View Full Version : Just how good is a cat's hearing???

Edwina's Secretary
04-25-2002, 10:41 AM
Last night I did not get home until Edwina and my husband had already eaten. Edwina was on window sentry duty upstairs. She did not come down to greet me.

A few minutes later my husband went out for his walk.

I ate some left over chicken and decided since it was garbage pickup night I would take my bones out to the garbage cans at the street curb. Since I was just dashing out and back in and Edwina was so busy upstairs -- no reason to shut the door.

There was Edwina -- sticking her nose out the open back door!

How did she know that time the door was still open???? How did she distinguish between that time and the two other times the door had been opened (and closed)? And how did she deduce the open door and get to it -- so fast??


04-25-2002, 11:37 AM
I think cats can mysteriously transport themselves from one location to another, especially when a can or an open door are involved. They can do it so quickly, no one has been able to prove my theory, YET! I'm glad the naughty sweetie did not get out! :D

04-25-2002, 02:39 PM
I don't know how are kitty's know and hear when there in a completely different room but I know Misty can. I think they have super powers or something hahahha!!

04-25-2002, 06:50 PM
Cats I swear have special "Kitty Hearing Powers"! Mocha does the same thing as Edwina if a door is left open.... Not only that, but she can hear when you are eating cheese or even if you've taken it out of the fridge! Bonzo can hear a yogurt cup open no matter where he's at or how asleep he is!

Think they have Bionc Ears? Maybe they have the house bugged.;)

04-25-2002, 07:44 PM
I think kitties have a condition similar to many children -- "selective hearing."

04-25-2002, 07:45 PM
Dittos! When all of my furkids were outside cats, all I had to do was open a can (whether cat food or something else) and they all came running in, and some of them were up to 75 ft away!, to make sure that I was going to feed them their evening meal - canned , mixed with dry food. It doesn't make any difference how purposely quiet I am in opening any can of something, they all hear it. Amazing!:D


04-25-2002, 08:38 PM
I agree cats have very special hearing! My cat Midnight always knows when I fill his water bowl with fresh water. I can run water for other things and he doesn't come but let me fill their water bowl with fresh water and before the bowl is in its place he's there. he can be way over the other end of the house (I have a long house) but he manages to get there. Even when hes supposely asleep. One of my other cats ( I have six) is that away about the doors or windows. If you close a window you've had open, it doesn't matter if she isn't in it, she still runs over from what ever hiding place she's been . She can be way back in a closet sleeping but here she comes soon as a window is closed or a door is open Mom of six babies Midnight, Dixie, Shoe-shoe,Snuggles, Shadow and abe

Former User
04-26-2002, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by Harley
I think kitties have a condition similar to many children -- "selective hearing."

Amen to that! Our cats don't hear me yelling NO, but they sure hear when a cat food tin is opened... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-26-2002, 03:37 AM
I think kitties have a condition similar to many children -- "selective hearing."

I agree. Sometimes I can tell they are hearing me but have decided to ignore me because of some slight twitching of their ears. :rolleyes: :D

04-26-2002, 05:44 AM
Trevor can hear the lid of a yogurt coming off from two rooms away and while in a dead sleep! I am serious. I used to think it was a keen sense of smell but after reading everyone's posts I do think it's probably just really good hearing. When it comes to feeding his tummy believe me that boy can hear! :D

04-27-2002, 01:09 AM
Yes, I agree cats have very good hearing. I live in a condo complex and they know what my car sounds like. They can even recognize my footsteps. When I open up their favorite people food, rice pudding, they come running. They also hear my roommate coming home before I do. I also agree that they have selective hearing too. When I scold them they pretend not to hear me.