View Full Version : Putting fencing up now

04-04-2006, 03:52 PM
We noticed our ducks and chickens were limping and stuff so we checked and they have broken legs. It's because my new pony keeps stepping on them and gets Jack all hyper so he steps on them, too. We have to put about 6 ducks out of there misery. :( :( I feel awful about it, but we can't just let them suffer. I hope you all understand.

We are finishing the fence this weekend so Jack and Dreamer can be outside lots of the time except in bad weather. So there will be less accidents. My brother and I are going to my dad's and are finishing the fence this weekend. It will look nice, I will get pics for you.

04-04-2006, 07:43 PM
Aww, poor ducks. Hope the fencing works out for you!

04-04-2006, 08:06 PM
poor duckies! :( atleast your making changes.

Toby's my baby
04-04-2006, 08:44 PM
Poor guys :( Hope the rest will be ok!

04-05-2006, 12:23 AM
ohh your poor duckies, but i know you wouldnt have it wasnt for the best. we cant let animals suffer, but theyre so hard to let go! nice to know ur making changes,though. :)

04-05-2006, 07:53 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone. We had to let our big white duck go last night. :( She had been crippled for about a month and now we could see there was no getting better and all the other chickens and ducks were plucking her feathers. Hopefully the rest of the ducks get better. I think having the fence will make Jack and Dreamer happy to have a pasture and plus the goats will stop eating the flowers. :rolleyes: