View Full Version : Going to the Dogs

04-22-2002, 04:39 PM
Going to the Dogs

In many cases, people claim to think dogs are the best pets in the world... and cats are the second best. What I am trying to figure out requires everyone to help with. I am trying to see what people think are better... Dogs, cats...etc.

This poll will be available for a few weeks maximum. What ever animal you think is best, be it dog, cat or whatever... state your opinions here (reply to this) and then go to the poll and click what pet you think is the best... is it "Going to the dogs" as many people seem to think, or will outcome totally shock everyone? I will keep you posted on a regular basis... but for now, YOU decide if is is going to the dogs, or that's just a lame excuse for the best pet in the world!

Vote here!

#1~~Li*zawhut ^ wit u?


04-22-2002, 05:06 PM
Going to the dogs eh KatGurl? I believe you, my friend are wrong! Cat's Rule this world, and dog's drool on it! We'll just see who wins in the end!

To everyone out there: You should all post a reply, or at least vote! State your opinion! See who wins, and if you are a dog lover... vote for dogs and proove what has already been prooved before.... if you like another animal besides dogs, now is your chance to proove to all the pet lovers around this world that that animal can be the best!

So... VOTE!


04-22-2002, 05:47 PM
I can't vote because I can't imagine my life without at least one dog AND one cat. They are each so different and special in their own ways. Picking a favorite between them would be like picking a favorite child, which I just can't do.

My vote: Dogs AND cats are the best :D

04-22-2002, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by aly
I can't vote because I can't imagine my life without at least one dog AND one cat. They are each so different and special in their own ways. Picking a favorite between them would be like picking a favorite child, which I just can't do.

My vote: Dogs AND cats are the best :D

I'm with Aly on this. I can't pick JUST one as my favorite. All my pets have been like my children and it would be impossible to pick a fovorite.

04-22-2002, 08:00 PM
I love cats & dogs, but I just can bond so much more with my dogs. You can take them so many more places and do so many more things with them. I voted for DOGS.

04-22-2002, 08:22 PM
I had to vote for the dogs! I haven't been around too many cats, and when I am I spend the whole time sneezing and itching my eyes. Nothing against the cats, they just aren't for me. I prefer the bigger animals to the "pocket" pets. I just can't see getting down on the floor and wrestling with a hamster! Or cuddling up on the couch with a lizzard (are though I am sure some people do...I had a friend that roller bladed with his Komodo Dragon!). And I like my fish and enjoy watching them swim around...but I just can't take them anywhere!
I guess I can chose dogs, cause that is the pet I have....just don't ask me to chose between the two of them!

04-22-2002, 08:40 PM
I voted dogs.. but i dunno! I was watching animal planet, and i saw some kitties on there and i fell in love.. i went to the spca... and instead of just visiting the dogs, i visited the cats also! Uh OH! im turning into a cat lover!! I won't ever be able to have one because of Simba :(

04-22-2002, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I voted dogs.. but i dunno! I was watching animal planet, and i saw some kitties on there and i fell in love.. i went to the spca... and instead of just visiting the dogs, i visited the cats also! Uh OH! im turning into a cat lover!! I won't ever be able to have one because of Simba :(

KayAnn is converting!!! Yeah!!!!!

I love both too......someone asked this question on another post, and most of us were unable to vote.....too many furry and feathered friends to consider, with each one having their "goods and bads". :o Can't do it, sorry.

Logan, Mom to 1 skin kid (the best), 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 Cockatiels, and 1 hamster. Love them all......wouldn't want to be without any of them. :)

04-22-2002, 09:47 PM
I too had to vote DOGS! Kitties are pretty, but I need a doggie to love on!

04-22-2002, 10:30 PM
While I share my home with both cats and a dog, I can not imagine not having a cat around. Ever since I was a little girl, I have enjoyed being owned by a feline! They will always be number 1 in my book!

04-23-2002, 07:20 AM
I'm a cat fancier to the core!!!! Love em. I like dogs too, but I will never live my life without at least one cat to share it with;)

04-23-2002, 07:37 AM
I can't vote. Even though I only have cats at the moment I can't say that I prefer them to dogs. I think both species are wonderful and unique in their own way, if I could I would have at least 3 of each! :D

04-23-2002, 06:46 PM
Hey Everybody!:cool:
Thank every one of you for voting:) , and those of you who didn't vote... because it was just too hard to choose... thank you at least for posting a reply (I think you all must be true animal lovers!:D) Thank you all for looking at this post... AND replying to it! You all are the true animal lovers of the world!

The post will be here for 89 more days, so send the thread to all of your friend's and get them to vote too!;)
It is a very hard choice...:confused: . But, I think it is worth everyone's time to answer and if nothing else... just to put: Dog Lover, or Cat Lover!:)
I love all animals... and I think everyone ever READING this does too! (And if you don't...:eek:!)

I know you all are probably getting tired of this passage :rolleyes: ... but hey, I love all animals and I'm just checkin' in to see which one is winning, so far:cool: ! And... it is a tie!!

Thank you all again for posting!

I will keep replying to you!

Until then, VOTE and reply!

Message me!:D


#1 **Eliz~a~beth** Whut^witu?

05-19-2002, 08:17 PM
Let's have a few more votes please!


05-19-2002, 08:22 PM
Vote cats! They should win!!!


Oh and Mollie's Mommy, I think it is great you like my signature, but please don't COPY!

05-19-2002, 09:53 PM
I voted for cats but then again I only have cats. I love all animals though.http://bestsmileys.com/cats/catmellow.gifhttp://bestsmileys.com/cats/catbouncy.gifhttp://bestsmileys.com/cats/catgood.gifhttp://bestsmileys.com/cats/catlove.gif

05-19-2002, 11:12 PM
You will find many who disagree with you, Popcornbird. Dogs aren't gross......they are wonderful companions! I love my dogs dearly, and they give all that love back two-fold. I have cats too...and I love them as much as my dogs.....just differently. Each pet gives us something special. :) I also have birds, so I can definitely understand why you love them. We got our first bird at the end of January 2002....have already added another one, and they are wonderful too!!! :D

Tolerance of everyone's opinion is the best thing on Pet Talk! We all have pets we love, even if everyone doesn't have the variety that I have!! Ask me to choose? And I would say "no way". Each one is special to me in their own way!!! (you guys know that because I have so many posts in each section! :o )