View Full Version : Banned for life from keeping animals because of tail docking.

Heather Wallace
04-26-2002, 12:50 PM
Today in Birmingham UK, three people where banned by the courts from owning any kind of animal again. Good news really when you here the following details of a horrific crime.

A couple had 11 pups which they handed over to a man to dock their tails, just because it would be less expensive.

The man used a stanley knife/blade (used for cutting carpet etc) to dock the tails without any anistetic. Three of the pups went into a coma, another three bleed to death. The rest where taken to a vets but died with two weeks. Some of the puppies spinal cords where severed and some artories where also hit.

None of the puppies survived, waste of time if you ask me. The couple told the courts that they thought the pups would be more desirable if their tails where docked.

The pups where only weeks old.

A speaks person for the RSPCA said that the pups would have been in severe pain, you could hear their cries from unside.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :confused: :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-26-2002, 01:06 PM
...We need harded punishments. We really do.

Who will make sure they never own pets again? I mean, I guess I'm just dissapointed in the legal system... These people should be locked away forever or God, I don't even wanna say what I'd do to them myself. But, who will make sure they don't get more pets? And if they do, what will happen then? They will get fined and have to pay some money? SO WHAT?! God... this just makes me so upset. Sorry

Heather Wallace
04-26-2002, 01:13 PM
It does make you angry doesn't it. I think the fact they where named and shamed on local tv news, their addressed where disclosed and we seen their horrible faces on tv, I think that would make them think twice.

I also think that the RSPCA would do regular checks on them.

04-26-2002, 01:18 PM
I am horrified by what I just read! What kind of person would do something like that?!!!! Both the owners of the pupps and the guy who actually thought he could do a "do it yourself" docking!
Would you cut a growth on your child's body at home just to save money?

04-26-2002, 01:21 PM
Good to hear that Heather. They sure deserve to be publically humiliated like that, and I sure wouldn't feel sorry if they were stoned while walking in town.

04-26-2002, 01:22 PM
That is so terrible, my heart aches. They need some jail time, how could anyone be so cruel? I think that their punishment is just a little slap on the wrist. Just aweful!!!:mad:

04-26-2002, 02:10 PM
That is so horrible! I don't see why people get their dogs tails docked to begin with even if it is with a vets (sry ppl who do) I think a dog was made the way they were for a reason, and cutting off their tails just for show is the stupidest thing i ever heard. Im sorry to be so defensive but i've seen dogs tails being docked and it was the worst thing ever, so i'm totally against it..

04-26-2002, 02:33 PM
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute now!!!!!!!!!! You're telling me that it is actually ALLOWED to cut off a dog's tail?! I thought that it was forbidden to do this by law everywhere (it is STRICTLY forbidden to do this in Sweden unless there is a medical reason, like the dogs tail being sick somehow), but then I read what slleipnir said; "I don't see why people get their dogs tails docked to begin with even if it is with a vets (sry ppl who do)" and I read that as it actually being allowed...

Is this true?!

04-26-2002, 02:39 PM
That just disgusts me. People are so stupid. Would they send their child to this guy to have their tonsils out? Good God, what were they thinking? I hope that they are punished to the full extent of the law. I understand that here in the States they are trying to get a law passed to make it illegal (except for medical reasons) to dock tails and crop ears.

04-26-2002, 02:43 PM
They do dock tails here in the U.S. in many breeds (Cocker Spaniels, etc.). I have a Yorkie and her tail is docked. I don't understand why they do that. It makes no sense to me at all. who decided that this should be done? I think in Europe they're starting not to dock the Yorkie's tail. I'm not sure about other breeds.

Heather Wallace
04-26-2002, 04:08 PM
Ann, as far as I was aware it is illegal to dock tails from dogs here in the UK, I will have to check that one out actually and will get back to you.:)

04-26-2002, 05:28 PM
Ann, I'm not sure anywhere else, but in Canada it isn't illegal for the most part anyway. The vets I used to work at docked tails, and they do it when they are pups. The pups are awake (atleast here they are) when they do this, and (i wasn;t in the room, I couldn't bare that) but you could hear them yowling. I asked the vet why people do this to their dogs, and they said breeds such as rotties and such are indeed born with tails and get docked. I figured that there was something wrong with the tails and they needed them cut off for a reason, but no, its for show only. People see the rotties (or w.e) to have a standard to look like, and such. I shouldn't be so down on it for not knowing much about it, but from my experiances with it, I hate it, and if I ever bred a dog like that there would be NO way I'd dock the tail or ears.

04-27-2002, 06:01 AM
Oh my then, that's truly awful. I can't belive that it is still being allowed, and in such big, enlightened countries as Canada and the USA! I mean, I could understand if some small country in Africa doesn't have a law against this, but those big countries... It baffles me. Hopefully there will be a law put in against this soon, it's such an awful thing.

They used to do this to horses as well, but that's illegal as well over here now (thankfully).

04-27-2002, 06:19 AM
Ann: It might not be allowed in all parts of Canada, but I live in a very small province in there.

04-27-2002, 09:29 AM
Oh, people are sooo retarded! I just can't imagine doing something like that, do people loose their minds temporarily? The people we got our Angus from had cut his tail off with a butcher knife, can you believe that? It has a permant scar where no hair will grow, can't really tell unless you look. If they have tails and ears, they should be allowed to keep them!!!!

04-27-2002, 10:58 AM
If a dog was ment to have its tail cut off it would be for a reason. Until that reason comes about, I don't think it should happen.