View Full Version : All about...............

03-18-2006, 11:44 PM
we did this in another forum that I am a member of.
Since there are many new members and old time members I thought it would be fun to post about us.
What you do for a living, how old are you, where you live, hobbies and intrests you might have, animals you have, pictures of your petsand you, whatever you wanna tell people. Share as little or as much as you are comfortable with...or just read up on the rest of us!

03-18-2006, 11:47 PM
ok for me....
I’m Breanne, but mostly people call me Brie for short. I am the biggest animal lover I know, so I love coming to these forums. I’m only 15 and will be turning 16 in June. I got a job, which is perfect to start my dream. I work at a dog kennels, love it get to work with people and of course dogs! I am a vegetarian and growing my hair out for locks of love. I love volunteering at my shelter and trying to inform people about neutering and spaying.
I have two loves of my life. T.j and Zoey. T.j is a 5 year old English setter, and Zoey is a 2 year old flat-coated retriever. I have 3 cats that I rescued; I rescued kendy and Kasey at two days old abandoned from their mother, and Keshaw I found her in a box in a ditch. I have 3 crazy ducks, Sunny, Dixee, and Trixee. I have 7 fish….. 5 goldfish and 2 bettas
I show Zoey in agility and so far only have been to two shows. Zoey has gotten quite a few first and second places and I am very proud of her. Zoey and I love it, and that’s all that matters.

That’s really about it for me... a few pics
all of zoey's agility ribbons
Zoey getting ready for our agility show
My buddy boy, T.j
http://agility.zoto.com/img/45/0a3d0a9ed38b39d8c18c950b065d26b7-.jpg and my website (http://home.comcast.net/~gregandfamily/)

03-19-2006, 07:27 AM
My name is Alyssa and I'm 13 years old. I love reading, drawing, kayaking, biking, hanging out with my friends, birding, listening to music, golfing, talking, watching TV, eating, going out to places,ect. I LOVE DOGS! ALL dogs and I have one of my own. I have lived in NJ for all my life and I never want to leave. I go on vacation to FL alot though so that's my home away from home. I am currently learning how to skimboard. That's about it!
Me: Don't ask :rolleyes: :p

Cat's Meowm
03-19-2006, 07:36 AM
Okay, I won't :rolleyes: What sweeties you both are!
I'm an older lady, but this board and threads like this keep me young!

Miss Z
03-19-2006, 08:13 AM
Ok, here goes....

What you do for a living

Nothing at the moment, if you don't count dog walking for the neighbours. But when I'm 15 next year hopefully I can help out at an RSPCA shelter and do some work experience at a veterinary practice.

how old are you?

14, birthday is January 20th.

where do you live?

Lancashire, in the north-west of England. But as if you didn't know that. LOL!

hobbies and intrests you might have?

Horse-riding is my main passion, I've been riding for 10 years and am completely obsessed with horses. I like to ride tall and sleek horses, such as thoroughbreds and warmbloods. I ride English and love dressage, which I am quite good at, but I also enjoy jumping. I play netball for my school and am the goal shooter. I also like to play sports such as tennis and badminton occasionally.

animals you have?

Zsa-Zsa, my 15 year old British Blue Spot cat. She is blind, and her 16th birthday is almost here! I also have a black-hooded rat named Tia Maria, and her birthday is tomorrow!:D

pictures of your petsand you

I'll get some soon! When my dad can be bothered to upload my new camera's software:rolleyes:

whatever you wanna tell people.

Well, I'm tall, am brunette, and my best friends are Katherine (midget gem) and Victoria (cavylove). I'm pretty clever, I have a scholarship at my school, am in the top 8 Latin readers in Lancashire and last year was in the top 1200 maths pupils in the UK! But that's about it, I've gotta go to horse-riding soon so I can't drone on too much!:D

03-19-2006, 08:29 AM
Alright fine :rolleyes:
My name is Briana, I live in East TN. I don't have a job...because Um...I'm only 13 (and a half!):D LOL. I've had almost every kind of animal in my whole life, except reptiles, amphibians, all those sort of things. I have 2 Dogs- Roxy and Lily, 1 Cat-Skye, and 1 hamster-Rufus. Roxy is a Boxer x Pitbull Mix, Lily is a Pomeranian, Skye is a Siamese x Tabby, and Rufus is a Black Bear Hamster. I also have a pet Rock (=D), and am soon hoping to get a betta. Ok...now onto pictures.
Me and Roxy
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/5298b3d2709b0c7543063cfc6f424613-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.14.5298b3d2709b0c7543063cfc6f424613-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/0-30)
Roxy and Lily
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/eed6bb68a847499fda688671b0314bba-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.9.eed6bb68a847499fda688671b0314bba-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/0-30)
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/14e3d368c4d2b71b8c6a149e6892d416-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.24.14e3d368c4d2b71b8c6a149e6892d416-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/0-30)
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/4ae454029371db2e9690b3cd1ee0e9b0-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.37.4ae454029371db2e9690b3cd1ee0e9b0-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/30-30)
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/66d9f0f8bb9c6b761f71ede48867fb5e-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.84.66d9f0f8bb9c6b761f71ede48867fb5e-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/60-30)
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/d7ee18186538f9ffba5f3a3cbbf31af4-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.34.d7ee18186538f9ffba5f3a3cbbf31af4-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/30-30)
Just Me :p
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/7308e2236882b9ed14e658c6ce439d9d.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.0.7308e2236882b9ed14e658c6ce439d9d_CAT.0_REC.1/date_uploaded-desc/0-30)
(Sorry I got a little picture crazy! =D)

