View Full Version : Roxy & The Vet?

03-13-2006, 12:24 PM
Hey Briana.. any update on Roxy? Did she go to her vet appt. on March 11 like you said she was?

03-13-2006, 12:30 PM
Err..no. Because she's starting to gain weight back, so we didn't take her. She has to go in May though for vaccinations.

03-13-2006, 12:58 PM
I hope she is gaining wieght.
Post pix of her please! We miss seeing recent pix of her.

03-13-2006, 01:21 PM
I hope she is gaining wieght.
Post pix of her please! We miss seeing recent pix of her.
There's a whole thread on her and Lily I posted yesterday :D
HERE (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=100758) :)

03-13-2006, 01:34 PM
Yes, I saw the thread. You can't see Roxy's body.
Just her head.... can't really tell if she gained wieght by her head.
Forget it.

03-13-2006, 01:36 PM
:( Errr...well you can see her body in the pic with Lily and her.

03-14-2006, 08:13 AM
Just because she's gaining weight is no reason to not take her to the vet, Briana.. didn't AC say you need to get her checked out? So do it.

03-14-2006, 10:10 AM
BCmom, maybe a pm would be more appropriate that this, personally I am sick and tired of everyone calling roxyluv out on this public forum. Everyone knows her mom is making the calls, just give it a rest already.

03-14-2006, 10:18 AM
Just because she's gaining weight is no reason to not take her to the vet, Briana.. didn't AC say you need to get her checked out? So do it.
No...they didnt say we needed to get her checked out. We figured out she doesnt have worms, because for one thing I checked her poop, and for another, she has to go in May. She's perfectly ok now. And Thank you Caseysmom. :)
Oh, and Jess, why are you being so against me lately? :confused:

03-14-2006, 10:21 AM
From the recent pictures I have seen her weight looks fine, just give her more than before, it sounded like the food amounts were a little low before:?

I know your doing the best you can with your mom, just keep up the good fight for roxy.

I don't like to see people get bullied and at some point this becomes bullying imo.

03-14-2006, 10:23 AM
From the recent pictures I have seen her weight looks fine, just give her more than before, it sounded like the food amounts were a little low before:?

I know your doing the best you can with your mom, just keep up the good fight for roxy.

I don't like to see people get bullied and at some point this becomes bullying imo.
I have been feeding her more, and it seems to help. My mom actually let Roxy in the kitchen the other night so I could take pics of her!

03-14-2006, 12:42 PM
No...they didnt say we needed to get her checked out. We figured out she doesnt have worms, because for one thing I checked her poop, and for another, she has to go in May.

Just to let you know, you can't always see worms in the poop when a dog has worms, and I don't know what her having to go in May has to do with her not having worms? But anyway, I am glad she is getting more to eat, that will definitely help her. Sounds like she wasn't getting enough before, especially with the cold.

03-14-2006, 12:51 PM
Just to let you know, you can't always see worms in the poop when a dog has worms, and I don't know what her having to go in May has to do with her not having worms? But anyway, I am glad she is getting more to eat, that will definitely help her. Sounds like she wasn't getting enough before, especially with the cold.
Yeah, I remembered that :) But wouldn't she be acting a little different if she had worms? Like don't dogs usually scrape their bum on the ground, because the worms irritate that area? Roxy hasn't shown any of that. If I would have not listened to my mom and grandpa then Roxy would have been eating more a long time ago.

03-14-2006, 12:55 PM
Like don't dogs usually scrape their bum on the ground, because the worms irritate that area?

I agree with Vela and NO, you can't tell if dogs have parasites unless you test thier poop under a microscope.

Scrape their bum on the ground..... silliest thing I've ever heard.... apart from the fact that I don't think you'd notice if Roxy did do that.

03-14-2006, 12:58 PM
I agree with Vela and NO, you can't tell if dogs have parasites unless you test thier poop under a microscope.

Scrape their bum on the ground..... silliest thing I've ever heard.... apart from the fact that I don't think you'd notice if Roxy did do that.
Well, excuse me I didn't know. I just heard that if dogs rub their butts along the ground that it means they have worms. and Um..yeah I *WOULD* Notice if Roxy was doing that.

