View Full Version : Anybody know how to resize siggies????

Lori Jordan
03-21-2006, 06:55 PM
Is there anybody who can resize siggies????

Laura's Babies
03-21-2006, 07:51 PM
What needs resizing?

03-21-2006, 07:56 PM
I reduced both file size-wise but not resolution-wise. Together they are still over the file size limit but only by a little bit :)

Laura's Babies
03-21-2006, 11:13 PM
Did you try resizing in photobucket? That is how I would do it... If you did and it isn't changing the size.. this is what I do..

In photobucket go to your "ACCOUNT OPTIONS"...
Go to MAX PICTURE SIZE and change to 64KB...

If they are still to big

Delete those and upload a completly different picture.. (have to confuse photobucket)

Then re-upload these two. Open and check the size of them. If they are still the same size, do Edit and 75% of orginal size..... DO NOT OPEN to see the size... click and open some other pictures FIRST, then check on the size of those. Sometimes I have to do this several times to get them to show up smaller on here, sometimes it works the first time..... :rolleyes: