View Full Version : Sirrahkitties 3-14-06

03-14-2006, 12:37 PM
Some ramdom pictures of all six babies this Tuesday afternoon....I grabbed the camera and went to see what everyone was doing...

Boomer was so cute - here he is settled into a little fishing chair that we keep for the grandkids..
He loves to pose for the camera and so got out of the chair to strike a royal looking posture...isn't he handsome? He is turning into a real loverboy and seems quite happy to be our foster. I am so glad that we are able to keep him so Missy and Tyler can have him again when they return to the states...

Dylan was sleeping on my bed - he does not like his picture taken and usually looks away - at least I was able to get his face even though he scowled at me a bit...

Lizzie was sleeping curled up next to Dylan and I captured her pretty sleepy face...

Robbie was asleep in one of the window hammocks and did not feel like opening an eye for Meowmie...

Emily is HIGH up on the dresser and I was not able to take her picture. Eliot was HIGH on another dresser but I was able to tempt him out by scritching his neck...
This loverboy then followed me back here to the office and insisted on more lovins!! He is such a sweety-pie....

That's it at the Sirrah-house!

Killearn Kitties
03-14-2006, 12:43 PM
Adorable pictures of them all. :D It seems that they either can't get their eyes open, or they are so wide they look about to pop out!

Cute cute cute.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-14-2006, 12:44 PM
YIPPIE!! Now, that was a long ago since we saw pics of your crew!!
Boomer seems to love it at your place. Does he still go to sleep in "his" bedroom(=the room where he stayed with Missy and Tyler) ?
Your Lizzie has develloped into an almost copy of my Maya! Does she have such a sweet character too? Our Maya likes to be petted, but she panicks when you pick her up to hug her. She rather stayes with 4 paws on the ground. Is Lizzie like this too?

Laura's Babies
03-14-2006, 12:59 PM
WOW!!! It is so good to see your kitties again! Oooooooo, Lizzies EYES are still as beautiful as every. I just love her eyes so much! She has the prettiest eyes I ever saw on a cat, except for her mothers of coarse.

Boomer look like he has grown and flurished at your hose and is just as comfprtable there as he would be with his Mommy. He sure is looking look great!

I have missed seeing your gang around here and I mean REALLY missed them. Is Liz still the ice princess or has she done a major thaw?

03-14-2006, 01:03 PM
It's so nice to see all of your babies ... it's been waaaaaaay too long! Please kiss Robbie and Lizzie for me!!! ;) :D

03-14-2006, 01:39 PM
It's good to see your kitties again. They are beautiful, as always. :)

03-14-2006, 01:51 PM
Karen - Boomer and Eliot always seems to have that wide-open expression. They both look like they don't dare miss anything!!

Kim - lots of kisses delivered to Lizzie & Robbie for you. These two are still such happy babies!! I loved being able to keep up with them from the time they were born, and our trip to Kentucky and Tennessee to adopt them will always be such a fun memory.

Lut - oh my YES Lizzie looks so much like Maya and I am glad because Maya is such a beauty. It also sounds like their personalities are so very similar to be sure. Lizzie is as loving and sweet as she can be (no more Ice Princess, Laura) but she does not like to be picked up and will panic like you say Maya will do :)

03-14-2006, 01:53 PM
The Found Ctas are So Glad to see thier Friends and hope that they can make it to the Big St Patricks Day Party in Toronto.
We love Your Cats and Its especially nice to see Big Boomer is fitting in after coming all the way over from Japan.
And all your Cats look so Happy,the way that a Cat should.
MMMRRRROOOW From The Found Cats,Porchies and Angels.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-14-2006, 01:56 PM
SO glad to see Boomer has settled in so nicely. They all look so happy and content - as usual. Well...except for Dylan whose look could probably melt the poor camera. ;) :D