03-19-2006, 09:12 AM
Ok well my name is Monica Valdez and I am 13 years old. I love animals, mainly dogs. When I turn 14 I will most likely work as a volunteer at the local Human Society. Then when I turn 16, become a vet assistant. I plan on going into the medical, be it animal or human. I'm going to go a high school that is specificly for people interested in the medical field. I currently have three dogs, 2 hermit crabs, 2 finches, 2 parakeets(budgies), 2 bettas, and a 60 gallon aquarium. Ok on with the pictures:

Molly, a female Golden Retriever who is 5 years old. She was my birthday present when I was in 2nd grade.
http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/img/24/123c1dd6f2a7b5f5c41f11cb1a0afc81-.jpg (http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.1.123c1dd6f2a7b5f5c41f11cb1a0afc81-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/0-60)

Astra, a female Siberian Husky mix who is 1 year old, turning two April 6. She is a very funny dog and is very entertaining to watch.
making a funny face
http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/img/24/fbd1edf65155b94a6dd5e6bdc6b123f3-.jpg (http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.8.fbd1edf65155b94a6dd5e6bdc6b123f3-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/0-60)

Prince, a male Chihuahua mix who is 6 years old. We got him from a lady who we think might haved abused him.
http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/img/24/cbab28e3c39e519e4b32b32a91cf1ecd-.jpg (http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.16.cbab28e3c39e519e4b32b32a91cf1ecd-_CAT.0_REC.1/average_rating-desc/0-30)
(please excuse my leg ^ :o )
http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/img/24/bc7c03aed6d504f8c439ea677774b5eb-.jpg (http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.26.bc7c03aed6d504f8c439ea677774b5eb-_CAT.0_REC.1/average_rating-desc/0-30)

I'll have to get some more of all my other pets later.

You can find more about me Here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=101044)

Laura's Babies
03-19-2006, 09:19 AM
Great IDEA! I am Laura and I live is Louisiana. I am one of the baby boomers that will turn the big 6-0 this year. I am a cook that had always loved to cook, even as a child. I cook on a tow boat on the inland waterways, right now assigned to a boat that runs on the Lower Mississippi River.

I have ALWAYS been a cat lover! I have my 4 lights of my life, Chester, Amy, Giz and Samantha that I am so proud to serve. I am also a Pet Talk JUNKIE!

03-19-2006, 09:32 AM
I'm getting to know everyone so much better.

03-19-2006, 11:20 AM
Hi, my name is Sherry, and I am a baby boomer also.I will be turning 54 this month. It's great to be here with my Chihuahua Chica!!!!!!I work in the medical field and love to go places like Mexico, Alaska, Bahamas, Canada, and other places in the USA!!!I am divorced and happy. I have one daughter who is 28 and she is great!!
Here are my loves!!!!


03-19-2006, 11:21 AM
what you do for a living:

I am still looking for a job, but I do volunteer at my local animal shelter, about every day except for Sundays and Mondays since they are closed..I LOVE it! :D I mainly am the dog walker there. :)

I also am a co-leader (voluntarily) for girl scouts..it's fun. :)

how old are you?

I am 20 and my birthday is on September 24th. :)

hobbies and interests:

well I love to horse back ride, swim, listen to music, hang out with my furbabies, helping out animals, animals of course ;) :D, etc.

another post coming since I put so much..:o

03-19-2006, 11:21 AM
animals you have?

Jenny -- my heart and soul dog..:D she is almost 8 years old (on April 7th) and she is a rottie/yellow lab mix.

