View Full Version : Cats and Dogs

Lennie B.
04-25-2002, 02:29 PM
We share our home/lives with two dogs and a cat. We'd already had Robbie (a soft-coated wheaten terrier/poodle cross) and Gemma (a sheltie/poodle cross) for several years before Vinny (a black, brown and white mackerel tabby) joined us at the tender age of eight weeks. We introduced Vinny to the two dogs gradually, and after a while the dogs settled down and allowed Vinny his own space. Gemma still occasionally chases him up or down the stairs, but he evades her easily and doesn't seem to be traumatized by the experience. He's very self-confident around forty-two pound Robbie too- sometimes he takes a shortcut by running underneath him! Often, when I'm lying on the bed reading, the three of them are all up there with me and we have a snooze together! I'd like to hear from others who are lucky enough to have both dogs and cats in their households.

04-25-2002, 07:32 PM
Good subject! :)

We have 2 cats and 1 dog. The cats names are Kedi and Wylie.
Last July, we adopted a 3 yr. old BorderCollie/Lab mix, named her Scout. When we got her home, it was apparent that she had NEVER been around cats before. :eek: (except to chase/hunt)
I have had cats & dogs together before, but this was different. Scout was very intense about her interest, and would even growel sometimes.
Well, long story short, it took at least 2 months before it worked out. Scout spent probably a month on a leash in the house at all times. There was a time when I did not think it would work out. :(
It did finally, and today, she is 'buds' with Wylie. They hang out together, and love to get into mischief together..........we call them Mutt & Jeff :D They play this 'chase' game togther too. It's kinda funny because Scout will kind of prance after Wylie, rather than an all-out run.
The other cat, Kedi, gets along with Scout also, however he's not real close to her.
On many occasions they are all on the bed sleeping at the same time: Kedi on a pillow, Scout and Wylie laying next to each other close by. :rolleyes:
It's very cute!

Lennie B.
04-25-2002, 08:30 PM
I think it's fascinating that one of your cats is so much closer to Scout than the other one is, but that they can still all sleep on the same bed. I think you're to be congratulated for not giving up on the situation. It seems that animals are better than we are for accepting and learning to live with differences! :)

04-26-2002, 01:44 AM
I think that Wylie is better than Kedi because he was only 8 months old when he met Scout (maybe, I guess that's why) :confused:

kedi was 7 yrs. old, and quite settled in his ways- he is pretty good, but he gets very irritated sometimes, and you shoul see the look on his face! :D