View Full Version : Hubby Wants A Male Akita

03-18-2006, 05:58 PM
Yes, you heard me right. Alden wants a male akita :eek: . He absolutely loves this breed and is so in love with Katie that he wants to get a male. Every once in awhile he has kind of mentioned that he would love to have another akita some day but I never really took him serious. Well, last Saturday we were heading to a PetExpo and he told me that he really wants to get a male. He said that he thinks about it all the time and even knows he wants one similiar to Katie's coloring. Well, what happens when we are about to leave the pet expo?! A woman walks in with her extremely handsome male akita puppy with just the right coloring! Alden went nuts..lol..of course I did too. We bonded with the woman right away and hung out with her for quite awhile. Charlie was the akita pup's name and we could barely walk through the place because everyone wanted to see Charlie. I think that this sealed the deal for Alden. He has talked about it this whole week and is driving me crazy. I caught him on here looking up breeders too. I'm the one holding him back. If I said yes, we would have a puppy as soon as possible. I'm not for sure what my fear is. A little bit of everything I guess. I'm not for sure I'm ready for 3 dogs. What if the new akita is not like Katie. Katie is very laid back and is turning into such an awesome dog. She is a bit dog aggressive but that is only when she is off leash. On leash on our walks she doesn't even care about the other dogs and we have even had little chis, shih tzus and poodles come running out at her and get under her feet and she just sniffs at them. What if a male akita is not like that? What if he is the kind that will climb the fence and escape. I know thats a lot of what ifs..lol. I love akitas very much and I am certain that I will always own one. I'm also the type of person that loves all dogs, all breeds. I always thought if I got another dog it would be a different breed. Especially since there are so many breeds on here that I adore and have fallen in love with;). I doubt that getting a new puppy will happen anytime soon because as long as I am unsure about it I know Alden won't do anything drastic. Uhhh, wait a minute, I am talking about the man that surprised me with a husky pup for my birthday one year...LOL.

No point in this thread. I guess I just felt like talking about it. Thanks for listening!

I'm attaching a pic of Charlie, the akita puppy. Its not a very good pic.

03-18-2006, 06:03 PM
I can understand why you're concerned. Have you had Katie since she was a puppy? My first thought was that if you were able to socialize the little guy well from a young age he would most likely not give you any troubles, but I admit I'm not very familiar with Akitas so I could be wrong.

Good luck with your decision!

03-18-2006, 06:03 PM
WHAT A HANDSOME BOY! :eek: I'm sure whatever decision you make it'll be the right one. But if you get the Akita from a breeder maybe you can train him to be like Katie? :confused:

03-18-2006, 06:09 PM
you'd have a lil pair of akitas! :D

that lil puppy sure is cute!

03-18-2006, 06:12 PM
Charlie is absolutely adorable!! :D I have actually heard from people that have had two dogs and then got a third and surprisingly they said it was MUCH easier with the three! I have never had only two so I'm not sure if that's true :o But it sounds good, lol...You and Alden are wonderful pet parents so I'm sure that you would raise the new pup to be a well adjusted gentleman - just like your girls!! You NEED to keep us updated on this situation ;) :D

03-18-2006, 06:22 PM
Charlie is such a cutie!! I also love Akitas, but won't own one until I am really experienced and know how to train dogs better. And Katie is just gorgous!

I can understand why you are hesitant. But I am sure whatever you decide will be ok. Keep us updated! :)

Toby's my baby
03-18-2006, 06:25 PM
Charlie is adorable!! :D Yes, you DO need to keep us updated on your decisions! Just thought that I'd tell you that: It was harder to go from one dog to two than it was to go from two dogs to three. ;) Maggie barked ALL night long when it was just her and Boo boo. She tore things up, and she chewed on everything even trees. Ever since we got Autumn, Maggie has stopped barking, chewing, and tearing things up. Her and Autumn are inseperable, when they walk, they always have their sides touching, always :p :D

03-18-2006, 08:32 PM
The Charlie boy looks soooo much like Katie!! :eek:
So gorgeous!
I say GO FOR IT! ;)

03-18-2006, 09:08 PM
Methinks Alden is feeling outnumbered! ;)

03-18-2006, 09:11 PM
Methinks Alden is feeling outnumbered! ;)

I think so too, Especially with Brandon out of the house! :p

Hope all goes well. I think the only thing you have to worry about is Katie getting along with another, and it seems as she's pretty good with Tori!

