View Full Version : Care for ducks

03-27-2006, 06:23 PM
I would really like a duck but know nothing about their care what so ever so I was hoping one of you could tell me the feeding and where and what a good home would be?

03-27-2006, 06:38 PM
Just like to point out that petfinder has ducks.

03-27-2006, 06:58 PM
well if you live in an apartment it will be hard. but if you live in an open area then they will run around and have fun. so tell me this and ill tell you more

03-27-2006, 07:33 PM
Well I own about 20 ducks. It all matters with your circumstances. Do you live in the country? It's best to build a chicken coop and keep them in that and open the door every once in awhile to let it run around. It's best to have a couple ducks to keep each other company. You can feed the ducks cracked corn. You should look it up on a website to find more information.

03-28-2006, 09:35 PM
Thanks everyone :D

Toby's my baby
03-29-2006, 07:05 PM
We live out in the country, and we have 3 ducks at the moment. In the summer, our ducks are in our pond. The pond is HUGE, and gets about 10 - 20 feet deep in the middle. They aren't fenced in, and can go wherever they please. The walk around the yard, and the dogs sometimes think they can eat them, but i promise you, the ducks will surely set them in place. We would always yell at the dogs and get after them if they went near the ducks, but after my old duck snapped at each of the dogs just once, they leave them alone. My old duck, Gizmo, would just come in the yard and follow everyone around, and sit by the dogs and cats. But our new ducks, are a little more worried about the dogs, but the dogs dont do anything to them. We feed our ducks food from the Co-op. In the winter they are in a shed to themselves, with a fence that goes outside so they aren't cooped up inside all the time. Hope some of this helps!! :D