View Full Version : Twins!

03-23-2006, 08:44 PM
Catty1 here.

Maya and Inka's Mommy and I have the same birthday, in the same YEAR!

Twin sisters of different mothers(apologies to Dan Fogelberg!).

Gee...I am Snoopy's AUNT! WOOHOO!

Say hi, sis!


03-23-2006, 08:53 PM
Very Cool! Lut is a wonderfully sweet lady .... no one nicer to share a birthdate with! ;)

Laura's Babies
03-23-2006, 10:52 PM
OOOoooooo! Does Daddy KNOW? :eek:

03-23-2006, 11:06 PM
Well, Laura...he'd kind of HAVE to, huh? :D

I love a female comedienne that I've seen who says: "I don't have any kids. At least, none that I KNOW of." ha ha ha....

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-24-2006, 02:52 AM
Hi sis!!
What a coincidence hey! From now on I concider Catty as my official twin sister! My parents sure have some explaining to do :confused: ;) :D !!;I wonder how much we look alike :confused: . Please post a pic of you, Catty :) . And don't forget to add you here too:

I am curious now who was born first! I was born at 1.20 am, in the middle of the night. So, when were you born, Catty dear?

03-24-2006, 06:09 PM
:D :D :D

same day.. year.. and pet talker! how cool. :)

I know a friend of friend's who has my same birthdate/year and first/middle name! :eek: I hope to meet her one day. :D

03-24-2006, 06:15 PM
Thats Wonderful To Have Someone That You Are So Sympatico With,and You Are Both Two Of The Coolest People On Pet Talk.
The Found Cats Are Cheering For You Both!!!

03-24-2006, 06:57 PM
Hey sis - I was born about 1:32 in the afternoon - on my dad's day off, I am told! With that kind of timing, no wonder I spent over 20 years as a pianist/singer!

But with the time difference - I wonder if that works out differently? That kind of math just makes my head hurt! :D

Gary - thank you for your sweet comments!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-25-2006, 05:09 AM
He he, I used this time converter

And so I found out that I am about 20 hours older than you, I think :D

1.32 pm (Alberta-Calgary) in the afternoon, is 9.32 pm here!(GMT =1, or CET). As I am born at 1.20 am, and you at 9.32 pm

Got that, lol?

Does that still make us twins?? Oh yes, you just decided to stay "indoor" a little while longer, lol!!
Thanks for posting you pic in your avatar! You even look like me when I have my hair short!!

03-25-2006, 09:31 AM
And I usually wear glasses too - but that pic is from Christmas, and I was wearing my contacts!

I saw your pic on the .de site, and it looks really different from the other shots I have seen here...your hair was REALLY short then! :)

It is kinda cool to have a 'sister' in another way. While you thought you had MS, I wasn't going to say anything - but my biological sister, after 20 years with MS, is in the end-stage.

She is stable for now - and did quite well til three years ago. But at this point, does not talk, though she certainly knows who we are and still has a very expressive face! ;) She smiles and laughs(silently) and certainly makes eye contact.

Fed and watered and medicated thru tummy tube for 2 1/2 years...and other 'bodily functions' are helped medically. Either in bed or wheelchair with head support. Little movement except for head and eyes and mouth.

Though I love her, I don't have a buddy anymore like I used to...I feel very sad, but don't want the self-pity to grab hold.

Anyway, as you likely found out on the Belgian site, few people get to this stage. Some folks have one attack and never see it again.

So, sis, this is kind of neat.

If only the Pet Talk prayers could work for my sister!

BTW - you mentioned that July 21 is a special day in Belgium. The day of its founding? I'd like to know a little more about that! (I was 20 hours late for the party! :D )


Maya & Inka's mommy
03-25-2006, 11:40 AM
I saw your pic on the .de site, and it looks really different from the other shots I have seen here...your hair was REALLY short then! :)

LOL!! My hair was very long then, but it was in a ponytail :)

My biological sister, after 20 years with MS, is in the end-stage.

I am so sorry to hear that.... . What a coincidence this is again!!
How old is your sister? At what age did she get MS?
That Belgian forum is great help!!

you mentioned that July 21 is a special day in Belgium. The day of its founding? I'd like to know a little more about that!

Belgium got independent in 1830. Before that, it was part of France (Napoleon!!). A king was chosen, Leopold I of Saksen-Coburg (German!).
On July 21 1831, he swore the oath of allegiance to the Belgian Constitution and the Belgian Law.
So that day is since then our National Holiday!

It is so funny that my mom didn't realize what day it was the evening she went into labor. She asked the doc why there were so many Belgian flags were flying on so many houses and buildings :confused: . By the time she gave birth to me, it was 21st of July :)

03-25-2006, 08:58 PM
My sis - she turned 48 on February 18th. She was close to 30 years of age when she was diagnosed, and had no symptoms for two years. The symptom that led to her diagnosis was a bit of "fluff" on the end of her eyelashes that she couldn't get rid of. Of course, there was no fluff, it was optic neuritis, which is a common indicator of MS.

Acceptance of this has been extremely hard...acceptance, to me, has nothing to do with LIKING a situation...it is just knowing that what is, is.

I fought for so hard and so long...and I got enough calluses on my head from banging it against the brick wall that I had to stop.

I believe in a Creator and in Miracles, but my sister doesn't seem to be in line for one.

In any case, it's out of my hands.

Thanks, Lut!

I smile at your mom wondering why all the flags were flying when she was in the hospital to have you! Does she get teased about that?
