View Full Version : Had anyone try "Swheat Scoop" cat litter?? Thx

03-16-2006, 12:41 PM
Hi, I've been using the "Arm & Hammer" cat litter since I've got my kitten. (She is 6 1/2 months old...super cute and sweet) I've never own a cat before and don't know much about litters. Any suggestions?

p.s My hubby bought home the crystal cat litter yesterday, Chloe uses it alright but she also plays with it because of its size... then we saw the "Wheat" base litter...

03-16-2006, 12:44 PM
I've never used Swheat Scoop but those that have in my rescue hate it -- it is hard to scoop and makes a thick paste that glues itself to the bottom of the litterpan.

If you've been using the Arm&Hamer litter without problems, I'd stick with it. Many cats don't like to have their litter switched on them

Also, one of the cats on this forum had the crystals litter and he got very sick from eating it.

By the way, WELCOME to Pet Talk and congrats on your first kitty! Life will never be the same once a cat walks into your life :)

Don Juan's mom
03-16-2006, 12:51 PM
I tried some wheat-based litter once, and Don Juan did NOT like it, possibly because his feet sank into it and it smelled a bit "girly."


03-16-2006, 01:01 PM
As catnapper posted, be very wary of the crystal litter, especially for such a young cat. If she is playing with it, she may try eating it and that stuff is not good for anyone's insides.

I've been using SWheatScoop for about 6 months now and I do like it. I've found it's only a problem to scoop when the wet litter is still very wet - then it falls apart. I use a stainless steel scooper and cut across the clump from the bottom of the pan which takes it all out cleanly. One of my cats pees considerable amounts because he's getting extra fluids but I still find it's easy enough to scoop. Anothe cat likes to pee in the corner of a box and for that I tip the box to slide the litter away and use a paper towel to scoop the clump out. When I want to be really fast in the morning, I simply pour the clean litter out of one pan into a clean one, leaving the clumps behind to be cleaned up when I get home. Another good thing about SWheatScoop is that it makes the litter boxes much lighter to lift and move around than any clay based litter.

You do use more litter than you would with a clay clumping kind, so it is more expensive for that reason. I prefer it because it has the smallest amount of litter dust I've ever seen - in fact, you can barely see any. Also, the litter does mask urine odors without any perfumes. I think it is healthier for both me and my cats. I have 7 cats and they all like it well enough to use it.

03-16-2006, 01:04 PM
Yes, welcome to Pet Talk!!! I had to use that litter when one of the cats had the radioactive treatment for her thyroid. I did not like it. It tracked ALL over the place!!! As already posted, watch out for the crystals!!!!

03-16-2006, 01:45 PM
I've found the old litter that we used tracks everywhere at home and Chole often have some stuck in her fur, I tried to brush it out, but I am sure she had already got some in her stomach!! And that's what worrys me, I've heard so many health risk with that.

Should I stick with the old litter? or should I try something else? Thanks for the help!!

p.s I have a 6 years old Goldern Retriever(CoCo) too...Chloe is like a daughter to CoCo, its fun to watch them...

03-16-2006, 01:53 PM
As for a litter that won't track as much, I recently discovered Odor Eater's litter. I LOVE it. Its a bigger grain than the others and tracks far less. Tracking and the small grain of the A&H was the main reason I don't use it. The thing I don't particuarly like about the Odor Eater though is that its very heavy to sift through... but if you only have one cat, it won't be bothersome. (ahhhh the days of having only one cat, one litterbox, once daily scoopings.... I remember it fondly ;) )

Be careful with PT though, we have a way of making people want more cats! :D :D I came here with just 2 kitties and now I have 5. I would have more if my finances would allow proper vet care for more. So until I win the lottery I have 5 cats and one very sweet 100 pound wimpy dog (and one betta - but technically, he's the cats' pet. They all told me they wanted a pet of their own ;))

03-16-2006, 01:59 PM
I have used Swheat Scoop in the past and what a waste of money. The urine clumps on the bottom and is nearly impossible to scoop. I also didn't like the smell and the amount the cats tracked onto the floor. I use Kitty Litter Scoop by Purina, I love it!

03-16-2006, 02:15 PM
A friend of mine is using "Even Clean" (the box is blue)..and she said she loves it...any info? :D

The thing is I live in Canada, and not all products are avaiable here.... :(

Thank you sooooooooo much...

My hubby is editing Chloe's pix...next time I probably can show you guys how cute she is...I adopted her from a vet when she was 1 1/2 months old, she was a stray and caught by the vet's assistance along with her three brother and sisters!! They were so lucky..it gets to -30 in the winter time there...and my parnets wanted to adopte her brother, but when they got to the vet, its already gone...

Laura's Babies
03-16-2006, 03:03 PM
WELCOME to PT. Can't wait until your hubby gets those pictures ready. Tell him to HURRY!

03-16-2006, 03:43 PM
Sorry, Casio, I should have said "welcome" in my first post. I'm pretty new also, so tend to forget.

I seem to be the only one who likes to use SWheatScoop. I think it's because I decided I wanted to get away from any clay-based litter because it's healthier for me, my cats and the enivronment, and have found a way to live with the inconveniences. I used to use EverClean and it was very popular with the cats, very easy to clean - and very dusty. I've never been tempted to use the silica litters, the cats hate anything with pellets and I found the finely ground newspaper one fell apart far too easily.

Are the Arm&Hammer and Odor Eaters litters that others like clay based?

I wouldn't mind moving from SWheatScoop because it does track, but I'd want another that had no dust, no clay and which held the clump together.

03-16-2006, 06:12 PM
I tried that Wheat Litter,and I didnt like the way it clumped.I am sticking with either the Pet Valu Clumping,or the Zellers Truly Clumping Litter.

03-16-2006, 11:48 PM
Hello Lizzie,

Actually, the Arm&Hammer Litter are not that bad at all, I don't know about the chemical part, and it does track alot, but it works really well in odour control and clumps doesn't fall apart easily unless it is still wet. It still dust though...but not too much ;) Chloe doesn't seem to mind the new litter that we poured into her litter box and she appears not so "interested" in the crystal litter like yesterday...my hubby seem to have his mind set on the crystal litter I am just gonna observe for a while.. by the way, I'd tried to upload some pix and the files are all too large!! :(

I am actually very glad that I've found this place to ask questions and share with other cat/dog lovers!! :D