View Full Version : what do you think about cloning?

04-26-2002, 01:22 AM
I saw a show on tv a while back, about cloning pets, and how some people were really for it, so they could have a duplicate of a beloved pet when that pet died...well no one could want a pet back more than I want my Cookie back, but I do not agree with cloning AT ALL.. I don't believe clones can have souls, and the lost pets soul is gone, can not be brought back, so to me it's like saying well as long as he/she looks like you, I don't miss you... does that sound weird? do you agree with cloning?

I will add that I do agree with cloning as far as for medical research, if it can help for that in any way, but not cloning people or animals just for the sake of cloning...what do you think?


Sara luvs her Tinky
04-26-2002, 01:32 AM
No one has the right to hand out DNA except God!!!!
It is truley terrible what the world has come to!!! One reason I am against it is what do they do with the rejects?? Just throw them away i'm sure!! They don't care that it is a real life that they are just toying with!!!!! Another reason is why would anyone want a genetically altered pet when there are so many wonderfull pets in the shelters that need homes!!! I mean If my pets were to pass away I WOULD BE SO SAD!!!!, but I know that they would be safe at Rainbow Bridge!! Then I could go get another unfortunate animal and bless them with a happy home and they can bless me with a new experience!!! Sorry to vent,,,, I just say let your pet rest in peace and give an unfortunate animal a chance at a good home!!!

04-26-2002, 02:12 AM
Another reason is why would anyone want a genetically altered pet when there are so many wonderfull pets in the shelters that need homes!!!

I agree! that is something I forgot to include in my post...it's like the breeders, that take the homes away from the strays, that are strays because people won't do the simple and responsible thing and get their pets spayed/neutered!

also- cloning is just too futureistic...scary.:eek: :eek:

04-26-2002, 02:13 AM
IM Totally against cloning to and i thank is is sick.:mad: :mad:

Former User
04-26-2002, 02:17 AM
Completely against it!

04-26-2002, 05:20 AM
I'm against it too. But I do think that just because they are clones, doesn't mean they don't have souls, like toughCookie originally said. But I just don't see the POINT in cloning... I could understand it and hell, I'd probably even be for it if the cloned animal/human/whatever would be the same. But the thing is, the clones aren't the same. They just LOOK the same, they don't have the same personality, the memories of the original or anything. So that's why I'm against it... There just isn't a point and I don't like scientists toying with Mother Nature. It isn't right and I can bet anything it'll come back to haunt us one day.

04-26-2002, 06:32 AM
I'm against it too. But I do think that just because they are clones, doesn't mean they don't have souls, like toughCookie originally said. But I just don't see the POINT in cloning... I could understand it and hell, I'd probably even be for it if the cloned animal/human/whatever would be the same. But the thing is, the clones aren't the same. They just LOOK the same, they don't have the same personality, the memories of the original or anything. So that's why I'm against it... There just isn't a point and I don't like scientists toying with Mother Nature. It isn't right and I can bet anything it'll come back to haunt us one day.

well I admit I of course,can't say I know for sure if they have souls or not...but, being man made, I really don't see how they could, since in my opinion anyway, people are born with souls from God, but that's just my opinion, and I don't want to make this cat site into something else...anyway it seems like there are already too many people running around without souls, and we sure don't need any more over-population on earth, LOL.:eek:

even if they were the same in looks AND personality, I don't think it would be right, people are suposed to be born, not man-made by mad scientists!

Like I said before, the only good thing that can come of this new technology would be the medical advantage, maybe for transplants or whatever. I don't know, just don't know how all that would work. My father needed a heart transplant, never got it, so that's why I say that.

I totally agree with the last part of what Ann said,about Mother nature, and it probably will come back to haunt us ...terrible thought, but true.
ok getting back to the pettalk , I still wouldn't want a clone, I think it would take away from the memory of the real pet.:eek:

04-26-2002, 07:22 AM
No way! I think that it is truly an awful idea to clone a pet. Firstly because there are so many needy animals out there that need homes. Mostly though because when you clone an animal all you get is an animal that looks like your old one. The personality wouldn't be the same, because personality is formed in part by experiences and environment. I love my two boys because of their unique personalities, and not the way that they look.

04-26-2002, 09:02 AM
IT SHOULD BE FORBIDDEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no for medical reasons , no for any thing !!

maxx's mom
04-26-2002, 08:41 PM
Hot topic! I saw that program too, about the guy who owns Phoenix College (or whatever it's called) and he's spending millions trying to get his dog cloned. I think it opens too many doors that humankind is not ready or will ever be ready to deal with. Scientists tend to say that it's for medical research, but there are so many scary directions this could take. It's playing God. Creation should be left up to the man upstairs. He knows what he's doing.

04-28-2002, 12:10 AM
I think that cloning pets should be outlawed!:mad: The only reason to clone something should be for medical research. I love my cats and will miss them when they're gone but I also know that they are irreplaceable. There are so many animals out there that need good homes that cloning would hurt their chances of finding homes.

