turns out OK ((hug))

04-05-2006, 02:29 PM
Woah, that's really alien to me. I've never heard of warnings for dogs. I really hope that everything turns out OK ((hug))

Had the samething back home (still in Ontario), if the pound got hold of your dog, the dog got a warning. After 3 warnings you have to pay a fine.

In Jasper if you don't pick up the dog poop after 3 warnings that comes with a nice fine, the dog is taken away to the pound. If the dog is sent to the pound more then 3 times for the poop issue, then you cannot get him back.

Lori Jordan
04-05-2006, 02:37 PM
See now this is just why when we heard the 3 warning thing some of us did not understand, in every state there is different laws were i am in the parks they have things hanging from trees "doggie Bags" but picking up after your dog is a given in a public place anyways...But the thing of paying the find im sure they have tons of strays picked up in a day and im sure they are frustrated because there is only a few NON kill shelters as we all know,And Zoomer i have not ment to come down on you in any way ,Some dogs do take off my Sister in Law had a black lab walk into her yard on day dug a hole and got under her fence and has not left she adopted him but if the gate is left open he will take a tour for a couple hours and come home they know when they have it good.
But she went and got him fixed and he is doing better,has only taken off twice since but the thing is when he does that ya never know what he will wonder into..I am so worried with my guys there great dogs but you never know when they will get the urge..They are worse when they are not fixed they wonder even more.So i wish you all the best with him and hope he learns..is he fixed????

Miss Z
04-05-2006, 03:52 PM
In Jasper if you don't pick up the dog poop after 3 warnings that comes with a nice fine, the dog is taken away to the pound. If the dog is sent to the pound more then 3 times for the poop issue, then you cannot get him back.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I reckon there'd be a fair few dogs in shelters if that law was imposed in Lancashire. I can kind of see the sense in it, it's an owner's responsibility and the environment must be clean, but taking away the dog? That seems a bit harsh to me.

04-05-2006, 06:46 PM
Makayla , April, and I are not trying to say we dont like buddy.What happend was scary, so it was the worst time for him to be running off.As for the training Makayla is just trying to get him to luv and trust people again wich is hard becuase he was abused.Makayla is focusing on geting him to trust her before she can reach ferther training.He is getting the training he should of got a long time ago from his ariginal owner. We are training him very hard but he needs to gain trust before Makayla can get really. hard training :( .

04-05-2006, 06:56 PM
aww, poor Buddy. :( how long have you had him, zoomer?

04-05-2006, 07:53 PM
Makayla , April, and I are not trying to say we dont like buddy.What happend was scary, so it was the worst time for him to be running off.As for the training Makayla is just trying to get him to luv and trust people again wich is hard becuase he was abused.Makayla is focusing on geting him to trust her before she can reach ferther training.He is getting the training he should of got a long time ago from his ariginal owner. We are training him very hard but he needs to gain trust before Makayla can get really. hard training :( .

Thank you Sarah! That was very well said.

aww, poor Buddy:(. how long have you had him, zoomer?

What do you mean 'aww, poor Buddy'? I've had him... for... a year or so.

04-05-2006, 08:06 PM
I meant about him being abused before you got him..:(

04-05-2006, 08:08 PM
Oh. Sorry, I get steamed easily ;) I need to learn to get off that! Yes. He was badly abused... BADLY :mad:

04-05-2006, 08:09 PM
it's okay. :) I hate when people hurt animals!! :mad:

04-05-2006, 08:13 PM
Oh. Sorry, I get steamed easily ;) I need to learn to get off that!

Yes, you do. ASAP. I was like that when I first arrived here and boy.. did some people hate my guts! (And some possibly still do.. lol)

But yeah.. this is just the internet... (I'm not taking sides but) If something ticks you off that someone on here says, IGNORE them. Be the bigger person. Don't reply to their comment. I know it's tough, we're all dog lovers here and I think a lot of animal lovers are "moody" in a sense.. just because we're so sensitive and have real, caring hearts!

Even if they say something about you and Buddy, ignore them if it bothers you. YOU know the truth, YOU know how you feel inside, they don't. :)

04-05-2006, 08:13 PM
Don't you! :mad: The owner was always drunk and never went out of his house, and if he did he was in his boxers with no shirt :rolleyes: And he'd throw beer bottles at him while he was tied to a tree. That's when April came in...

04-05-2006, 08:14 PM
Yes, you do. ASAP. I was like that when I first arrived here and boy.. did some people hate my guts! (And some possibly still do.. lol)

But yeah.. this is just the internet... (I'm not taking sides but) If something ticks you off that someone on here says, IGNORE them. Be the bigger person. Don't reply to their comment. I know it's tough, we're all dog lovers here and I think a lot of animal lovers are "moody" in a sense.. just because we're so sensitive and have real, caring hearts!

Even if they say something about you and Buddy, ignore them if it bothers you. YOU know the truth, YOU know how you feel inside, they don't. :)

Thank you :) Yes, I do?...

04-05-2006, 08:16 PM
Don't you! :mad: The owner was always drunk and never went out of his house, and if he did he was in his boxers with no shirt :rolleyes: And he'd throw beer bottles at him while he was tied to a tree. That's when April came in...


04-05-2006, 08:29 PM


Lori Jordan
04-05-2006, 08:36 PM
Oh. Sorry, I get steamed easily ;) I need to learn to get off that! Yes. He was badly abused... BADLY :mad:

That is why i get so upset because these dogs get abused so badly some people think about $$$$$ signs when it comes too pitbulls i have seen shows were they put them in fighting rings and actually enjoy it it really is sick!!

04-05-2006, 08:44 PM
That can't be good. Maybe you can build a fence in the front yard with your parents? Or someone else can help?

04-05-2006, 08:47 PM
I can try to convience them...

04-05-2006, 08:49 PM
We share a yard with my neighbors.