View Full Version : Just kill me now

03-24-2006, 08:19 AM
Through all the stress of the past few days I only had a bad headache thats been tolerable.... I finally got a full night's sleep last night and woke up with a headache.

That headache is now officially the migraine from heck. I have all the classic symptoms. I told my Step-daughter that its not fair.... I'm not the pregnant one yet I have morning sickness. :p I'm hoping the doctor's office has samples of a good migraine med for ME because I'm not going to make it through the day. I'm shaky, light smell & sound sensitive, and nausea is making me run to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I can't even retreat to bed like I typically do because we have to leave to take Pouncer for his vet recheck (paws crossed he has no more crystals) then we have to run him home and run her out to the long pre-natal doctor's visit. Then back out to school to discuss whats going to happen with that for her. Then I have to make sure I'm back home by 3:00 so I can be at work as a dog trainer by 4:00.

hmmmm... is it a wonder why I have this migraine?

03-24-2006, 08:51 AM
Stress triggers headaches and in particular migranes...
Take it easy and look at the bright side... at least she's 18 and not 13 or 14.

03-24-2006, 09:19 AM
Kim, things will get better! I promise! (I think) Just take it easy, sounds like you need a rest from all the excitement of the past few days, sweet lady, so do try to take it easy for awhile.

Willie :)

03-24-2006, 09:22 AM
Sorry about the migraine!!!

But, I have some concerns with the meeting at school. Are they intending to deny her the ability to finish out the year? I worked up to Friday, and delivered Jonah on a Tuesday (Monday was labor day holiday). Pregnancy is NOT a medical condition, as I mentioned in the other thread. (I am assuming she is in public school...).

03-24-2006, 09:31 AM
HUgs first off and 2nd know I'm praying for you guys today.

Queen of Poop
03-24-2006, 09:45 AM
Feverfew is a good herbal medicine for migranes. Also, if you have where you are, there is an advil for migranes that works pretty well. I know all about stress headaches, seems I've had one for weeks now. Prayers that you are able to get thru this day without feeling too, too badly. Take care.

03-24-2006, 09:46 AM
Jo, she doesn't want to finish out the year. This school is small and the people are vicious. I don't blame her and I wouldn't want to go through the whispers and cruel words everyone is going to hurl at her... and I'm an adult with a strong sense of self. She's a good kid who made a stupid mistake and is still in shock over the whole thing. Trust me when I say these kids AND teachers are not going to be as understanding as we are; they will be the exact opposite. Her sister came home from school yesterday saying how HORRIBLE the kids were to her about her sister and how she's glad she's not the one pregnant. She said she HOPES her sister doesn't finish out the year at school because of how awful everyone's going to be.

That all said, she DOES have enough credits to graduate if thats what the school decides to do. We are going to ask for at-home school work where teachers send everything to us and even come over once a week to work with her. They've done that for other girls. Hubby said it was then up to her if she wanted to march down the aisle for a diploma as a 9 month pregnant girl. If she does, she has more guts than I do!

03-24-2006, 09:53 AM
Jo, she doesn't want to finish out the year. This school is small and the people are vicious. I don't blame her and I wouldn't want to go through the whispers and cruel words everyone is going to hurl at her... and I'm an adult with a strong sense of self. She's a good kid who made a stupid mistake and is still in shock over the whole thing. Trust me when I say these kids AND teachers are not going to be as understanding as we are; they will be the exact opposite. Her sister came home from school yesterday saying how HORRIBLE the kids were to her about her sister and how she's glad she's not the one pregnant. She said she HOPES her sister doesn't finish out the year at school because of how awful everyone's going to be.

That all said, she DOES have enough credits to graduate if thats what the school decides to do. We are going to ask for at-home school work where teachers send everything to us and even come over once a week to work with her. They've done that for other girls. Hubby said it was then up to her if she wanted to march down the aisle for a diploma as a 9 month pregnant girl. If she does, she has more guts than I do!

Well, if she just started showing at 7 months, and they wear the traditional caps and gowns for graduation, it wouldn't probably be as obvious - those gowns hide everyone's "figure," for better or worse!

03-24-2006, 09:53 AM
That stinks. I am sure the saying :There but for the Grace of God, go I is VERY applicable. Those other kids deserve a good kick in the pants. I hope it won't be too tough on the younger two children.

Whatever works best for her. Marching down the aisle to graduation was never that important for me. ;)

03-24-2006, 09:55 AM
No doubt you have a migraine!!! :eek: Poor thing .... I've never had one, so I can't tell you a good remedy, but I hope you get some relief soon! When you get a free moment, I'd say a long hot bubblebath is in order! ;)


03-24-2006, 10:43 AM
If God brought you to it, He'll bring you through it.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) )))))))

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-24-2006, 10:55 AM
OH how I hate headaches!!!

I agree on the HOT bubble bath.. put on some comfy pajamas! Settle in the bed (if you could)... with some fresh air... grab a cat, make it purr and set it right on your head... ;)

03-24-2006, 11:54 AM
Kim...wouldn't that be a hoot if you were pregnant :D

runs for cover...hehe

Too bad about those kids, kids can sure be mean and cruel.

Tell your daughter to hold her head high...she is not the first nor the last girl to have sex for gods sake. Give her a big hug from me.

03-24-2006, 06:49 PM
Oh Kim, I sure hope you can get that headache under control. I get some pretty mean ones myself even though I do not believe them to be migraines. But at least you can say you have good REASON to have one! ;)

I find it so hard to believe thatin today's day and age the kids would make this out to be such a horrible thing. It is so much more common (not that that makes it right) but parents don't send their pregnant teens off to have their babies in private anymore, why should it be such a big deal to the other kids (who are probably DOING the exact same things, just not getting caught!) :mad:

I just hope Heather can handle the pressure of being the younger sister. :(

Well, you all have me on your side. Ask them if I should go beat-up someone for them. :p (LOL)

Oh anyway, back to your headache......I sure hope you feel better SOON!!!

03-24-2006, 08:46 PM
Kim: I remember you telling me not long ago that you weren't on any scripts for your migraines --> GO GET SOME! This is definitely the time to go see your doc about getting on something! And yes, stress definitely does bring them on. I even get them if I cry. :rolleyes: There's no wonder you haven't had to go to the emergency room by now with them! I know how bad yours get and I hope that you can get something to control them. I feel for you hon!

03-24-2006, 08:50 PM
Kim I hope n pray things get better for you all and that you get rid of those headacs :(

03-24-2006, 10:45 PM
Kim...wouldn't that be a hoot if you were pregnant :D .
Oh, aren't you the funny one! :D

I still have the headache but its tolerable. I just need to relax and destress (easier said than done!)

I'm not looking forward to a 9-10 hour day at work tomorrow. I just hope its busy so my day goes faster.