View Full Version : Paw dunker in the water bowl

03-26-2006, 01:32 PM
I found out on his first day here, that Dallas likes to drink water by dunking his entire paw in the water bowl and then licking the drops off the top of his paw. Now, it's fine if he wants to put litter dust etc. in his own water bowl and then drink it, but the others are having to put up with this also. I added a second bowl to give them a better chance of clean water, but the moment I put it down, he dunked his paw in it. I've never seen a cat do this before. I've seen them tap at the water, I've seen them drop felt mice in the water bowl, but never plunge their whole paw inside. I thought he had problems with the first water bowl being dark ceramic so made the second one glass, it didn't make any difference.

Do you think a water fountain will give the other cats a better chance at getting clean water? I remember a discussion about them but can't remember which were most highly recommended. Don't some of them have a small bowl at the top and a larger one at the bottom? So, he could dunk in the lower one and they could get clean water from the top? Or would the sediment he puts in the water bowl recycle itself to the top bowl? I don't keep small appliances plugged in when I'm away from the house, would that create a problem?

Any other suggestions on getting clean water to the cats?

Edwina's Secretary
03-26-2006, 03:11 PM
Do the other cats mind? Cats tend to like water that id different from what you and I might like. Puddles, etc. seem very attractive to my cats so I'm not sure a little fuzz would bother them.

03-26-2006, 03:25 PM
Saphirah does this, too. The other two don't seem to mind. Of course, when she is done, she flicks her paw to get the rest of the water off and slings it everywhere.

03-26-2006, 03:26 PM
I hadn't thought of it that way, but you are right. For years, whenever I've seen that anthing is on the water one of the bowls, I whip it away and refresh. I guess I'm putting my preferences onto them and they don't need me to be that fussy. Good, I can save money by not buying a water fountain - though I know cats like them.

03-26-2006, 06:48 PM
I Have Never Seen Paw Punking Here,but Im Sure Taht It Does Happen.
I Think That If You Change The Water Often Enough Then There Will Be No Trouble.

03-26-2006, 07:14 PM
Not only does foster DaVinci dunk his paw in the water but he paddles in it and makes a bloody mess. :rolleyes: I have to put something UNDER his bowls now just to keep the floor dry.

03-26-2006, 07:37 PM
We have the occasional water dipper here. but they prefer to drink from my iced tea glass... many glasses of tea have been dumped down the drain after they dumped their paws into my tea! :D

A fountain is a great idea, but you don't need to run out immediately and get one. When they're on sale or you have a few spare dollars... but don't feel guilty if you forgo it for the moment.

03-27-2006, 05:07 AM
LOL--Jojo's a "hand-drinker" too; the others don't mind too much, except in the morning when it's pretty litter-y. :)

03-28-2006, 12:53 PM
Yoshi is our paw-dipper. The very first time I saw it, I laughed and thought he was fishing something out of the bowl or something. But he does this on a regular basis.

Since he does this, and it makes a complete mess of the floor, I came up with a great idea - or so I think! :p

Has anyone ever seen those "Thirsty-coasters"? Well, I made one for the cats, and it is placed under their water dish, and let me tell you, IT WORKS!!! :eek: :eek:

No more messy floors! Yoshi can dip his paws in anytime now and there is no problems at all! Great idea, huh?!!! :D

03-28-2006, 01:10 PM
I've never heard of a thirsty coaster, what is it made of? This could help with the puddle under the bowl but I think I'm going to have to live with the water splashes up the walls and furniture as he shakes what he doesn't want to drink off his paw. Dalla has big paws too, unusually wide although I don't think he's polydactyl. He's going to the vet tonight so let's hope I have better news on him than on Faline.

03-28-2006, 06:38 PM
Doogie does this all the time. He does it out of Duke's big water bowl. It's very cute to watch. I don't know why cats do that, though.

Prairie Purrs
03-28-2006, 07:20 PM
My Kiri scoops water with her paw (although she is ever so careful and ladylike about it). :D Angel, on the other hand, loves to float his toys in the water. :rolleyes: And they don't get in there by accident--I've watched him carry a toy up to the bowl and drop it in.

Hagrid's a holy terror with the dry food. He sticks that big polydactyl paw into the bowl and flips kibble all over creation.