View Full Version : Defying Gravity -- Oz and Gully Video

03-14-2006, 08:14 PM

Oz and Gull getting a lil' light under their feet in this frisbee video. I just love this song, it's set to. It's from the musical, Wicked. Being a lover of all things Oz, I've particularly obsessed with this CD, especially this song.

Been wanting to do a frisbee video to it, ever since I first heard it. Hope you guys enjoy it too. The video is at Music Dog Videos (http://www.musicdogvideos.com) and is labeled Defying Gravity.


03-14-2006, 08:26 PM
Cute!! I see you've got some Flippy-lovers, too! I have to ask, what is that clear frisbee/where did you get it? I'm always trying to find new frisbees for Ki as she doesn't really like hard plastic ones. She's got 4 flippys now. ;)

03-14-2006, 09:14 PM
AW! What a cute video! Those are so funny and very cute! Oz and Gull are wonderful actors! :p

03-15-2006, 07:41 AM
Ah..My best friends are obsessed with Wicked. We get to see it on Broadway next year on our trip to New York for band :D
ETA: I loved the movie of the doggies :)

03-15-2006, 09:51 AM
Thanks Maltese_Love!

hey Roxyluvsme! Ah you're quite lucky. Wicked is at the top of my list of musicals to see. Great story, Great music.

hi there Kay! The clear plastic ones with the rubber around it are called Aerobie Superdisc. I've found them at Target, Toys R Us and Academy. Oz and I prefer them, because they get better hang time and toss more like a real frisbee. But the dog still gets a nice lil' cushiony area when catching them. He'll catch a real frisbee too, but those get too much distance for our lil' backyard area. The Superdisc is perfect.

Gull will catch the Superdisc ones too, but he prefers the cloth. Actually not only the cloth, a specific color too. He's partial to the pink one with purple trim. If I have a hand full of frisbees, he won't take off running until he's sure I'm gonna throw the Pink/Purple one. Silly man.

He also likes the solid rubber one too. It's very easy on the mouth, but throws better then the cloth. They're called either Aerobie Dogobie or Aerobie Squidgie, depending on where you get them. They don't seem to carry them at Target anymore, but I can still find them at Toys R Us and Academy.

We got quite few wonderful lil' frisbee dogs here at Pettalk now. We need to form a Pettalk Frisbee Club. :)


03-15-2006, 10:20 AM
hey Roxyluvsme! Ah you're quite lucky. Wicked is at the top of my list of musicals to see. Great story, Great music.

There's so many broadway shows I want to see! I need to read the book Wicked :D.
(If you want to see my friend's xanga, it's completely Wicked decored :p)
Xanga (http://xanga.com/wicked_rulesx3)

03-15-2006, 02:38 PM
lol I'm doing Defying Gravity in my school's talent show tomorrow =) cute video idea!

03-15-2006, 03:01 PM
I loved the video!! :D I love it when they catch the frisbee and then glance at the camera, sooo cute!!

03-15-2006, 03:20 PM
Great video!
I love your dogs!

Ginger's Mom
03-15-2006, 03:51 PM
Ah, great job Oz and Gull!

03-15-2006, 04:49 PM
LOVE IT! What a great Frisbee catcher!

03-16-2006, 03:05 PM
I sure love your videos Par, and your three boys ;). This was a good one. I noticed I had missed one (The Odd Couple one) and watched it too. OMG what a riot! I think that's my favorite so far! :D I can always count on a smile when I see you have a new video out :)