View Full Version : Grey's Anatomy thread - fans - discussions - etc.

03-12-2006, 10:57 PM
Thought I'd start a Grey's Anatomy fans thread.. If you're into the show, let's talk about it here!

The other night, I went to Walmart and bought the Season 1 on DVD. I just had to, because I didn't watch it at all last year when it aired.. and I started watching it a couple weekends ago and I can not stop watching. It's such an amazing show..

Who's your favorite character, or two.. why? Mine's Derek & George. George is like a lost puppy, and I can't help but think he's just adorable, lol. ;)

Well, that was a good episode tonight.

The look on Derek's face when Meredith told him when that she slept with George.. that was a sad look.. it definitely bothered him.. but he did tell her the right thing to do and she did it.. and yet, George walked off.. poor George.. he is probably my favorite on this show, because he's so sensitive!

So... Derek isn't really over Meredith, isn't he? I mean, the way he talks/acts around her... and Addison doesn't even know that he still talks to Meredith!? Wow. I have a feeling that they MIGHT hook up, again.. eventually.. but I dunno because Derek apologized to Addison tonight, but it took a long time for him to.

03-13-2006, 11:27 AM
*bump* :) I'm sure there are fans around here..

03-13-2006, 11:39 AM
I too, just love this show - but I find myself falling asleep before it is over.

Sunday night I watch all ABC shows - but I am losing interest in Desparate Housewives.

Great idea to get the DVD with all of the episodes on.

I really should just tape it and then I could coherently respond to your fun thread.

03-13-2006, 01:31 PM
Ooooh, I love the show.
I have never missed an episode.
I think that M and D will hook up again.
I hope that Izzy and Denny hook up. I hope he survives the surgery in the next episode.
Denny just melts my heart. He is a very sweet character.
My favorite on GA is definately Christina! She is very funny for me.