View Full Version : My Sweet Little Girl!

Laura's Babies
03-25-2006, 09:02 AM
Amy has bounced back and forth from good to worse, to good to fair, this time home and it is noticeable how she bounces according to the weather. This day was a really nice day, warm and sunny and she was feeling so good, she got UP on the perch by the window to enjoy the view outside. She has been a lot more playful lately than she has been in a long, long time though. It got down in the upper 30's last night and she is having a horriable time this morning. The weather has a big impact on how she does, this constant changing spring time weather has really shown me that this month.... 72* and above and she does great, below 72* and she starts having problems. Under 65* and she can hardly get around. I wonder if ALL CH kitties are like that or it is just her?

Anyway, here are some shots of her on a good day that really shows what a lovely little sweet girl she is... WITH her eyes open!

Showing off that spot on her chin that I just LOVE where I tell her all the angels kiss her (and Mommie too, when she lets me).

OK Mommie, you got your pictures, now go away so I can consentrate on the birds and squirrels!

03-25-2006, 09:13 AM
She is precious :D

03-25-2006, 09:16 AM
What a sweetie!

When it is cooler and hard on her - I wonder if where she sleeps could have a hot water bottle under it? Unless it's in your bed, of course!

Wonder if that gentle heat would help?

What a beautiful kitty, with that spot for angel kisses! So glad she is doing better, after all your tears and worry!


03-25-2006, 09:40 AM
I would try an electric blanket,as I know my Older Ctas have troubble keeping warm.
I get cushions from the Amity ,for a Dollar so they can keep warm.Amy is such A Wonderful Cat,and we all send MMMMMRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOWS to Her.

Killearn Kitties
03-25-2006, 09:41 AM
Aww, Kisses to you sweetie. You look great in these pictures! Here's to a long hot summer where you feel good!

Laura's Babies
03-25-2006, 09:44 AM
Catty, she will NOT sleep in bed with me, but on the floor by my bed. I keep telling her she would feel so much better if she got in bed and under the covers where her little body would stay warm. When she is in my lap on the sofa, I slowly pull a blanket over her but she does not like being covered so I have to go very, very slow in doing it until I have her back half covered. As she warms up, I can feel her body relax and the trembeling go away. I have tried putting things in her kennel/bed to keep her warm and she refuses to have anything to do with it. I keep telling her but so far, she hasn't made the connection to covers equal warmth, warmth equals feeling better.

03-25-2006, 09:59 AM
What I was thinking - though maybe you have done this - is to put something UNDER her. IE - if you want to try a heating pad, they are thin enough to go under her favorite blankie or whatever in her bed, and she may not notice it. Actually, the heat may attract her.

Just a thought


Laura's Babies
03-25-2006, 10:18 AM
Don't work... you wouldn't believe how many heating things I have already tried... soon as they go in, she comes out.. What I think I need is something that will maintain a 65-70* level of warmth. I was also warned to watch the things I put in with her because to much heat could dehydrate her.... something I never thought about.

I have put many layers on top, trying to make it more comfortable heat wise.. I wonder if it is the smell of the heating thing that that she finds so uncomfortable....? I have even thought of making her a self covering bed where there is a cover over her and she can go back into it as far as she wants, the deeper she would go, the more cover she has... but I have to get her use to being covered first. Getting her to make the connection to cover equals warmth, warmth equals feeling better is what I need to work on.

03-25-2006, 10:24 AM
Hmm....maybe a small space heater - some are very quiet(though what is quiet enough for a cat???LOL) - with thermostat control that could warm the immediate area where she sleeps...you could put a timer on it as well.

The only other thing I can think of is thermal underwear or trousers! Leg warmers...hey, cats can always use a new toy!

Wish I had some good ideas for you!


Maya & Inka's mommy
03-25-2006, 11:16 AM
Thanks for posing, Amy!!
ps. what is a "CH"-cat :confused:

Laura's Babies
03-25-2006, 11:42 AM
Cerebellar hypoplasia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Cerebellar hypoplasia is a disorder found in cats and dogs in which the cerebellum is not completely mature at birth. Usually symptoms can be seen immediately at birth in cats, but sometimes can take two months or so to become apparent in dogs. Cerebellar hypoplasia causes jerky movements, tremors and generally uncoordinated motion. The animal often falls down and has trouble walking. Tremors increase when the animal is excited and subside when at ease. There are several bacterial infections, such as herpes, that can result in the disorder in both cats and dogs. However, the disease can also be caused by malnutrition, poisoning, injury or general accidents during development in the fetus. The disease does not get better or worse with age, but the cat or dog can usually learn to somewhat compensate for it. Most afflicted animals can lead a fairly normal life if preperations are made by the owner for the animals disability.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebellar_hypoplasia"

This article says they do not get worse with age but they DO. I had found another one that states that. I am not the only one who has a CH kitty here at PT.

03-25-2006, 04:33 PM
Oh, sweet Amy, I know how I feel when I am cold and damp, so I know you are hurting, too. It can never be too hot for me! Poor little girl, you need some nice fleece legwarmers.

03-25-2006, 10:49 PM
I know you've said you've tried them all, but what about the kind you heat in the microwave?

I would not really trust a cat with an electric blanket, or a space heater, knowing how nawtee they can be.


03-25-2006, 11:03 PM
She's gorgeous! :D

ugh I hate this weird weather we keep getting..I wish it was summer already so it can stay hot :p

Laura's Babies
03-25-2006, 11:16 PM
Yea, it is strange here too. Up in the 80's here last week and now in the 30's at night. :( I am NOT a cold weather person and hate being cold!

03-26-2006, 09:45 AM
What beautiful pictures of one of my most favorite girlies! :D Amy looks entranced by all the birds making their nests for Spring. Warmer days are coming Amy sweetie. ;) :)

03-26-2006, 11:12 AM
More adorable pictures of Amy!

I see what you mean about that spot on her chin. I had the urge to kiss it!