View Full Version : fire :(

04-22-2002, 02:09 PM
My sister's friend had an awful day yesterday. :( Their barn burned to the ground. All 5 of their horses are gone. They also had some pigs and a bunch of piglets who are all gone except for a few that they found running around outside.

They were all home when it happened but I think it was the sort of thing were it burned from the inside out so they didn't notice it until all the animals were already gone. This is such an incredible loss, not only the animals but the barn was a very beautiful barn. :(

They were really into their horses, and this whole thing is just so devastating for them.

04-22-2002, 02:15 PM
:( Oh, Sara, how terrible! I know these things can happen, but when it happens to someone you know, it seems worse. I will keep your friend, and her precious animals in my prayers. :(

04-22-2002, 02:46 PM
That is such terrible news. I'm so sorry for your friends... What a tragedy. My heart aches for the animals lost and their family....:( :(

04-22-2002, 02:48 PM
Sara thanks for telling us - your poor friend must be devestated.
Please pass on to her my love and prayers for her, her family and all the poor animals - she does know the R/B tale doesn't she?
:( :(


04-22-2002, 02:48 PM
:( :( :( So saddend by this news. My heart goes out to your sister's friend and family. Prayers for them and all the animals that have now gone to RB.:(

04-22-2002, 02:53 PM
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and with them. Such a loss is devastating, it is every horse-owner's worst nightmare. Do bring Carl over for some "animal comfort" for them, okay? Tell them we are thinking of them.

04-22-2002, 03:21 PM
That's awful... I'm SO sorry to hear that :(

04-22-2002, 03:50 PM
I'm so sorry for your friend and her family. It's hard enough when you loose one animal but to loose that many dear ones at once is truely heartbreaking. My prayers are with them as the go through this awful time.:(

04-22-2002, 04:38 PM
soooo soooo disheartening. :( :( :(

Your friends are in my thoughts.

Please remember to share the rainbow bridge story with them.

04-22-2002, 06:35 PM
Oh, how terrible. I am holding your friends and their animals in my thoughts and prayers. So heart-breaking.

04-22-2002, 07:50 PM
What heartbreaking news. :( Tell your friends we are thinking of them in their loss.

04-22-2002, 07:57 PM
Thank you everyone for your support. I just can not imagine what they are going through. It's just so sad. :(

04-22-2002, 09:00 PM
Oh, Sara, I'm soooo sorry, to hear about the fire.
:( I will keep your friend, and her family, in my thoughts and prayers.

Sarah & Sadie

04-22-2002, 10:24 PM
sorry to hear of your friends loss.
Be strong in helping during their time of grief..........................blessed be :( :( :(

04-22-2002, 10:42 PM
Sara, how tragic! I am so sorry.
My brother lost a horse in a boarding stable fire. He had been on his way to the stable to ride his horse in the morning and found a blaze raging. He was able to save a few horses, but alas, his horse was killed.
How terribly devastating. My prayers go out to your sister's friend and her family.

Sue, Killian and Shiloh

04-23-2002, 07:27 AM
Oh, I didn't see this thread till today:( I'm so sorry to hear this news. Tell them they are in our thoughts and prayers.

04-23-2002, 08:45 AM
You very very tragic:( Your family is in my thoughts.

04-23-2002, 11:12 AM
Sara, what a tragic loss of life:( My heart goes out to your friend and her family. I can only imagine the grief they are experiencing. Please tell them that many of us are thinking of them and holding them in our prayers.

I was just reading about a court trial going on in Michigan. Some kids partying (well, adults at 23!) thought it would be fun to "scare" the horses boarding behind this young man's house at the Gross Point Hunt Club. They threw a roman candle at the barn "for fun." It immediately went up in flames. They didn't even call 911. Instead, all the partyers went to sleep. 19 of the 25 horses perished. He is facing 15 years in prison.