View Full Version : What tricks have you played for April fools?

04-01-2006, 10:07 AM
I though everyone is doing for April Fools??

So far for me.....

Jokes Played on Me
1 :mad:

Jokes I played

Mwhahaha, I did a print screen of the desktop and Cropped the bottom toolbar out, then made it the new desktop picture (With all of the fake Icons). And Put all of the Icons into a folder. So when dad clicked on the Icons didn't work :p haha

EDIT: I just got a trick played on me!! :p WELL, I go to this Narnia News site where it has new news on my FAVORITE movie of all time (The Chronicals of Narnia The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe)! And I went there today (Forgeting that it's April fools) and there was news on "Prince Caspian" Movie thats ciming out in '07-- One of the other stories in the Chronicals of Narnia books. It said that there is going to be a romance beetween two of the main characters-- Susan and Caspian! I FLIPPED!! It would really screw up the story line, then I thought "This can't be true..OMG......um.... wait.... it's APril fools day!" LOL then I sent it to all of my friends who like Narnia! Mwhaha!


What about you??:)

04-01-2006, 10:09 AM
I told megan(animal_rescue) that Roxy ran away :D. She believed me, too! I haven't had any played on me yet though.

04-01-2006, 10:35 AM
None this year, but I did one last year on my boss. He had just come back from a seminar with another employee here (named John), and while they were gone John took a picture of my boss sleeping in the car with his mouth open. He emailed me the picture, and I saved it on my boss' computer as his background. Then I had the screen saver saying APRIL FOOLS! haha my boss is pretty computer illiterate, so he had no idea what had happened :D

04-01-2006, 10:42 AM
i didn't do any yet but that one was good haha

04-01-2006, 11:16 AM
Well, here in Alberta, our provincial premier Ralph Klein(aka King Ralph, Ralph, other censored names) who has led his party for almost 4 decades and won every leadership vote with 95% - last night got only 55% of the party support.

Previously, he said he would retire in fall 2007 - but now that might be sooner.

So today's April Fool joke here is that Ralph says he is going to stay on another 8 years!

(It IS a joke....ISN'T IT???....sniffle...)

04-01-2006, 01:27 PM
I haven't played any, but my husband got me this morning :rolleyes:

It was very early and I'm still sleepy. I was putting the dogs out and Katie just kind of stepped out and came right back in and my husband who just walked in says while pointing at the floor.."OMG..what is that she brought in? Is that a snake laying there?" I can't remember if I said anything but my feet sure were doing a little jig. Then I heard Alden say "April Fool" and chuckle like crazy. We've had a few snakes in the back yard in the past and he knows I'm scared of them. I was wide awake after that!

Toby's my baby
04-01-2006, 04:07 PM
I haven't gotten any tricks played on me yet. We did play a joke on my ex though: Tyler Mill. (my ex) likes my best friend, and they dated for a while, but her mom made her break up with him, because she is quite a bit younger than him. They are still very close. We told him that Chelsey (the girl he likes, my best friend) is going out with his best friend, Tyler Mund. He still thinks they are going out, but we are going to call him later and tell him the truth. He really thought it was true, and was upset, because he always teases Chelsey about her likeing Tyler Mund. even though she really likes him. :o Kinda confusing, sorry.

We WERE going to play a joke on Chelsey though, and tell her that Tyler died. haha. But Chelsey is having some problems right now in her life, so I decided to tell her we were going to do it, before anybody go the chance to. Thank goodness we didn't because she confessed that she probably would have killed herself. She talks often about killing herself and stuff, its so sad. :( EDIT, just wanted to add that she sees a phycologist and a counciler and stuff, and they all know this, so she is getting help.

04-01-2006, 04:14 PM
Mark & I went to town earlier to take the recycling and to go to Home Depot. I don't drive often when he is in the car, but today I decided to, and he was being REALLY irritating with all the comments. "You can go now, the lights green", "whoa, slow down", "look out", "why are you going so fast" :mad: and I was getting rather irritated :mad:

I was waiting to make a left turn out into traffic, and was waiting for cars on both sides. Again, the comments of "all is clear this way" "oop nope there's a car coming your way" (just as if I hadn't two working eyes in my head) so I told him to cut the comments out!

Just as I was pulling out, I stepped really hard on the gas, swerved a little bit and said "WHOAOaoaoaoOA" as if there was a car coming. He about jumped 10 feet into the air and I said "hehe April Fool's Day?" He laughed, and that was the end of the comments on my driving :D :o

04-01-2006, 04:33 PM
Um... im not good at these kinda things.
im not devious enough to play tricks on people...

but they love to play them on me though. LOL

04-01-2006, 04:39 PM
I edited my post... I just got a trick played on me!! :p

04-01-2006, 05:02 PM
I have no sense of humor, or so DBF has said, I just don't like April Fool's day. :-P So far, I haven't left the house, so nothing and nothing! I talked to DBF last night and he said he wouldn't do anything to me either. :)

04-01-2006, 07:53 PM
Well, here in Alberta, our provincial premier Ralph Klein(aka King Ralph, Ralph, other censored names) who has led his party for almost 4 decades and won every leadership vote with 95% - last night got only 55% of the party support.

Previously, he said he would retire in fall 2007 - but now that might be sooner.

So today's April Fool joke here is that Ralph says he is going to stay on another 8 years!

(It IS a joke....ISN'T IT???....sniffle...)

Ha, I think he did play a joke!
Or it better be a joke ;)

04-01-2006, 08:06 PM
I have a sense of humor, but I'm not big on practical jokes unless they are truly silly/harmless. I particularly don't find ones funny that cause even a moment of emotional pain or fright, i.e. someone pretending they are angry at me for something, would really upset me, or someone joking that something happened to a loved one.

However if both the practical joker and the "jokee" enjoy it, then more power to them ;)

04-01-2006, 08:10 PM
Last night my friends played a joke on my other friend. I don't really want to say what happened, but it was pretty funny. :p

04-01-2006, 09:30 PM
I haven't played a joke yet but I have been fooled.

My friend emailed me saying her mom got in a crash and was seriously hurt. I was surprised and sad so I sent her my sympathy. Then she sent me another email saying april fools!

I need to play one on someone...

04-01-2006, 09:39 PM
I didn't play any jokes, and no one played any on me.. April Fool's isn't a big thing over here! :p

04-01-2006, 10:17 PM
I haven't done anything on April 1 since I don't know when.

My supervisor at BB&B got me good tonight. She announced over the paging system in the store (after the store was closed and there were no more customers) that my drawer was short $100. :eek: