View Full Version : Mommy toes - innocent victims or mjr collaborators?

04-25-2002, 08:45 PM
WARNING -- VIOLENT CONTENTS: Do not read if your sensibilities are easily fraught!

Early this morning yet another battle in the on-going war between valiant furry defenders of truth, justice, and the furry way versus milk jug rings (mjrs) was fought under what appeared to be an innocent dining room table. At the table, slurping caffeinated beverages and trying blearily to comprehend the news: one mommy. Under the table: two vile mjrs and, it must be said, 10 lurking mommy toes. These mommy toes claim they were innocent by-standers. They say that they didn't EVEN know the mjrs were there. The mommy has told this reporter a similar story. :rolleyes: Two sleek, furry paratroopers restored order by attacking the kitchen-migrated mjrs. Some collateral damage occurred to the mommy toes. At one point screaming was heard. It has been attributed to the bleary eyed mommy. This may be true. Much controversy has arisen since. The furry paratroopers are not talking. Are they under orders from the Pentagon or an even higher source, and if so, who?

What enquiring minds want to know: Did the mommy toes know the mjrs were there? Was there a conspiracy to inveigle the mjrs from the kitchen and into the house participated in by said mommy toes? Or are they the innocent victims they claim to be? This may be the tragic tale of toes that fell into the path of evil … or, more sinisterly, tootsie-toes that have trod the primrose path of conspiracy and evil ON THEIR OWN!!!

You have read this report. What is your vote?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-25-2002, 09:54 PM
I vote for innocent mommy toes. After all, they're just toes, how were they supposed to know the mjrs were there. Just poor innocent collateral damage.

:D :D Amberlee you are too funny. :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-25-2002, 10:15 PM
Tinky here......
I voteed slap em en presen.....ibe neber trrrrusted em ol mommy toes eiber.....thats why me an my brudder Jupiter pounce on em ebery night..... dos vile creeetures lurk uunder de cobers and we gotta proteck de world frrrrom em!!!!
WAY TO GO CASSY AND LIVVY for prrrotectin yor momma from dos terrrrible mjrs and mommy toes!! :p

04-25-2002, 10:22 PM
:D :D :D ***There was a brief period this morning when laughter was the furthest thing from my mind!*** Enjoying your reactions very much!!! ;)

04-25-2002, 10:47 PM
They were hypnotised into helping and don't remember. My toes too were attacked one morning....WHILE I WAS SLEEPING!!!!!

George da Orange
04-26-2002, 12:48 AM
I likes peeple toesies myownself. Dey are nice to nibble on. Not az cute as kitty toes, but pretty amusin non-da-less. I wud have to see a pictoor uv da alleged toes, beefore I cud give an opinion.

04-26-2002, 11:41 AM
I'm sure the mommy toes are innocent victims. Mine have ALWAYS BEEN INNOCENT but were still attacked on several occasions. :D

Edwina's Secretary
04-26-2002, 11:56 AM
Personally I think it has something to do with toes, cats and the full moon.

See Cat Behavior -- Battle of the Bed for the story of Edwina's attack last night on her poppa toes!