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View Full Version : a close call

03-20-2006, 05:48 PM
I was at a gas station picking up some lottery tickets, and when I started the car, this guy in an old camaro pulls in and he nearly hit my fender! He came real close but didn't hit my car. I was shook up for a second. I don't want anything happen to the Colbalt!

03-20-2006, 05:54 PM
Oh gosh! That would have been terrfiying...what about you!?! Aren't you concerned more about your health than your car? lol...


03-20-2006, 05:56 PM
Whew! Scary having a new car, isn't it? My first cars were all at least 12 years old when I got them, so I didn't have to worry about dings and dents - they were already pre-supplied, and one more wouldn't have been noticable. But when I got a new car, I got much more paranoid!