View Full Version : Digital Camera thoughts???

04-02-2006, 12:47 PM
With my income tax refund, I'm hoping to purchase a digital camera. First, just let me tell you that I know absolutely nothing about them. I searched Pet Talk to find all the threads and it seems that most of you are happy with either Sony or Canon.

Two days ago I signed up for ebay :rolleyes: and have since been checking out the "goods" and now I'm more confused as ever.

I will not:
be taking many action shots
be printing off the photos myself
be using them for making siggies (I'll leave that for the experts)

I want:
the largest lcd screen that I can get
Lots of zoom
a way of recharging the batteries
ability to take movies with sound
pictures clear enough to post on PT

I also spotted a comment in one of the threads a couple of years ago where Debbie (T&P) was saying that she spoke to an expert and apparently 2.0 mp is all the average person needs.

Some friends of mine have an Olympus and I found it rather user-friendly, took good pictures, but I found it hard to see with the small lcd screen. It has a way of taking the battery pack out and recharging it. That's the feature I liked the most.

I have been comparison shopping for the last year and I really don't like those little teeny tiny ones. I really like the feel of the Canon Powershot with that right-hand grip. It's just the right size for my hands.

Anyway, just thought I would get everyone's feedback. Thanks for your advice.

04-02-2006, 12:55 PM
They don't make 2 mp anymore, at least not many of them! To print a clear 8x10 you need 3.2 mp.

I shoot Olympus. All my cameras, including the film SLR are Olympus. I would recommend you check out one of the Stylus series. I have a Stylus 800. It's the one I carry when I'm out with the dogs so you have seen lots of it's pictures! It's pocket-sized, weather proof, takes movies with sound, has lots of adjustments for a point and shoot style camera. It also has a huge LCD screen, almost the entire back of the camera. It has no tradtional viewfinder at all though. Very user friendly too. The battery charger is included. The battery life is exceptional too.

Killearn Kitties
04-02-2006, 01:25 PM
I use a Casio, which is the only type of digital camera I have ever used. Our previous one was a Casio too. It is a nice size, not too small, good size screen, does have a viewfinder (which I can't get out of the habit of using). The battery charger came with it and it lasts for so long between charges that I can't tell you exactly how long it lasts. The zoom on it is great. I will have to try to find the manual to find out if it records sound with movies. I've never looked for that feature! I find it a very simple camera to operate and I would take more photos if the girls were more co-operative!

04-02-2006, 01:31 PM
How about the Canon A430? It's 4MP, has movie mode, macro, and 15(?)I think, scene modes, not sure about LCD, but it runs about $179.99 US.
Here it is straight from the Canon site.
Canon Powershot A430 (http://www.canon.co.jp/Imaging/psa430/index-e.html)

04-02-2006, 01:32 PM
Slick, I agree with Glacier concerning Olympus. John bought an Olympus C5060 a few years ago - however, that will be too big for your use. Glacier had the same one before she got the new later one - and you can just tell she knows about quality too. ;)

Canon is also know for it's good optics.

Take a look at some of the features of the differnt ones here: www.dpreview.com

04-02-2006, 01:38 PM
Slick, I agree with Glacier concerning Olympus. John bought an Olympus C5060 a few years ago - that was the one Glacier had, before she got the new one - and you can just tell she knows about quality too. ;)

Canon is also know for it's good optics.

Take a look at some of the features of the differnt ones here: www.dpreview.com

I still use my C-5060 lots! I love that camera. It's got tons of settings and adjustments. It's just hard to carry on the dogsled!

04-02-2006, 01:43 PM
Glacier, your new one is considerable smaller, isn't it? Do you have a picture of it? How is it pricewise, compared to the other?

As you may know, John was a professional photographer, along with his studio cameras, he has always had an Olympus.

04-02-2006, 01:50 PM
Glacier, your new one is considerable smaller, isn't it? Do you have a picture of it? How is it pricewise, compared to the other?

I don't have a pic of mine, but this is the DP review link. It's exactly like this one.

