View Full Version : Zaynah's home didn't work

03-26-2006, 02:05 PM
My mom took Zaynah to her new home yesterday, and well to be nice, the lady wasn't very fit to own a cat.
My mom has a friend that helps her find homes for our rescues and that's how my mom met her.

So, my mom and her friend drove to this woman's house and they were walking around with the woman looking at the new house and her barn. Then my mom's friend says are you ready to see your new cat? The woman says No I hate cats. My mom asks her why she wants a cat. The woman says she only wants something to catch mice, she won't touch the cat at all and she'll throw food out there sometimes. Ugh, my mom basically told her she wasn't getting our cat and that she became attached to Zaynah in the weeks that we had her. So yea, I think we're keeping Zaynah now because we can't find a home for her. But, it's a good thing she didn't stay with that woman! I hope she never gets a cat.

03-26-2006, 02:18 PM
I'm so glad you've decided to keep Zaynah. And I'm REALLY glad your mom and her friend did a "walk through" of the living quarters. That whacko lady doesn't deserve Zaynah!!

03-26-2006, 03:29 PM
Three huge PT cheers for your Mom and her friend!!! :D :D :D
Zaynah deserves much better than that, so glad to hear that she,s staying with folks who love her and care for her. This woman is living proof that some people should never be allowed to have a pet!!!!!

03-26-2006, 03:41 PM
Your mom/her friend should have told that dingbat to go out and buy some mousetraps. She doesn't deserve to have an animal.

03-26-2006, 06:51 PM
Sadly There Are A Lot Of People Who Think Taht Of Dogs Cats And Other Animals , That They Are There To Serve Us.
I Hope Too,that She Never Gets A Cat,but Sadly There Are So Many Other Creeps That Offer Free Kittens,that She Will Get One.

Laura's Babies
03-26-2006, 07:17 PM
Sounds like the perfect situation for some feral cats.... anybody in you area trap ferals?

03-27-2006, 06:27 AM
Sounds like the perfect situation for some feral cats.... anybody in you area trap ferals?
This is exactly what I was thinking. Feral cats don't WANT a lot of human attention, but they will do what this lady wants. Of course, she would still need to care enough to feed them because they can't LIVE on what they catch.

I am very glad that Zaynah did not stay with this lady though, she deserves MUCH better.

03-27-2006, 12:31 PM
Of course, she would still need to care enough to feed them because they can't LIVE on what they catch

That's what the yutz dentist next door did. He went out and got 2 cats to "mouse patrol" the area, since we live in a neighborhood that has TONS of restaurants on the next block. He was out in his yard one day and I got to talking to him. He said that Midnight (Mamacita) and Fluffy have been outdoors for over 12 years and were both doing a great job until all the neighbors starting feeding them. God forbid!! :eek: :mad: Now they show absolutely no interest in mousing. What a jerk! :mad:


Your mom/her friend should have told that dingbat to go out and buy some mousetraps

That's exactly what I was thinking!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-28-2006, 12:12 PM
She doesn't need a cat, but a load of mousetraps!! And I hope she gets her toe stuck in it too :mad:

Felicia's Mom
03-28-2006, 09:29 PM
I'm glad your mom found out about this woman before giving Zaynah to her.

03-28-2006, 09:58 PM
moosmom - "yutz"? I LOVE it! (Cause "p" makes it a bad word lol)

Do you think your dentist next door would figure out who it was if a big box of mouse traps was gift wrapped and left on his doorstep? Or sent by the post office?

