View Full Version : Please help, abused dog.

04-24-2002, 12:11 PM
I was at the vet office last week to pick up my dog's science diet food when two women brought in a dog that had been hit by a car. They were from out of town and did not know where the dog came from. The dog was a small chihuahua. I immediately felt for this poor felllow and offered to adopt him if his owners did not claim him. Well I picked him up today and brought him home. First of all the dog was obviously abused he is scared of noise, other animals, people, you name it. He just shrinks down like he is waiting for a beating. Well I brought him in the house and he launched at my maltese and bit his nose, drawing blood. Within five minutes he had drawn blood twice on my Tango's nose. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I should do? The vet said to bring him back if there was a problem, but I hate to do that. Will the dog's ever get along? Please help. Thanks!:confused:

04-24-2002, 12:49 PM
It sounds like he's a pretty scared little guy!

If you can, give him a place that's just his to sleep in. Maybe a carrier. If you can confine him to a room with a baby gate for a few days it might help. He needs to feel secure before he can interact with the rest of the household. The baby gate will let him smell and see everyone else, but protect them from him (and vice versa).

Eventually he should be able to understand that no one is out to get him. Introduce him to one of your dogs at a time; don't rush it.

Let us know how you do. It could take several weeks or more.


04-24-2002, 12:51 PM
Thanks Mary, i may give that a go. I just feel so sorry for the little guy.

04-24-2002, 01:55 PM
This little guy is so fearful of everything and everyone! If he was abused, as it sounds he was, he has no reason to trust; not yet at least. I have a "PawPal" named Black Jack. He was rescued from a puppymill. He is a Chihuahua too. Like your little guy, it is taking him a long time, a lot of loving and tons of patience to help him regain trust in humans. It is a journey made up of lots of baby steps. On top of everything, your guy was also recently traumatized by his injury. It will probably take a lot of time and patience on your part. Isolating him in an area where it is quiet and he does not feel threatened is a good first step. Do you have an extra bathroom, guest room?? Maybe a small crate, with the door left open, would give him some sense of security. He should learn to interact and trust you first. Introductions to other pets and family members should be taken slowly. Maybe have another family members be with you, each holding one dog, so the two can "meet," smell, learn to know each other safely. I hope you can give this little guy a bit more time to help him heal, emotionally and physically. Of course, your first concern must be for Tango. If you feel it is becoming too much of an undertaking, perhaps you can locate a rescue group that can find a loving foster home for him?? Many fosterers deal exclusively with abused dogs with special needs. I'll be thinking of you. And thank you SO much for being so kind and caring. Please let us know how it goes.

04-25-2002, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the posting Sandra. The little guy is doing much better today. Him and Tango are pretty much ignoring each other now. We still have a lot of work to do as far as earning his trust though. He is doing great, and he is so precious. Thanks again.