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04-23-2002, 04:55 AM
what would you say to your cat(s) if you could talk to them? ok I must be up too late, but thought this might be an interesting question..my answer is--to Muffin.....I would ask her what she thinks about the 2 new kitties, and how she likes living here. to Louise and Emma, I would tell them not to be scared of Muffin, she just wants to play, and to all 3 of them, I would ask what their life was like before they got here.

:confused: :eek: :) :o

04-23-2002, 06:15 AM
:rolleyes: waw !!! I would not know where to start !!! Now I am already talking to him allday ... Would jump at least one meter high if he would answer me all of a sudden !!!!!
Of course , I would always ask him what he wants for dinner , if he slept well , if his mice are behaving , etc.... ! I would need all day !! By the way , how much time do I have ???
That would really be the ultimate present to find in a Christmas box : a letter with this note : " Tonight , your kittie will be able to talk with you for 2 hours , starting at midnight !" ..............
:D :D :D purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-23-2002, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by lut
:rolleyes: waw !!! I would not know where to start !!! Now I am already talking to him allday ...

LOL Me too. :D

I would ask them the same things I ask them now, it's just that they'd be able to answer. :D

Like, "Tubby, why do you pick on your sister?" "Peanut, why are you sleeping down here all by yourself?" "Where's you daddy?" And so on and so on.....


Heather Wallace
04-23-2002, 10:52 AM
What a good topic this is. I would ask them if they where happy, what do they get up to when they go outside.

04-23-2002, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by toughCookie
...and to all 3 of them, I would ask what their life was like before they got here.

This would be definitely something I would have to ask my Marius. Woudn't it be interesting to find out where they came from? Marius was already well over a year old when I rescued his scraggly self from the streets.

Interesting topic?? Other than the above, I don't know where I would begin!:D LOL LOL So many questions, so little time! :eek: LOL LOL

04-23-2002, 02:28 PM
This is a neat topic! I talk to my cats all the time though. I, too, ask if they are hungry, if they are tired, if they want to play, etc etc. I think I would ask Tilly what it was like to live in a shelter, and Bassett what her mom looked like because I wish I knew what kind of cat she is!

But, I think that they understand more than I think they do, and they have a certain meow for every situation and I have learned their catspeak. At least I think I have.. maybe they have me RIGHT where they want me.......

:D :D

04-23-2002, 03:02 PM
yes I also think cats can understand us at times. sometimes I could swear that Muffin understands me, from the way that she reacts to what I say. and Cookie was the same, once at 2 am, she wanted to go out to the garage, was waiting by the door,
and when I said no you can't go out there at this hour...LOL...she did the equal to a kid stomping their foot, she did this little jump thing, meowed her distress meow and ran off!!! it really was hilarious!:D :D :eek:

04-23-2002, 03:23 PM
Hmm....what a fun question!! :)

I would ask Noah why he likes to sleep against walls, behind toilets and on the hard floor instead of all the fun cat beds/hide outs I buy.

I would ask Noel why she is so vocal and ask her what she was trying to say to me all the time...

Wouldn't that be cool to have them talk back!! :D

04-23-2002, 04:36 PM
Great topic!
Just like Wolflady, I would ask my Elvis what happened to him before I adopted him. I would really like to know for sure how his little leg got broken. :( If it was abuse, I'd ask him for the name of the person and report him/her. :mad:

I would ask Danny why he needs to be in everything and knock everything over. (dumb question...he's a CAT, what do I expect?)

I would ask both of my kitties and my turtle whether they are happy with me, because I'm sure happy that I have them. :)

04-23-2002, 05:07 PM
Great idea TC - I'd love to ask them where they go when they go out to play. And I'd want to know why Ketchum is so frightened and shy. Oh and why Dan picks on him!
But wouldn't it be cool just to be able to chat about everyday stuff - do they like the food etc etc etc. LOL


04-23-2002, 07:08 PM
I already talk to Misty like she is human what the scarey thing would be is when her meows would become words and I knew what she was saying to me. I know she understands me but there are times I know she is telling me off I think. It would be neat to know exactly what their meows met and not just guessing. :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-23-2002, 08:29 PM
I would definatelly start off by telling them how much I love them!!! Because I LOOOOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!! Then I would tell them how cute they are and I would tell them specifically the things they do that just make my day....(and that list would be endless) Then I would ask them how their purr box works, then I would ask them their favorite spots to be petted so I can pet them real good....... and it would go on and on and on....

04-23-2002, 08:36 PM
Actually, I had dream about a month ago, that our Jackson (the alpha cat) talked to me. He said that one of the other cats, Rosie, doesn't like anyone, pets or humans. My fiancee has had fun telling all we know about the dream. :D