View Full Version : Let's Prevent Bird Flu - Indoor Cats!

03-13-2006, 10:50 PM
Okay - it's only one way. But so far, the cats that have died from the bird flu were strays that have killed BIRDS that had the flu.

Infected humans have touched birds with the illness - and we don't know if infected mammals can infect us.

One way I thought of to keep our own cats and ourselves safer is to train our kitties to be indoor ones, so they can't hunt ill birds. Make them a new space with a cat tree, or something. And start NOW, well ahead(hopefully) of the virus arriving here(in BIRDS).

Has anyone had to make an indoor cat out of an outdoor one - and how did you do it?

And how do we keep people from dumping their cats because of fear and misinformation?


03-13-2006, 10:55 PM
Skinny and Cindy were outdoor cats.
Spay and Neutered both and that was our cure for "no more outdoors". :)
They have no desire to go outdoors. It's too good at our house inside :) :)

03-13-2006, 11:45 PM
Nothing's going to stop people from dumping animals because of fear and misinformation, for every sensible person there are twenty fools.

My cat and any future cats I may have will always be indoors at all times. Finnigan loves chasing and killing birds but only in his mind! :)

03-14-2006, 12:14 PM
It is unfortunate that MANY people thing cats belong outside and nothing you tell them will change their minds!!! People also PANIC, and usually do something rash like dumping the cat somewhere. I just think really BIG agencies like HSUS, has to say something about keeping cats indoors and not dumping them!!! And, of course, there are people like us, the grassroots, that can spread the word about indoors only for cats. Every little bit of info that gets out just may help!!!!/';;;;;;;;(that is Ralph's comment!)