View Full Version : Age and reaction to problems...

03-12-2006, 01:20 PM
I don't know about you, but lately, when I've come up against problems in my life (such as my cellphone being shut off, computer screwing up, threat of my car being repossessed) I have looked at it as an inconvenience aka "hurdle", not something that deserves a total meltdown.

I've come to the conclusion that it is my 16 years (this July 10th) of sobriety that has made me realize it. The Serenity Prayer has gotten me through SOOOOOOO much these past several months. I have a copy of it on my wall in front of my computer, just in case I feel my blood pressure go up and a meltdown coming on.

Anyone else feel that way??? Or is it just my age catching up with me??

03-12-2006, 01:31 PM
I try not to let everything that goes wrong bring me down. Most of the time it's out of my control anyway so really what can I do. I try not to get too excited (excited meant to mean, upset/anxious) about things because my overall health is more important than some mishap I might encounter. Stress kills people, remember that. :)

03-12-2006, 01:33 PM
YEE HAW!!!! I agree!!!!
I had a 'melt down' in October of 05. It had been 'coming on' for about a year and finally I just couldn't take it any longer. I had a major anxiety/panic attack while at work and I was alone which was probably for the best. I work at Seaworld in Orlando as a scenic artist and I was painting on a set early in the morning before dawn. I didn't think I was stressed at the time but obviously I was because all of a sudden I had the 'flight or fight' syndrome hit me like a ton of bricks. I sat down because I thought I was going to pass out and when I could, I picked up my paints and went back to the shop. I talked to one of the leads and told him that I had to leave NOW!!!! He tried to talk to me to calm me down and I was a little calmer when I left but I knew I couldn't stay there another moment. I went directly to my physician's office and he referred me to a psychiatrist. I was off from work for three months and saw a therapist and the psychiatrist regularly. I was put on an anti-anxiety medication and was already on an anti-depressant for menopause. I have to say that having that time off, taking the meds and having someone to talk to really helped me greatly. Before all that happened, I was so anxious about things at work because everything is so political and there's so much gossip, rumour mongering, backstabbing and contempt going on that it's no wonder I just freaked out. Now, I take my pills, do my job and work on getting my animal training certification. My co-workers can't believe the difference in my personality and I told them it's because I can't do anything about what other people do and I am only going to worry about ME.
So, I certainly feel your pain, sister!!!!

03-12-2006, 01:35 PM
Yep ~ This happened to me a few years ago too. Like they say, "Don't sweat the small stuff. And remember, it's all small stuff." :p

03-12-2006, 01:47 PM

We should form an anti-meltdown club!!! Kuhio98 said it best. Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's ALL small stuff!!! Isn't there a book by that title??


I SO wish I had a job at Sea World!! I'd LOVE to work with all those sea mammals. Plus the weather is so much nicer there. Good luck on your adventure! I'm on anti-anxiety and anti-depressants too! What a difference, huh??

03-12-2006, 04:02 PM
Life sure has a way of throwing a spanner in the works as the saying here goes, hang on in there Donna , think of how much you have gone through, how much you have achieved, and be proud of yourself, you are a wonderful caring, genuine person, and i am sorry that life keeps throwing those spanners at you, but you are a very strong lady and i know no matter what you will come out of it more enriched if nothing else. HUGS. :)

03-12-2006, 04:12 PM
Life sure has a way of throwing a spanner in the works as the saying here goes, hang on in there Donna , think of how much you have gone through, how much you have achieved, and be proud of yourself, you are a wonderful caring, genuine person, and i am sorry that life keeps throwing those spanners at you, but you are a very strong lady and i know no matter what you will come out of it more enriched if nothing else. HUGS. :)
Carole, if Donna does get down on her problems, I'm only a phone call away. I have pretty much the same financial problems and we can talk and joke about them and make each other feel better. She enjoys talking to me and getting things off her chest and so do I. I love her.

03-12-2006, 04:18 PM
David i am so happy you and Donna have found each other and have such a wonderful caring friendship, i just wish you lived closer to each other and could pop over and have a coffee with her, still it is great to know you are there for Donna any time and that you love her so much, YOU are a lucky girl Donna. :)

03-12-2006, 04:27 PM
Thanks Carole for your support. You too, David. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends!!!!

03-12-2006, 08:05 PM
I love the Serenity Prayer, I keep it hanging on my refrigerator. I have never handled problems well, I get stressed out very easily over little things that usually don't bother other people. I think I have gotten a little better though at dealing with things though as I've gotten older. Not really sure though because I can still fall apart very easily. :confused:

03-12-2006, 09:35 PM
I also suffer anxiety. I have gotten somewhat better at handling it as I've gotten older but it's still a struggle with me. I think for me it wasn't so much little things happening that caused it as it was just generalized feelings of anxiety and fears of something really bad happening. I've always been prone to vivid and disturbing dreams too. It took something big that rocked my world for me to gain better perspective. Unfortunately I'm still dealing with it.. or trying to.

03-13-2006, 06:19 AM

Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's ALL small stuff!!! Isn't there a book by that title??


Yes there is, it's a great book :)

Although I still tend to get over-excited about things that happen, I must say that the time I spend getting over-excited has gone down dramaticlly over the years.

03-13-2006, 08:34 AM
I tend not to flip out emotionally like I used to as a teen. I'd like to think it's maturity. :D

Pawsitive Thinking
03-13-2006, 08:40 AM
I try not to flip - just think to myself in 24 hours/a week/a month it'll all be behind me

03-13-2006, 12:40 PM
Donna, I think the key here is your "16 years" LOL! Living life sober sure does maka a difference! I'll have 13 years on March 26th. ;)

03-13-2006, 04:21 PM

It sure doesn't seem like 16 years. 5 months after I stopped drinking in 1993, my daugher was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Talking about putting my sobriety to the test!!! But I managed to get through it. If THAT didn't make me drink, nothing will!!