View Full Version : Carl

Lori Jordan
03-24-2006, 08:06 AM
What a handsome boy you are Congrats on POTD!!

03-24-2006, 02:41 PM
What a precious little hammie man you are, Carl:D Oh, those little pawsies are just too cute!:D I can't think of a better gift to receive than a sweet, lovable furkid like you!:) Every young person needs a special friend like you! And it's clear she/he sure does love you lots and wow, what a fun packed life you lead too! So many fun activities to fill your days, yummy foods to munch on and SO much love to soak up!:) And I hope today you're having an EXTRA fun day Carl, celebrating your reign as our most precious and deserving Pet of the Day with your proud person!:) Gentle cuddles and kisses to you, cutie Carl!!! Don't get lost in that popcorn bag, now!;)

03-24-2006, 04:49 PM
Aww, what a little cutie! I love your fluffy tiny face Carl - and your name too. CONGRATS TO ADOOOORABLE CARL!! :) :D :)

Killearn Kitties
03-24-2006, 05:29 PM
Carl is indeed a most cute and sweet boy! What a wonderful surprise gift. :D

I hope your day today is the best ever, Carl, full of walnuts, yogurt drops, honey sticks, popcorn pizzelles, and all the things you love! You deserve it sweetie, because you are the most honoured Pet of the Day!

03-24-2006, 09:04 PM
Aww Carl, you sure are a cutie! Congratulations on POTD! :D

03-24-2006, 10:52 PM
Congrats on being our most special POTD! What a handsome little guy...beautiful fur coat. :) You are just precious...amazing energy! May God bless you with good health and lots of happy adventures. Take care little one. Hope you got all of your favorite treats today! :) :)
Love and purrs...Nonie & Star (meow)