View Full Version : Does my dog hate orange???

04-22-2002, 08:31 PM
Hi! My dog Scamp is a 4 year old Shetland Sheepdog. Yesterday I was making cookies and I had a bright orange apron on. I wen outside to give him more water, and he barked and growled at me and wouldn't come near me! I wen inside and took my apron off, and when I went back out, without the apron, he was fine! He was acing like his own self again and would cuddle with me! What was that all about? Do you know? :confused:

04-22-2002, 08:35 PM
I thought I read dogs were color blind. Maybe is was a scent on the apron?

04-24-2002, 01:03 PM
I have heard that dogs are color blind, but I do not believe it. He may not like the color orange. Maybe it was just his mood at that moment, who knows, dogs are such silly creatures. Taht's why we love them so much.

04-24-2002, 02:17 PM
Maybe it was flapping in the wind? Or he just was surprised by the shape of it? I don't know....Weird. Probably the same reason some of them are afraid of vacuum cleaners and blow dryers...Well those make noise and last time I checked aprons didnt'....hmmm I dont' know.

Maybe he doesn't like your cooking....? ;) :p Just kidding!!!
Duncan is scared of those blue drop-box mailboxes:confused: Who knows?

04-25-2002, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by jennifert

Duncan is scared of those blue drop-box mailboxes:confused: Who knows?

:D Tell Duncan I Can relate. When I was little I used to think they would eat me!!!:o :rolleyes:

04-25-2002, 12:25 PM
I think dogs see some colors but not all colors that humans see. Something obviously bothered poor Scamp :(. (cute name!!)

04-30-2002, 11:38 AM
My Lab Sophie has a phobia with the Vaccum cleaner ever since she was 8 weeks old and when my mum hoover's she runs up the stairs and jumps into my bed and wants me to cuddly her then when she feels better she growls at me.

05-14-2002, 09:18 PM
You know he propably is scared of the colour orange. I don't know if dogs can see colours but I think they can. I think my dads dog is scared of the colour red. Once there was this woman getting out of the car with red pants and she started flipping out on her. We thought it was nothing but then this other time these people were walking by and wanted to pet her and were carrying a red bag so when they went near her she started backing up and trying to run away. It's weird, but I think they can see colours.

C.C.'s Mom
05-24-2002, 01:40 AM
I always thought that dogs were color blind.
Cookie goes for red though. Anything red, and she'll have it in her mouth.
Last week I went for a walk with her, and an old woman walked in the forest too with a red shopping bag. I didn't think anything of it and had Cookie off her leash. My-of-my, did she take of to the woman and started to pull the bag out of the womans hand! It was terrible and I was so ashamed. Thankfully she thought the situation was hilarious, otherwise I had a very big problem.

Guess some dogs can see colors, or maybe Cookie is just very smart. Yeah, that might be it :rolleyes:

Dog Days
06-04-2002, 03:57 PM
Dogs actually see some shades of colour but not all. Imagine a world for us without certain colours in the colour spectrum - weird. And those that we would see would be really vibrant! Maybe your poor pup once was scared by something bright orange (say a pumpkin or orange leaf bag at Halloween or perhaps someone dressed up in something orange?) Who knows? Rest assured though, dogs do see some (limited) colours.