View Full Version : Red Wine or White?

Edwina's Secretary
04-22-2002, 12:54 PM
My husband and I just returned from a trip to France with another couple. Our last night there was my husband's birthday. We stopped on our way to dinner at a Bistro for a glass of wine in his honor. Sitting in front of the Bistro was a most beautiful dog. Lots of golden in him but VERY blond. He greeted each of us and invited us to sit at a table in front. He brought his empty plastic water bottle and sat with us.

After a while a canine friend of his came to the Bistro and entered with his human friend. Blondie went to the glass front door and "knocked." One of the patrons opened the door for him. He entered and put his two front legs up on the bar, his tail wagging away. We will never know if that was his drink on the bar or not but he looked for all the world to be quaffing as he received a round of head pats and ear scritches.

Enough of that ...he again tapped on the door and a patron opened it. He rejoined us and his plastic water bottle. We invited him to join us for dinner but... as it was Friday night he preferred to watch the street go by and wait for more of his friends to stop by for a round.

04-22-2002, 01:05 PM
What a great story! I could picture the whole thing by your details. Ah... What I wouldn't do to be there and see it! I love France and have some very fond memories of the place from my childhood and adult life.

Hope you enjoyed your trip!

04-22-2002, 01:15 PM
What a wonderful story, Sara!!! :D Leave it to a "blondie".......Honey says they are Golden anyway (she's a blondie when she's clean). What great entertainment!! As a matter of fact, I think most European Golden Retrievers tend to be more blond.

I'm so glad you had a good trip! That just had to top it off! :D

04-22-2002, 01:16 PM
So, glad you are back. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. How did Edwina get along while you were gone? Any stories there? Welcome home!!!!:)

04-22-2002, 03:49 PM
Wouldn't be great if dogs were allowed as many places here as they are in France. I would love to be able to take my girls to dinner!

04-22-2002, 04:09 PM
I bet Edwina is delighted to have you back! Now that you have your computer turned back on she can sit down and paw off some of those incredible love notes to Marius. I am sure the two of them have a lot of catching up to do! :D

04-22-2002, 04:39 PM
Great story!! I'm glad you had fun. I'm looking forward to more stories.

04-22-2002, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I bet Edwina is delighted to have you back! Now that you have your computer turned back on she can sit down and paw off some of those incredible love notes to Marius. I am sure the two of them have a lot of catching up to do! :D
LOL LOL So true!!

I'm so glad you had a great trip and a fun encounter with a french canine!;) :D Of course all of us here at Pet Talk missed you (Marius missed Edwina), so we're glad you back!

04-22-2002, 08:12 PM
What a great story, Ahhhhh France the country of lovers and beautiful dogs. We went to a wonderful department store there, I think it was called the "Galleria Layfayette". It sounds like you had a wonderful time and what a great place to celebrate a birthday. Love to hear more about it.

04-23-2002, 07:48 AM
Lovely story do you have any pictures? I wish it was always like this over here. Luckily things are improving, there's more places that accept pets (restaurant, beaches etc) now.

I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday! :)

04-23-2002, 12:59 PM
Sounds like a great trip! I'd love to go to France.

I wish there were more places in the US that allowed pets. Fortunately for Sadie her birthday is in August so I take her to a restaurant with outside seating and order some meat for her.

Edwina's Secretary
04-23-2002, 02:58 PM
We were in Bon Marche -- kind of the Saks of France and there was an older woman with her dog...mixed breed -- not big but good sized. No leash -- just following her through the store. No barking, no "leg lifting", no straying at all.

The affection and acceptance of animals is to me one of the charming things about Europe. We saw so many dogs -- pure breed, mixed, big, little, cute. (On the other hand we also walked gingerly around ALOT of doggie doo. In Deauville -- which is a resort/casino town on the Normandy coast there are free dispensers of doggie doo bags and special receptacles -- and it was one of the least poopy towns!)

We also saw people taking their cats out for a walk -- on leashes but carried!

I have photos and they are digital but I can't figure out how to do attachments anymore. Any advice?

04-23-2002, 11:21 PM
For attachments just scroll down on the "reply to topic" page to the "attach file" section and browse to where the file is on your computer. To insert a picture into the reply the picture would need to reside on a web server, like if you have your own web site or if you upload your pictures to a site like webshots. If you have more questions just ask, it'd be great to see some pictures since it'll be a while before I can get to Europe myself!

04-24-2002, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by sabies
... it'd be great to see some pictures since it'll be a while before I can get to Europe myself!

Here! Here! I agree entirely!!!