View Full Version : Depressing... be warned

03-30-2006, 06:42 PM
I have a request. This is going to be Tinkerbell's last week on earth. I want it to be wonderful for him. He's had a long, happy life, and now it's time for him to take a trip to Rainbow Bridge.

I'm planning on getting lots of soft food for him, but what other ways can you think of to spoil a wonderful cat in his final days? It breaks my heart to do this, but it's for the best. I need special (preferably free, we are very poor) ways that I can spoil my favorite kitty.

03-30-2006, 06:49 PM
Lots of love and cuddles and 'sweet nothings' into those kitty ears.

Do you have a pic of Tinkerbell?

What ails our dear cat? Just getting old?


03-30-2006, 06:53 PM

He's the grey.

Yes, he's just getting old. He's seventeen years old, and is really starting to fail. He's been having violent seizures for months now (a holdover from a kittenhood poisoning that damaged his nervous system) and now he's starting to have trouble standing. He's nothing but a sack of bones and skin. Not only that, but he's having trouble going to the bathroom (he won't use the litterbox anymore, and will occasionally lose control in other places.)

I can tell he's in pain, and he's had a great run on life. I just don't want him to hurt anymore.

He's been an amazing cat. He deserves the best.

03-30-2006, 07:01 PM
Poor guy...he looks so pretty there, all curled up!

All I can think of are bits of catnip, even foods he loves but hasn't been "allowed" to have, if it won't make much difference!

Hugs to you and Tinkerbell

03-30-2006, 07:04 PM
aww - he looks like two of my kitties - little grey and white tuxie cats.

Your love is the best gift you can give sweet Tinkerbell. Keep him warm and safe. Let him know how much you love him. Give him lovin's and petttin's on his favorite spots - whether its his chin or his back or his belly - you know the spots that make him happy.

You are doing a brave thing - its always hard to let our friends leave us.

03-30-2006, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the kind thoughts. He got some fried fish tonight, leftovers from dinner. :) I love my kitty so much. He's been with me since I was 9! He's been an amazing, sweet cat.

03-30-2006, 07:10 PM
If you think that he would like it I will send an Animal Welfare Mouse.
I will put one in a Bag,and post it Tomorrow,if you Pm me your address.
I know what you are growing through as I had the same sad weeks with my First Cats Pouncer and Mr Scrappy.

03-30-2006, 07:11 PM
This is very sad indeed. I know how hard it is to send a kitty to the Bridge. I just have to ask though.....if he is in pain, can hardly stand and can't use the LB, why are you waiting a week?? I know it's hard but if he's suffering, he needs to go to the Bridge now. Forgive me, I don't mean to be hurtful...I just need some clarification.

Yes, give him lots of loving and make sure you hold him when the time comes. It will comfort both of you.

03-30-2006, 07:13 PM
I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. That's the way I feel about my dog. Just enjoy spoiling Tinkerbell like crazy and love on him as much as possible. It will be very hard. I had to have a senior kitty put to sleep. I hope you and Tinkerbell will find peace.

03-30-2006, 07:32 PM
Thanks Slick for bringing that up as I was going to ask the same thing. I can only assume that he has to do with the finances.

My heart goes out to you as this is the sadest part of owning a beloved animal, helping them to go peacefully to the RB. :(

As others have already said, keep him warm and comfortable, hold him gently, let him know how much you love him and give him all the love you can.
Whisper in his ear what a wonderful companion he has been for the past 17 years and remember the wonderful times you had with each other.

((((((HUGS)))))) for you Dragonchilde.

03-30-2006, 08:01 PM
Actually, it has more to do with the fact that's the soonest I can get there. My husband works most of the time, and we only have one car, and a four month old baby. I can't go by myself, because I can't wrangle baby, kitty, and my emotions all at one time. I have the money, just not the time.

The vet we're going to is the same vet that saved his life when he was poisoned sixteen years ago.

Next Tuesday or Wednesday is his day off.

Catmandu, that's very sweet of you. I'll PM you. I'm sure he would love it.

03-30-2006, 08:09 PM
I completely understand your predicament and that must be very hard to juggle life with a 4 month old. I wonder though, could the vet come to your home? Mine did when I let Speckles go. It was a very comforting experience to be able to sit on the couch and hold her as she went. It costs more but for me, it was worth it. It's something to think about anyway.

{{{hugs}}} to you and scritches to the furkids. I'll speak to my Speckles and have her make sure the red carpet is laid out for his arrival.

03-30-2006, 08:37 PM
I apologize to you Dragonchilde. I just assumed with your comment about being very poor that it had to do with finances.

Is there a friend, relative or neighbour that can help you out before Tuesday or Wednesday? It just breaks my heart, as I'm sure it does yours also, knowing your Tinkerbell is in pain.

03-31-2006, 04:31 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about Tinkerbell. There is nothing sadder than to have to say goodbye to our beloved friends. Just hold him and tell him you love him dearly; that soon he will be free of pain and happy at the RB.

Seventeen seemed to be the key year for our RB babies; we lost 4 within 3 years, and they were all seventeen.

Yes, we fed all of ours their favorite (sometimes forbidden) foods, laid them on the cushiest quilts and never stopped loving them.

Hugs to you, it has to be so hard.


03-31-2006, 04:54 AM
I am very sorry about Tinker bell. The very best (nicest) thing you can do is be with him. Lay with him, stroke him, talk to him - tell him all of your wonderful memories. It will be comforting for you both.

Rie Rie
03-31-2006, 08:42 AM
The day before I had to have my baby girl Sasha put to sleep, I gave her ice cream, milk, tuna, whatever she would eat. I know how hard this is as I'm sure a lot of us, been there done that. You just have to remind yourself that Tinkerbell had a great life with you and she's going on to better things now.
Hugs to youand Tinkerbell.

03-31-2006, 08:48 AM
I Am Posting The Found Cats Gift Within The Hour,and We Pray That Tinkerbelle Will Recieve The Toy Asap.
We Do Hope That Tinkerbelle Enjoys Our Love Offering.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-31-2006, 09:38 AM
Cherish those last hours with your precious kitty

03-31-2006, 10:15 AM
When I knew that Myrtille's time was coming to an end, I spent as much time with her as possible, holding her in my arms, letting her sleep on me, helping her through whatever parts of her daily routine she could still manage - and as the days went by, the things she could manage became fewer and fewer, but she never ceased to amaze us, right to the very end. She showed such a will to live and such a hatred and fear of going to the vet that we made the decision to give her hospice care at home. Looking back, I am still not sure we did the "right" thing - but we tried to think of what decision she would have made for herself, and we think that we made that decision. So that's what we did - just spent as much time cradling her and pouring love into her as we could, which was what she wanted. I think because every cat is different, it might not be the same for your Tinkerbelle. So you will have to use your judgement.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-31-2006, 10:15 AM
Awwww, I am so sorry.... ! :(
Give him anything he loves to eat, without overdoing of course: don't want to vomiting hey... ;) . I am not sure about the catnip; if he gets to exited from catnip, be careful...