View Full Version : I Found a Stray in My Backyard!

04-04-2006, 06:22 PM
I was sitting at the table after supper and caramel ran to the patio door and was pacing back and forth. I looked out and saw a big grey cat out there looking for food. I had feed him once before, well I had left food out for him because I couldnt get close to him which he ate. That was about 3 weeks ago. He was looking in the same spot today so I brought out some soft food for him but he ran. I was patient tho and he came back and ate it while I sat beside him. He ate like he was starving so I put out some hard food and some milk (even though it isnt kitty milk) and he lapped that right up. He let me pet him a little although he was very cautious and was easily startled. He is very dirty looking but he is a beauty with the most gorgeous green eyes. He is a grey taby but he kind of looks like a tortie too. He has a large bump on his hind hip and it isnt a hair mat. It seems to be a tumour or a cyst but I couldnt get close enough. Anyways he ran away after a bit and I dont know what to do now. If he comes back tomorrow Im going to try and get him to bring him to the SPCA. Ohhh I feel so terrible right now it is suppose to snow out tonight and I really dont think he has a home to go to and even if he does it doesnt seem like he is being taken care of :(

04-04-2006, 06:26 PM
Isnt That The Worst Feeling When You See These Poor Older Cats That Should Be Well Loved Companion Animals Looking For Food,and Obviously Not Being Loved.
I Have Taken Two Porchies And Rehomed Them,and Now Operation Nugget Is Going Into Effect As I Am Going To Help That Poor Gold Cat.
If He Is Someones Then They Should Damn Well Treat Him As They Were His Guardians!!!!
Bless You For Putting Food Out,and Caring.

04-04-2006, 06:34 PM
a hate seeing cats not being cared for. i see it all too often where i live. :(

04-04-2006, 10:19 PM
Isnt That The Worst Feeling When You See These Poor Older Cats That Should Be Well Loved Companion Animals Looking For Food,and Obviously Not Being Loved.

I couldn't agree more with you Gary.

Thank you Jim, for caring and feeding this poor boy. The lump on his hip could also be an abcess. That's good that you are able to pet him even though he is still skittish. If you are able to catch him and bring him to the SPCA, won't they just euthanize him. I know they do that here in Montreal with sickly stray's. :(

04-04-2006, 10:22 PM
Sometimes your vet will board and treat the cat, if you are willing to spend a little money on him(OK, sometimes it's not a "little"!) But find out what the SPCA's policy is.