04-28-2002, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by maxx's mom
Hot topic! I saw that program too, about the guy who owns Phoenix College (or whatever it's called) and he's spending millions trying to get his dog cloned. I think it opens too many doors that humankind is not ready or will ever be ready to deal with. Scientists tend to say that it's for medical research, but there are so many scary directions this could take. It's playing God. Creation should be left up to the man upstairs. He knows what he's doing.

I couldn't agree more!! This is absolutely right. I can't tell you all how many times I have seen ads...yup...ADS for cloning your pet!!! I tell you I am a bit aghast at this. I really don't think it's right for humankind to play God. Medical research, maybe...cloning tissues?? OK...cloning body parts?? OK...but with advertisements about cloning pets...that goes beyond medical research and into a realm that we shouldn't be playing in just because we can, and that's what I see when I look at those ads. Hey look at what we can do!! Sometimes people know just enough to get them into trouble....and that's a bit scarey.
Cloning for the sake of saving a specie that is highly endangered...I can accept that. After all, why is it that species become endangered or extinct in the first place?? Because of humankind. I can understand using this knowledge to help put back what we have destroyed...
I love my babies. I know I'll be devastated when they travel on to the Rainbow Bridge, but like you all have already mentioned...cloning wouldn't be the answer to the sorrow that comes when you lose a loved one. Cloning won't bring them back. A clone may look the same, but isn't it the personality that we love most about our pets? That won't be the same. I agree too, that there are just too many homeless pets needing loving forever homes...and that's the way I will always choose to go when I want to adopt another furkid. There will be another unique personality that I will fall in love with and can give a home to and open my heart to. Sure, no one can be the same or even replace our kids, but it's the uniqueness, and the personalities that shape who we are and those we love...and this includes our unique pets!! I love them for being them...and nothing could replace that.
**hugs** to you all and our furkids! Hug them tight and love them with all your might:D

04-28-2002, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by wolflady
... but it's the uniqueness, and the personalities that shape who we are and those we love...and this includes our unique pets!! I love them for being them...and nothing could replace that.
**hugs** to you all and our furkids! Hug them tight and love them with all your might...

Amen! Well said!

04-28-2002, 02:32 AM
IT SHOULD BE FORBIDDEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no for medical reasons , no for any thing !!

well I don't want to offensive, but that's easy to say when you haven't had a loved one who died because they didn't get the heart transplant they needed. My father was so wonderful and only 59.

Scientists tend to say that it's for medical research, but there are so many scary directions this could take. It's playing God. Creation should be left up to the man upstairs. He knows what he's doing.

yes thats true, these mad scientists, the possibilities of what they can( and probably already have:eek: ) do is very scary.
but the idea of saving lives is good, well with everything, there is good and bad sides of it. I just am not sure which is more, if there is more good to come of it, to make it worth it, or more bad, then it might be so bad, they shouldn't do it.
:confused: :confused:

Cloning for the sake of saving a specie that is highly endangered...I can accept that. After all, why is it that species become endangered or extinct in the first place?? Because of humankind. I can understand using this knowledge to help put back what we have destroyed...

I agree with this, except that cloning is new and who knows what the results of it will be, I think I have already heard that sheep that were cloned are aging faster...so the pets would too, then the pain of loss would happen more often.:(

04-28-2002, 07:36 AM
Cloning is like any other powerful tool that humankind has at it's disposal.....used wisely and with discretion, cloning can be a wonderfully restorative medical procedure for those persons or animals who have no other means of obtaining health or life. But, used unwisely, cloning can become, like the atomic bomb, our worst nightmare come true.
Let's remember that the reason why humankind created the atom bomb, chemical weapons and other "nasties" was for good reasons in the beginning.....atom scientists truly believed (and with very good reason!) that their creation would provide an everlasting source of energy, and it does......chemists created chemical weapons (Sarin gas, etc.) in order to eradicate harmful insects that were untouched by conventional insecticides, and this was done in order to increase crop production to feed the hungry of the world........and cloning was created for the purpose of restoring life and health to persons and animals whose bodies were missing pieces and parts essential to their well-being.
Rather than cursing the scientists, let's pray for their souls and for direction from God in how to use these powerful tools. After all, He is omniscient and knew these sorts of things would come to pass. Don't forget how influential the anti-nuclear lobby has become....if we as ordinary citizens speak up when promising technology begins to go awry, we can prevent that same technology from ruining our planet. Maybe we can't influence national policy, but we sure can make a difference right in our own neighborhoods. Pray for the mayor and city council of the town in which you live. Turn up at town meetings and voice your opinion. Support trap/neuter/release programs in your area, and if they don't exist, get together with likeminded persons and make them come into being.
If we curse the darkness in stead of lighting a candle, we are no better than the darkness we've cursed.

04-28-2002, 10:58 PM
the above post is very good!!!

05-01-2002, 12:03 PM