View Full Version : Is this Pickles James?!

03-28-2006, 07:28 PM
I'm always spying on Fort Wayne's animal shelter to see who's there. There is a lost cat named Pickles there right now... do you think it's our former guy?

Please, only judge the pictures, and not why we got rid of him.
fwacc link (http://www.petharbor.com/detail.asp?ID=A044594&LOCATION=FTWY&searchtype=ADOPT&friends=0&samaritans=0&nosuccess=0&rows=10&imght=120&imgres=thumb&view=sysadm.v_ftwy&bgcolor=333366&text=FFFFFF&link=FFFFFF&alink=FFFFFF&vlink=FFFFFF&fontface=arial&fontsize=10&col_hdr_bg=FFCC00&col_bg=FFFFFF&col_fg=333366&SBG=333366&zip=46808&miles=10&shelterlist='FTWY'&where=type_CAT)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-28-2006, 07:32 PM
There is no doubt in my mind that is Pickles!

03-28-2006, 07:37 PM
It tears me up soooo much to think he's in the shelter AGAIN! I feel so bad for the poor guy!

03-28-2006, 07:38 PM
Sure looks like the same cat to me...but I'm confuzzled by the story? :confused: Is he one you found, and surrendered? The markings are identical all over his face...right down to the hint of orange smudging around his jaw. :eek:

03-28-2006, 07:41 PM
Pickles was adopted as a juvenile, and started spraying the next spring. We tried Feliway, enzymes, and finally kitty-prozac, but nothing stopped him. In retrospect, I think it was our little critters upsetting him. We tried for four months to get him to stop. He even sprayed gifts from Gary (catmandu) as soon as I opened them.

*edit* Just wanted to add that once Pickles settled in at the animal shelter, he stopped spraying. This is what leads me to believe our mice/birds were causing his upset.

03-28-2006, 07:45 PM
It certainly looks like the same Cat ,and we are Praying that he can find a Furr Ever Home where he can be the Only Cat,and where he wont spray.
That must have been very hard to give up on that Little Face.

03-28-2006, 07:49 PM
Oh Gary, it still makes me so sad. I'm crying right now thinking about how he doesn't have a warm bed to sleep in with humans to give him scritches! I wish we could have figured out what was making him upset!

What finally made us take him in was a vet saying that once an animal starts spraying in a location they may never stop. He was such an unhappy kitty after this started.

03-28-2006, 08:31 PM
It is definitely Pickles! Those nose smudges...

Maybe there is a PTer who could foster him?

Do you still have the critters? I guess...this was pretty recent...

I wonder why they post him as a 'lost' boy?

Aww...I feel so bad for BOTH of you...maybe send this pic to friends of yours who could use an orangy boy!


03-28-2006, 08:56 PM
Yes the coloring and the markings are similar, but the picture you posted, Pickles eyes are clearly a copper/orange color and the shelter one clearly has green/yellow eyes. So from that, my guess is that they are not one of the same. Just my opinion.

03-29-2006, 08:01 PM
It does look like Pickles with the exception of the eye color- could different lightening/flash make the eye color look different?

03-29-2006, 10:36 PM
sirrahved - You could do what I have done with Roman(see my thread on Poor Roman): I took the link, as you did, and emailed it to friends who might know someone who could take him.

Cat people know other cat people - heck, pet people in general!

You might tell them that he would do best being an only cat.

Give it a shot, if you want - sure can't hurt!
