View Full Version : I'm getting a new betta....

03-25-2006, 05:33 AM
I think I'm getting a new betta because I been bugging my dad for one. But not a male this time. A female. I just have a few questions about females. Can they be in the same tank as males? :confused: Do you know where they sell them? What stores, I mean. My dad and I can't find any in stores. Thanks! :D

03-25-2006, 06:53 AM
They come under Delta bettas in some stores. I dont think they can live with males because they still can fight, as you can tell when some people post pictures after spawn and say that one of them has a chunk of fin missing. I saw a bunch of them last night at super pet thought. And umm 2 females can llive together without fighting its just the males.

03-25-2006, 06:59 AM
Thank you! I would have put them in the same tank. But now I know not to. My dad doesn't them spawning anyway so thanks agian!

03-25-2006, 10:24 AM
NO. absolutely NO males and females together unless you're spawning them and they've been properly conditioned. :eek: