View Full Version : Sam is soo naughty!

03-17-2006, 10:47 PM
I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL SAM IS NUETERED. He has started lifting his leg in the house. First the couch, then this morning the tv. I had a birthday party today and you know what he decided to pee on this time????? My friends leg! :eek: :mad: I was extremely embarresed and felt awful about it. I have always told everyone how great my dogs are and the first time she comes over Sam pees on her leg! He marks everything and it is just driving me NUTS.

03-17-2006, 11:00 PM
Sorry i coudlnt help but giggle about him peeing on your friends leg. :o

well at least its not that far off though and he'll be under the snipper. hehehe

03-17-2006, 11:03 PM
Awww well he'll be getting snipped soon enough, not much longer, hopefully! :D

Here I have a story that will make you feel better! My friends were at the zoo and standing next to the Lion's cage when the male lion turned around and sprayed my friend! :D Talk about nasty, but everytime I think about it, it makes me all happy inside, great story lol

03-18-2006, 12:01 AM
I don't want to burst your bubble but the leg-lifting in the house is most likely related to training, not him being intact. Many, many intact male dogs do not pee in the house. You most likely just need to potty train him (I think I've read before that he hasn't been potty trained yet ... am I right?). Neutering may not solve it (but still neuter him!!)

03-18-2006, 12:06 AM
I don't want to burst your bubble but the leg-lifting in the house is most likely related to training, not him being intact. Many, many intact male dogs do not pee in the house. You most likely just need to potty train him (I think I've read before that he hasn't been potty trained yet ... am I right?). Neutering may not solve it (but still neuter him!!)

Really..? Hmm.. in all my years of being in dog rescue I have NEVER heard that. Just the opposite! Before Mickey was neutered, he marked indoors. After he was neutered, he didn't.

Hmm.. that just doesn't make sense! I think intact males do mark indoors.. just like cats.

03-18-2006, 12:20 AM
Some do, but it can be corrected with training. Neutering doesn't always help. It depends on the dog, really. I just don't want her to think that neutering alone will help. You need to train, too.

03-18-2006, 12:25 AM
Animal_rescue... that must've really sucked for your friend!

Yes, Sam was doing very well with his potty training but lately he isn't very good with it. But I'm working on it with him.

03-18-2006, 12:28 AM
Oh so he was potty trained before? Then this probably is because he is intact. :)

I am hoping and wishing and hoping that Buck never lifts his leg in our house!!

03-18-2006, 01:05 AM
I am sorry, but I also laughed when you said that he peed on your friends leg:o
Don't worry, this will all *hopefully* be over soon:D

Steph and Jes

03-18-2006, 03:11 AM
A neutered or unneutered male might wet in the house if something has upset him or has an infection.

In one case, it had a social cause. An associate had a well housebroken neutered chihuahua mix. The neighbor's new adopted dog, a Golden Retriever did something... too rough with the little guy (I wasn't there to see). After the chi-mix was brought back into the house, he was visibly upset. The little guy started lifting his leg to mark the doors and furniture in the main traffic areas of the house. The owners were bewildered.

As the "dog person" at work, the head of the household came to my lab to ask me what I thought was going on with their little dog. After I got the story and asked a few other questions, I got the impression the little dog was doing it to be sure that the GR would not violate this territory - he was that upset. I was told he wasn't physically injured but had apparently been terrified. They decided not to amplify the stress and yell at the dog for peeing in the house, but worked with him and avoided interfacing with the overly rough young, adopted GR again. Apparently whatever they did worked as the little dog was soon confident again and didn't mark up his house any more.

In my experience some neuters do have romantic inclinations with certain bitches so they may lift their leg and strut around the house as if they were studs.

In general, any male or female dog, neutered or not, who breaks training in the house generally need to be treated like a puppy and be 'housebroken' again. Here's a link from one of our rescue dog correspondents: Housebreaking the second time around (http://sonic.net/~cdlcruz/GPCC/library/housebrk.htm) - and quoting from that:

Reasons for house-soiling.
The most common housetraining problem is the male, neutered or intact, who lifts his leg in the house. This is sometimes a display of dominance, though it is also seen in cases where a dog is simply exploring his place in the hierarchy of the household. The next most commonly encountered problem is that of the dog that has never been house-trained in the first place. This dog is often unused to anticipating bodily needs and unaware that he can "ask" for help.
I'm generally involved with very large dogs (flock guardian breeds) but I know small dogs, even neutered males can break training, sometimes for surprising reasons. Dog's just don't think the way we do. It probably depends more on the individual dog and circumstances, than it does with what breed it might be.
Having said all that, I have owned an intact Anatolian male (he was trained to be my service dog) which after his first year, never broke training indoors anywhere. He would also pee on command. :)

03-18-2006, 03:26 AM
Some do, but it can be corrected with training. Neutering doesn't always help. It depends on the dog, really. I just don't want her to think that neutering alone will help. You need to train, too.

Oh, I see.. good point.

03-18-2006, 07:17 AM
Really..? Hmm.. in all my years of being in dog rescue I have NEVER heard that. Just the opposite! Before Mickey was neutered, he marked indoors. After he was neutered, he didn't.

Hmm.. that just doesn't make sense! I think intact males do mark indoors.. just like cats.

It definitely can be due to behavioral problems!
When I adopted Buddy he was 1 year old and not neutered, he never marked in the house. Then he was neutered, and a year later he started marking my recliner. He stopped, then again a year or so later he started marking their toy basket :mad: :mad: :mad:
It's behavioral.
(yes, I know my dog has issues... he hates my husband) :(

03-18-2006, 08:32 AM
Thanks for your advice everyone. I am being extra careful to watch him again now. I let him out every hour.

We'll see when he gets nuetered if that helps at all.

03-18-2006, 11:53 AM
That's happened to me before. Georgia's father, at the breeders, peed all over my leg. I was EXTREMELY angry :o Neautering will help, get him neautered soon, so you won't have to live with it any longer! :o

03-18-2006, 04:49 PM
That's happened to me before. Georgia's father, at the breeders, peed all over my leg. I was EXTREMELY angry :o Neautering will help, get him neautered soon, so you won't have to live with it any longer! :o

Yep, I'm getting both the dogs fixed on April 27.

03-18-2006, 05:09 PM
Yep, I'm getting both the dogs fixed on April 27.

GOOD idea