03-18-2006, 09:40 PM
well best of luck to you which ever you decide. :D

03-18-2006, 10:19 PM
Charlie is a very handsome pup! He looks so "guy"! I understand your concerns. As you recall, I had three for a while about a year ago, while my son's dog was here, too. i have to say that three was more than I felt I could handle by myself. Of course, that was right before my surgery, so I wasn't at my best anyway. i would have loved to keep all three, but Star and Sherman were both showing signs of stress - alot of behavioral things. We decided that we owed it to our two to keep a good balance, so no third dog. It was pretty amazing, within a couple weeks of Speedo's departure, they were "back to normal" again. But look at how many people here on PT have 3 and more dogs! I guess you have to go with your gut on this one. He is an awfully good looking akita!

03-18-2006, 10:27 PM
awwww their so cute. u should get 1!!! :D

Ginger's Mom
03-19-2006, 06:46 AM
Well, whatever you decide, just remember, Katie is an awesome dog because you taught her to be one. :) Good luck in your search for the perfect new family member.

03-19-2006, 07:57 AM
Oh Robin I can understand why you are having trouble with this decision. Charlie is one adorable little (BIG ;) ) guy! I just can't allow myself to be anywhere near puppies because I know how weak I am. I don't think a third dog would work for us because Bella and Ripley have such a bond at this point. I don't know how Ripley, more than Bella, would feel about adding another dog. Like you said, though, there are lots of people who have three, four and more dogs and handle it beautifully. Good for you taking the time to weigh the pros and cons. :) Good luck in whatever you decide. Any pup that winds up in your home sure is lucky that's for sure! ;)

03-19-2006, 09:52 AM
Robin I know how much you'd love to have another puppy because you want every puppy you see:p
I have to admit I'm surprised that your the one holding him back, never thought you'd be able to do it!
I know you'll do whatever is best for you and your family. Tough decision...Good Luck:D

PS I better be the first one to know if you do get one though:p;):D

03-19-2006, 09:58 AM

Akita pups are so adorable!
If you do decide to add a male Akita to your household.
I would do your research VERY carefully on breeders and ask around
for breeders who breed a softer dog known with great
personalities. Watch for a long time how the pups interact
with each-other too. (Truly reputable show breeders will gladly give you
the information on whom they believe breeds a softer Akita.)

Katie is dog dominant and not dog aggressive.
Just be prepared what ever you decide!

03-19-2006, 10:50 AM
What a tough decision!! It is always scary to make that leap to bring another animal in ( or at least it was for us). But as someone else said, it was easier to go from 2-3 then from 1-2.

I understand your concerns, not just becuase of a male akita, but becuase of the dynamics between any dogs. I think if you got a puppy, and were prepared to do a lot of training, both with the puppy and to work the three together, you will be in great shape.

Good luck with whatever you decide!

03-19-2006, 11:31 AM

Akita pups are so adorable!
If you do decide to add a male Akita to your household.
I would do your research VERY carefully on breeders and ask around
for breeders who breed a softer dog known with great
personalities. Watch for a long time how the pups interact
with each-other too. (Truly reputable show breeders will gladly give you
the information on whom they believe breeds a softer Akita.)

Katie is dog dominant and not dog aggressive.
Just be prepared what ever you decide!

Good advice. :) I'd also want to see & meet the dam & sire. Might
give you a better idea on Charlie's personality. He is a gorgeous pup. :)

03-20-2006, 07:58 PM
Thanks for the support and info everyone. Karen(kys) we will definitely be looking for the right breeder if the time comes. Just wanted to point out that I don't even know if this will happen. Alden has just been doing alot of talking. Also, Charlie is not the pup that we would be getting. He was a pup that we met at the Pet Expo. He is exactly what Alden is looking for and of course he got the name of the breeder..lol.

Anna, just like you I am surpirsed that it is me that is holding him back. I find it hard to believe myself. I can't believe that when it comes to this decision that the practical side of me is kicking in. With the way I feel about dogs you would think I would be going.."yea, yea, lets do it!" What is wrong with me?!...LOL.

04-03-2006, 09:10 PM
I am impressed with Charlie. I adore Akitas and I am the proud owner of one. Good luck when the time comes!

04-03-2006, 09:56 PM
Oh that little puppy is so cute! :) I sure hope you do adopt him!

Lori Jordan
04-03-2006, 11:13 PM
What a handsome pup, i have 3 dogs also the more the better im sure he would fit right in ,your other two would adore him im sure