View Full Version : Anyone in or near Wisconsin??? Cat homes needed!

03-26-2006, 03:29 PM
See I Love my Abby Girl's post about her cats having to leave for good!


03-26-2006, 03:57 PM
I have posted in the other thread but I am getting into rescue and was wondering if I could help with the kitties. I have a room already set up for the kitties. I need them to have vet check ups to make sure that they do not have parasites and a feline Luk. test done so that I don't put my other 3 cats in any sort of harm. The only thing that I get conserned about mainly is the costs. But I can figure that out later. Let me know if I can help!!

03-26-2006, 04:01 PM
PM Abby Girl - fastest way to reach her...though I am sure she is checking the threads!

I looked at her profile and website, but no location info there.

She'll respond, I am sure.

Since this might be a rush for her - would you be able to get the testing done if there are no records?

But one thing at a time....

Thanks, Heidi!


03-26-2006, 05:52 PM
This Sounds Great,and We Are Praying That Those Two Little Cats Are Able To Find Thier Furr Ever Homes.

03-26-2006, 06:05 PM
I could but living in town I have to make sure that they have all of the vaccinations so that I don't have the city barking down my back. I will talk to the girls at the humane society around here and see if they would be able to do the vaccine for a cheaper price I think that they have a vet that goes there often. And since it is a rescue situation. I have responded to her thread and PM-ed her with no response yet I will see what she has to say. Maybe we all will be lucky and her friend will take them?????? That would be best for her and the kitties. But I am alway here if needed.