It is much smaller than the 5060. I can just drop this one in my pocket. I also like the weatherproof body. I don't have to worry about getting some snow or water on it.

I paid about 500 canadian for the Stylus. I paid about 700 for the 5060. It's price had come down quite a bit from the time it was released. I think I bought it just after Olympus released the new version of it. (Also things tend to be about 20-30% more expensive up here so both cameras are probably available cheaper down South.)

04-02-2006, 01:58 PM
I'd go with the Canon. I have the A510 Powershot and LOVE it. You can use either rechargeable or regular batteries in mine. The rechargeable ones last a really long time, I'm finding out. It also does everything else you're asking for. Be careful, you want OPTICAL zoom, not Digital.

04-02-2006, 02:06 PM
Canon! Canon! LOL. But really, I think one of the Canon Powershots would suit you nicely. The LCD screen is a decent size. My two older powershot models have 3x optical zoom (optical is the one you want. Digital zoom means nothing). I haven't looked into the newer models but I'd imagine that they'd have the same, if not more. As for batteries, they use AA's (my two use four of them.. but again, I'm not sure what the newer models use though I'd imagine it'd be the same). Movies have sound and the picture quality is amazing!

And you're right, the average person doesn't need anything higher than 2mp but it's very rare to find a new 2mp camera in stores these days. I've seen quite a few ads on buysell.com for some of the older canon models (Canon A60, A70, A75, A95).. all would suit your needs.

04-02-2006, 02:34 PM
Wow, thanks for all of your responses. There is alot to think about.

Glacier, I looked up yours and it does look good. I can forgo the viewfinder if the lcd is big enough. Thanks for that website. I'll check it out...like the fact there are consumer reviews on there. That will help out alot with my decision.

Randi, Lord knows I don't intend to be a professional so I need something that's idiot-proof. Too many options and I get confoozzled. I guess it's pretty much a point and shoot I'm looking at for my first one.

RH and BN: Thanks. I didn't know the difference between optical and digital zoom. I was under the impression that cameras with AA batteries were a pain in the rear because you go through sooooo many batteries. True or not?? I also didn't know about buysell.com so will check that out as well.

I'm heading out for a bit and will check out your links when I get back. I've spend mega hours on the computer in the last couple of days....I need some fresh air. :o Buying from ebay...I have to remember that buying from the US will cost me more with the exchange, and I will have to pay duty when I pick it up from the PO. One thing I forgot to add is that I want something that I can take real closeup shots with.

04-02-2006, 02:38 PM
I was under the impression that cameras with AA batteries were a pain in the rear because you go through sooooo many batteries. True or not??

I use rechargeable batteries and I don't have any problems. I have two sets so it's easy to rotate them. I usually keep one in the camera and the other set in my camera bag so if they stop working I can just change them. Then when I get home I stick the set I took out back in the charger and let them charge.

04-02-2006, 02:47 PM
One thing I forgot to add is that I want something that I can take real closeup shots with.
Canon's work well for that, especially if you use Macro.

04-02-2006, 03:12 PM
I was under the impression that cameras with AA batteries were a pain in the rear because you go through sooooo many batteries. True or not?? I also didn't know about buysell.com so will check that out as well.

If I'm constantly using the camera, a set of batteries will last 2-3 days.I don't use my camera as much anymore so it seems to last a week or two.

Canons are AWESOME for closeup shots. I've got some really amazing shots of my bettas with my canons.

04-02-2006, 04:56 PM
The Canon camera I have (a Powershot) has rechargable batteries and comes with the charger, which you just plug into any wallsocket. I have two batteries, so for things like the Pet Talk gathering in Findlay, I can have one battery recharging while I'm taking a ton of pictures with the other. Usually I can go a month without needing to recharge my battery for the camera. But it charges up quickly, which is great for such events.