03-14-2006, 01:00 PM
If any of my dogs were losing weight and there has not been a change in diet or activity, then you can bet that I would bring them to the vet, whether they were "acting weird" or not. Here is a sign -- you can see/feel ribs! That is a big red flag to me, and if my pets lost weight with no good reason (especially if you try feeding more and they are not putting weight back on) it is usually a sign of a more serious problem and is neglectful to NOT bring them to the vet in that case.

03-14-2006, 01:01 PM
If any of my dogs were losing weight and there has not been a change in diet or activity, then you can bet that I would bring them to the vet, whether they were "acting weird" or not. Here is a sign -- you can see/feel ribs! That is a big red flag to me, and if my pets lost weight with no good reason (especially if you try feeding more and they are not putting weight back on) it is usually a sign of a more serious problem and is neglectful to NOT bring them to the vet in that case.
But after I started feeding her more she *HAS* started to gain weight back.

03-14-2006, 01:02 PM
Casey scoots all the time and she gets tested for worms every 6 months and has never had them. Her anal glands are also okay. I think she just does this to wipe since she is chubby.

03-14-2006, 01:04 PM
Well, excuse me I didn't know. I just heard that if dogs rub their butts along the ground that it means they have worms. and Um..yeah I *WOULD* Notice if Roxy was doing that.

Usually that is the sign in impaced &/or infected anal glands, but sometimes if they are severly infected with parasites you may see the same behavior.

But many parasites can not be seen with the human eye, in fact some parasites are even hard to see with a fecal float or even hard to see in a smear under the microscope.

I don't ever recall seeing a pic of Roxy being extremely thin, but if she was ever so I would get her to the vet asap. I am glad to hear that she's putting weight back on though.

03-14-2006, 01:05 PM
Casey scoots all the time and she gets tested for worms every 6 months and has never had them. Her anal glands are also okay. I think she just does this to wipe since she is chubby.
Ohhhh...Well nobody ever told me that, so I never knew. :)

03-14-2006, 01:06 PM
There are many types of worms and some show no real signs until they get so bad that it becomes a major problem. She really should be tested for heartworms as those can be deadly but show no signs until it's too late. Even people can have worms (most commonly roundworms) and not even know it but it can definitely cause malnutrition. Getting all the proper tests, vaccines, heartworm preventative, flea/tick preventative, and so on can really run high when you are taking good care of their health. Tasha and Tommy's vet bill for all of that in February ran me $400, but it's certainly worth it to keep them healthy and safe. That's why I couldn't afford to add another dog right now!

03-14-2006, 01:24 PM
.yeah I *WOULD* Notice if Roxy was doing that.

Bri, Please don't take this the wrong way.... but, I don't think you'd notice because you are always on PT and the dog is locked up outside or in the laundry room.

My Peanuts
03-14-2006, 03:25 PM
Jimmy had intestinal worms when we got him (what didn't he have!). The meds were $5 and that's all it took. I believe Jimmy's were round worms. They are gone and he still scoots. Even if Roxy has them it's easily fixed. Is she on heartguard for heartworms? That also prevents intestinal worms.

My Peanuts
03-14-2006, 03:33 PM
Getting all the proper tests, vaccines, heartworm preventative, flea/tick preventative, and so on can really run high when you are taking good care of their health. Tasha and Tommy's vet bill for all of that in February ran me $400, but it's certainly worth it to keep them healthy and safe. That's why I couldn't afford to add another dog right now!

Tell me about it! I have 4 dogs! If they are perfectly healthy that still means, 4 heartworm tests, four sets of shots, for times the frontline, and four times the heartguard pills for one year! Not to mention all the trouble we've had with Jimmy. He came home the end of August and we've spent about $1,200 since then on only him! When we totaled it all up my dad (who would be the most likely to say something negative) said, "Would you have wanted to spend it any other way?" Of course I said no and I totally mean it.

The other day my mom said," If Jimmy keeps getting sick we are going to have to seriously think about..." and I thought she was going to say put him down (which I would not let happen), but she said, "get a loan." The best part is I know she meant it.