View Full Version : Anybody use Proactiv??

Toby's my baby
03-24-2006, 09:46 PM
I was just wondering if anybody here has used Proactiv before...? Did it dry out your skin or anything? Did you like it..?? thanks!

03-24-2006, 09:48 PM
I've used it for almost 3 years and I love it. It really cleared up my skin, now both my mom and sister use it.

03-24-2006, 10:22 PM
I use it and love it. My sister also uses it. If I run out it doesn't take long to notice the difference. I don't even use it properly like I should. I know if I followed the routine like you are suppose to my skin would even look better.

03-24-2006, 10:24 PM
Love it! I think I've used it for about 3 years now. I sure wish I had found it earlier. If I use it as directed, I do not break out at all. But, if I skip a day, about 2 weeks later I get a zit. My skin in very oily. It does not dry out my skin.

03-24-2006, 10:25 PM
I use it. It dried my skin out a little, but then again, I have very sensitive skin. It's definitely helped a lot though. :)

03-24-2006, 10:25 PM
My brother, Mom and I all use it. It works really well for us, not as well as the ads make out to be but it is really good. It lasts a long time too. It hasn't irritated or dried out our skin at all.

03-25-2006, 12:51 AM
I don't have acne or anything, but I've always been skeptical of these skin cleaning products. Do they really clean out your pores? I heard from a friend that these products merely promote the growth of new skin whereas another friend said that the products act as an astringent and pull the pores of your skin closer together (thereby preventing acne...?). Anybody got any insight on this?

03-25-2006, 03:46 AM
I don't have acne or anything, but I've always been skeptical of these skin cleaning products. Do they really clean out your pores? I heard from a friend that these products merely promote the growth of new skin whereas another friend said that the products act as an astringent and pull the pores of your skin closer together (thereby preventing acne...?). Anybody got any insight on this?
The two significant ingredients are...benzoyl peroxide & glycolic acid.
benzoyl peroxide: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzoyl_peroxide
glycolic acid: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycolic_acid
These are not "secret" ingredients, but are common in many acne preparations and beauty products. Basically, the benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria and the glycolic acid speeds skin cell turnover.
Like a lot of things - it will work for some and not others. Proactiv is pretty mild, when compared to most prescription products. So if you have moderate acne it seems logical to try it before seeing a dermatologist - it can't hurt! I tried it a long time ago, but I do not like the bleaching properties of b.p. I manage to bleach towels, bedding, clothes, pillows...I don't know what is wrong with me. :D :o
I use a generic Retin-A product these days and I'm happy with it.
Anyway, hope that helps demystify things a bit! :) And, you don't have acne?? Lucky girl!!

03-25-2006, 05:09 AM
Ive used proactive for 4 years now and I find it works great. It does dry my skin out in some places because I have combination skin, but not in others and it isnt drying enough to stop using it. For the most part it clears up acne and keeps the skin soft and smooth. It is very gentle and it works great! It does bleach things if it comes in contact with them like towels, pillow cases and I even had it bleach the neck line of my pj's! I don't know how I managed to do that but it doesnt seem like a big price to pay for the results. Ive used a topical Retina A cream from the doctor as well, and it works well and even a little better then the proactive, but it dries the skin out so badly. After time, it stops doing that if you use it consistantly, but for about 2 weeks your skin is peeling and flaking to the point that I couldnt wear makeup and that even water burned my skin because it was so raw. If you have moderate acne I would definately recommend proactive, but for something more serious a Retina A cream would be more appropriate. Hope that helps!

Toby's my baby
03-25-2006, 08:35 AM
Thanks everybody!! I'm still not sure if I am going to buy it yet or not. I am allergic to a lot of skin cleaseing products so I'm a little skeptical on buying this. I dont have bad acne at all, I get a pimple here and there, and but I hate my face so bad, I get these tiny bumps and things. I'll attach a picture with no makeup on, and if any of you who have used proativ see it, could you tell me if I should just continue with a cheaper product, or spend the money on Proactiv...

03-25-2006, 12:51 PM
I started using the acnefree last night it;s not proactiv its the kind that is like 50% cheper. I have a bad problem with stuff drying out my face this didn't and I was able to buy it in stores.

03-25-2006, 03:48 PM
Ahh okay, I'm kind of getting :p Thanks, Kater! I've heard a lot of myths about acne, but several people have told me that acne can be contributed to genetics (in which case I completely lucked out). Thanks Mom and Dad!