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Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-24-2002, 01:18 PM
"then I would ask them their favorite spots to be petted so I can pet them real good....... "

Sara mentioned above that this would be her question to Tinky & Jupiter if they could talk. And I was just thinking this morning about the differences in my two and their favorite pet spots.

Tubby likes his butt scratched and patted, (usually while doing head bumpies on his Daddy's leg) and between his shoulder blades. Peanut likes her face, ears and chin scratched, and a good overall petting is wonderful to her too. Tubby doesn't really get into the overall petting too much, and that's ok with me because his hair just flies when I do pet him. :rolleyes: Neither one of them like their paws or legs touched, and Peanut will let you pet her tail, but don't dare touch Tubby's. :D

So where are your kitties' favorite pet spots?

04-24-2002, 01:22 PM
Both my kitties love to be scratched between the shoulder blades. And as a side note, most cats love that because it's one of the places they can't reach. Bassett likes to be scratched all down her chin and cheeks, and also along her back because she's too fat to get to her itchies! Tilly isn't much for being scratched except on her shoulders, altho I tried her tummy yesterday and she all stretched out and purrrrred!!!! :D :D

Former User
04-24-2002, 03:04 PM
For Kitty, a tummy rub, definately! And Casper, everything goes, also belly rub, but mostly just petting him all over.:D

04-24-2002, 07:31 PM
Sydney loves a rub to the sides of his head and especialy under his chin !!Makes him PURRRRRRRRRRRvery loud !!!!
Then he likes a rub allover his back ; but not the tail !!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody is alowed to touch his soft belly !!! that's private ... and never try to see if his bum is clean , because he bites in your fingers !!!
He likes it also when we rub between his nails ; then he spreads his paw all open , so we can reach the smallest places ..:rolleyes: ;)

04-24-2002, 08:38 PM
My boys love scritchies under their chins. They get looks on their faces like they are on catnip :D and Andy even starts drooling. Of course then he winds up drooling into my hand! I don't mind though because my sole purpose on this earth is to make them happy! :D :D

04-25-2002, 12:17 AM
Storm loves his back scratched and his belly rubbed. Pepper loves his chin, ears, and head scratched. Sunny loves his whole body to be scratched but he prefers his back and belly rubbed.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-25-2002, 12:30 AM
Tinky loves for her butt (right at the base of her tail) to be scritched. Really Tinky just loves to be petted period!!!!! She loves belly rubbs and side chin scritches // well like I said she just loves bein petted!!!!
Jupiter on the other hand,,,, I just can't figure him out...... He only wants to be petted on his time (when he walks up to you and ask for it). If you try to pet him any other time he slumps his back real low and scoots away.... but when he does come and ask for it and you pet him he wiggles and squirrms like he don't know exactly where he wants you to pet him....
SILLY KITTIES http://www.contrabandent.com/cwm/s/contrib/fk/cat.gif

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-25-2002, 12:33 AM
originally posted by Lut
and never try to see if his bum is clean , because he bites in your fingers !!!
LOL Lut!!!!!!!!!

maxx's mom
04-25-2002, 12:36 AM
Maxx loves to have hear ears massaged and chin scritchies, but don't touch the tummy!:cool: