View Full Version : Has anyone seen Jessika?

03-13-2006, 10:20 AM
I haven't seen her posts and she hasnt answered my PMs requesting a avatar :confused: Does anyone know where she is? Did I just not see a board that she posted saying she was going to be gone for a while? I'm really confused... :confused:

03-13-2006, 10:37 AM
She's been working a lot lately. Also, yesterday or the day before she moved into the new home her and HJ bought.. I'm not sure if they have internet access or not yet.

03-13-2006, 10:39 AM
OK. Thanks.

03-13-2006, 01:10 PM
She's been working a lot lately. Also, yesterday or the day before she moved into the new home her and HJ bought.. I'm not sure if they have internet access or not yet.

Yes, that was exactly it :)

Not only that, I DID receive your PM but did not reply because
1) I was in the process of moving
2) working my butt off before I left for extra money
3) TERRIBLE storms that went through my area (and that we had to even drive through!) that produced tornados and terrible hail. Our car got damage actually and the storms were so bad there was no way I was chancing leaving my comp on during it
4) I was suffering from sinus infection that just last night / today moved into my ears, so now I have an ear infection and its really painful.

Don't worry though, I DID get your PM and I WILL do it for you, just have patience with me please. I'll get to it probably later today or tomorrow, PROMISE! :D

03-13-2006, 01:43 PM
Jessika, sorry to hear that! You had one bussssy week, eh? I hope you feel better soon!