Buster -- he is 2 years old and a coonhound mix and such a character. :D

Rocky -- he is 9 years old and a black lab mix..he's such a sweetie! :)

Ginger -- she is around 5-6 years old and a chihuahua/rat terrier mix. she is my mom's dog, though but such a good girl. :)

Tiger -- he is an older cat around 5-8 years old and I believe he is my soul kitty. he is a tabby mix and so clingy. :p

and last but certainly not least, Miagi -- he is around 2-4 years old and he is a tabby mix and such a character. :D

Whatever you want to tell people:

I love animals with all my heart and soul. I never was a cat person until I got my cats, now I LOVE them. :D I have always been a dog and a horse person, and now I am a cat person! :D it's undescribeable how much I love animals, but I am sure you know how it feels since you guys are on pet talk and love animals as much as I do. :) I think that's it. :p

Felicia's Mom
03-19-2006, 11:28 AM
My name is Nancy and I am 61 years old. I was married from 1964-1972 but have no children.

I am no longer working; in 2004, I fell and broke my hip and leg. I was in a care center for 3 months. During that time I could not post because I was not near a computer. I did not see my cats for that time either.

I took an early retirement and my cats and I are now living in a Retirement Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Unlike the care center, I have my own apartment here.

03-19-2006, 12:12 PM
My name is Danielle, and I'm 13 years old (14 tomorrow!). I live in central Minnesota, US.

My hobbies are playing piano, photography (practicing), and playing hockey! I LOVE dogs they are the best! I love to horseback ride (western), also.

I have lots of animals. I've got 2 dogs, Molli and Sammy. At my dad's I have 2 cockatiels, a cat, donkey, 3 goats, chickens, peacocks, ducks, chicks, pheasants, and 11 rabbits.
Here is me and my pups:

Here are a few other pics of some of my pets.
My donkey, Jack.
One of my goats, Blackjack.
Here's Jack again.

03-19-2006, 04:01 PM
What you do for a living

For a living? Hehe.. well, I go to school. I train dogs. I groom dogs for some extra cash here and there. I walk dogs during hte summer for an elderly man. When he can come up with the money I usually get $5 here or there.

how old are you?

15, I'll be 16 on May 1st.

where do you live?

Northwestern Corner of Ohio. I'm only like 45 min away from both IN and MI borders.

hobbies and intrests you might have?

Dog Agility.. I am thoroughly obsessed. I love agility training.

I'm also active and compete in dog obedience, 4-H, Jr Showmanship, and soon Conformation.

My true lov ein life will always be helping rescue dogs. I am only getting more involved in Jr showmanship and conformation for the mere hope to gain experience and knowledge in dogs.

animals you have?

Do you really want to know? LOL

Ginger-12 or 13 year old buff cocker spaniel. Poor Ginger has gone deaf in her old age.

Brownie- 9 year old buff cocker spaniel. Brownie has a cataract in one eye. So, now he's only got sight in one eye.

Pepper- 9 year old black cocker spaniel. Poor baby has cancer and stomach ulcers.

Summer-7 or 8 blonde cocker spaniel.

Dogy- 6 year old buff cocker spaniel

Fudge- 6 year old chocolate sable cocker spaniel.

Cocoa(my baby that I train in dog sports and care for fully)- 6 year old chocolate and white parti cocker spaniel. Cocoa has had seizues ever since I can remember. That doesn't slow her down! She still has made a wonderful best friend and agility partner.

Marq(my new boy for Jrs and conformation)- 5 year old black and white Pointer.

Misha- almost 1 year old black and white english springer spaniel.

Also, though I do not own these dogs, I do handle them and have a close bond with them

Tip- 7 year old black and white border collie
Dega- 2-3 year old rat terrier mix
Tusket- 5-7 year old nova scotia duck tolling retriever
(all three above are rescues)

pictures of your petsand you

Haha..boy, are you in for it!









03-19-2006, 04:02 PM



whatever you wanna tell people.

I guess I am very dog obsessed. Yup. No other way to describe me.

03-19-2006, 04:22 PM
I love them Cocker Spaniels!

Suki Wingy
03-19-2006, 08:08 PM
What you do for a living
um, not for a living but I'm probably getting a job at the bowling alley. I want to become a carnivore keeper. (As in zookeeper of big cats and bears and wolves, etc.)

how old are you?

where do you live?
Chicagoland, IL

hobbies and intrests you might have?
Photography, graphic design, animal keeping (again zoos), dogs, dogs shows and breeding, horses, riding, drawing

animals you have?
In my sig:
Oslo: 1 year old himalayan netherland dwarf rabbit who I show in conformation. I have had him for almost a year now

Niño: 6 year old pit bull mix, my heart and soul. I got him in June, 2000 when he was 6-8 months old.

Tigger: 11 year old Schnieder's skink I got when I was 5 years old. Supposed to live to be 20.

pictures of your petsand you


Tigger is in sig

whatever you wanna tell people.
I am very into showing dogs but my parents are VERY restrictive on the animals. I think I may be signing onto a dog in the summertime when I get my grades up.
I plan on breeding Dalmatians towards a goal in the future. See THIS THREAD (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=101095&page=3)