View Full Version : Logic Gel and Plaque Off

03-28-2006, 01:33 PM
I"ve been cruising the web for more information on how to care for FIV+ cats and have seen mention of both Logic Gel and Plaque Off. Although Plaque Off is available in the U.S., it looks like Logic Gel is only available in the U.K. Does anyone know any more about these products? Has anyone used them?

03-28-2006, 01:35 PM
What are they for? Teeth?

03-28-2006, 01:59 PM
Of course I expected everyone to be able to read my mind over the internet and know exactly what I was talking about. :rolleyes: Sorry, I'm posting at work and feeling guilty.

Yes, the two products are supposed to work on all the gum problems that FIV+ cats often have. The Plaque Off is a liquid you put in their water and it helps retard the growth of plaque and tartar. This in turn helps to reduce irritation of the gums. Logic Gel you put in their mouth or in a little food and it pretty much does the same type of thing, inhibits bacteria that cause plaque, but it also encourages salivation which improves the general health of the mouth.

03-28-2006, 06:23 PM
Those Sound Like They Would Be Good For My Cats Who Have Very Few Teeth,like Most Of My Older Siamese!!!!
Is It Expensive And Where Can I Get More Information On These Products?

03-28-2006, 06:39 PM
I would think a good aloe gel from a health food store would do the same - I use it to brush my teeth(not with toothpaste, as one cancels the other out) and boy are my teeth smooth and pearly!

I use the Herbalife one, but I am sure there are others around. Aloe heals the gums and removes plaque.

Don't know about those kitty gel products...will be interesting to hear.

03-28-2006, 09:23 PM
Faline was a feral and is still very nervous, so she certainly wouldn't let me put something on her gums, it's hard enough getting most of her liquid antibiotic down her! Anyway, I bought the Plaque Off and will start it tonight since I just have to add it to their water bowls. I don't know how I'm going to know if it works. Dallas and Thumper were checked out by my vet tonight and he said their gums were in pretty good shape at present. Plaque Off contains anthium dioxide as the tartar/plaque control ingredient. According to a quick google search, this is an oxygenating agent that dissolves food films. It's available for human use and is used in water treatment facilities. I bought the economy size, 16oz for about $12.