I like the form factor (fits in my hand just right, is small enough to always be in my pocketbook just in case, and feels sturdy), it has a nice big LCD screen on the back, and I have never needed to use the viewfinder. The LCD screen is so much better, but you REALLY see what you're about to get. It does a great job on close-ups, as long as I remember to hold still. The glory of a digital camera is you can take 5 terrible photos in order to get the one great one, and it doesn't cost you a thing!

04-02-2006, 05:05 PM
Honestly if you don't want to waste your money, go with a PowerShot.

If you want good close-up pictures, be sure to purchase a camera with a macro mode.

For what you described, you really don't want anything over 4MP because you would just be wasting your money on features and power you wouldn't be using.

The PowerShot Roxyluvsme13 recommended above seems like one that would best suit you and what you want to use it for :)

04-02-2006, 06:49 PM
Canon is the way to go.

04-02-2006, 06:58 PM
I haven't owned a Canon yet, but from comparing their cameras to other brands, I'll definitely be going with a Canon when I get a new digital camera!

I wouldn't go with the PowerShot A510 or A520, though.. they're outdated. Go with the A610 or something.

04-02-2006, 07:30 PM
I haven't owned a Canon yet, but from comparing their cameras to other brands, I'll definitely be going with a Canon when I get a new digital camera!

I wouldn't go with the PowerShot A510 or A520, though.. they're outdated. Go with the A610 or something.

My A300 is "outdated" but it still gets the job done. Sure there are newer models, but you can find the "outdated" models online for REALLY cheap ;)

04-02-2006, 09:06 PM
That's true. :)

04-02-2006, 11:17 PM
I think I'm more concerned about purchasing it off ebay. :(
It just makes me nervous if you have any problems or anything and you really can't be sure that you are buying NEW.
I priced them on ebay and just wasn't comfortable with buying such a purchase on there, but that's me. Kelly bought her's off ebay and has had no problems. I would hate for you to have a bad experience.
Good luck on whatever camera you decide! :)

04-02-2006, 11:23 PM
Thanks everyone. I really was leaning toward a Canon Powershot but hadn't decided what model.

As for Macro mode...well, that's a foreign language to me. LOL I'll really have to do some research. Stace, I really have not decided whether or not to purchase off ebay. I know of two others here in town that did purchase from ebay and have had no problems either. But you never can tell.

To me, it's a big ticket item and I won't be buying blindly. I really do appreciate all of your advice. I can't buy until my refund comes in and that won't for about about a month so I have some time yet.

Thanks again. :)

04-03-2006, 08:43 AM
I have a Canon Powershot S45, I don't know how to use it properly, but when I'm messing around with it, I can get some really GREAT shots!

04-03-2006, 12:52 PM
I wouldn't go with the PowerShot A510 or A520, though.. they're outdated. Go with the A610 or something. My A510 is less than a year old . ... outdated, indeed! :p

04-03-2006, 03:48 PM
I use a Kodak easyshare but it does not take videos with sound. It's definatly not the nicest camera, but it's a good price for a decent camera. The pics are clear and stuff. I got mine for 200 dollars including the printer. Good LUck on finding a good camera!

04-03-2006, 04:22 PM
I think I'm more concerned about purchasing it off ebay. :(
It just makes me nervous if you have any problems or anything and you really can't be sure that you are buying NEW.
I priced them on ebay and just wasn't comfortable with buying such a purchase on there, but that's me. Kelly bought her's off ebay and has had no problems. I would hate for you to have a bad experience.
Good luck on whatever camera you decide! :)

Canon is a good brand, my old film SLR was a Canon and gave me absolutely no problems and took great pics. My new digital is a Nikon, but price not quality is what made me switch in this case since I was looking for a digital SLR camera. I actually purchased my new camera on ebay and absolutely love it. I got it plus the lenses for about $500 less than what I'd be looking at in a store. If your careful, make sure you go with a well known name brand camera and your seller has good ratings you should be ok. Even better if they still offer a factory warrenty which many do if they're just trying to get rid of overstock. You may have to pay a little more, but still much less than what you'd pay in the store. My new camera for instance was used as a factory display, but they can't sell it new for that reason so they sold it on ebay for much less.