View Full Version : Should I worry?

03-30-2006, 08:32 AM
The past few days Merilyn is not eating his meals I keep on telling hubby that if we continue to give him what he want's he will always think that he will get it every time he is fed .. I think it's the change of the weather that is getting to him more then the food he does not get treats as much as his friends do and when I drop him off at play group I have to tell them very little treats ..

I have also notices that the Shephard is more prominent then the chow .. his left ear is standing tall not all the time mind you ..


03-30-2006, 10:49 AM
I wouldn't worry until he's gone a couple days without food, as long as he is still drinking. Hydration is more important.

Are you giving him something else when he refuses his usual food? That can lead to problems. Why eat dog food when the humans will give you something else!?

I have one who refuses to eat occasionally. Muskwa has been that way since he was a puppy. I give him his bowl. If he doesn't eat it in about 20 minutes, I let one of the other dogs have it! The next meal time, he usually eats.

03-30-2006, 11:04 AM
I think that he is getting to many treats at play group so today he is home he did nibble on hus food he even whines if we are eating and hubby is bad and lets meril win sometimes..


03-30-2006, 04:04 PM
Explain to your hubby that feeding him treats and people food will only make things worse. Until he learns that he needs to eat his food before he gets anything else, I would stick to that. Good luck.