View Full Version : Two Rats, one LAZY, one ACTIVE

04-24-2002, 10:41 AM
Hi all,
As I'm sure at least some of you know I have recently brought home two rats. Here's the thing. Zaphod does nothing but curl up and sleep! Meanwhile Ford is running around, sniffing, getting into trouble, etc...

Do you think Zaphod is just lazy or perhaps there is something no quite right about him?

Also Zaphod is getting fat (after only two weeks!), but I can't think of a way to put him on a diet without starving Ford. I can't separate them because of room and money.

And these two rats have to be the only ones I know who will not take treats. I don't know if I just haven't found one they like or what, but neither one will take food from me. My last rat if you were eatting something you had to defend it!

Plus Ford seems to be learning tricks, like 'come' while Zaphod simply isn't intrested.

Any thoughts?


Heather Wallace
04-24-2002, 12:22 PM
Maybe it is just personality differences, all animals are different. But if you are worried about him, take hima long to the vets and get him checked over.

As for treats all my buns and both cats love them, I bought some coconut treats from bunny bazaar, Ebony is not very impressed with them but she still loves her chocolate drops.

