View Full Version : Please, Not Molly!!! :(

03-11-2006, 11:23 PM
Remember when I posted about Molly moaning you move her off a bed?

My little sister was laying in her bed so I called Molly in to jump on her.. Molly layed at the end of the bed so I nudge her bum to move her up to Jackie and she totalled lashed out at me. Snarled and snapped. A few times, actually.. and *prepares to be bashed* I had to really holler at her good and grab her muzzle and scold her until she .. well, she didn't stop. She jumped off the bed and ran out into the kitchen. I went to the opposite end of the kitchen and called her over and told her, "NO!! That was very BAD!!!" but then she carried on like nothing happened!!!!!!!!!!

This isn't the first time she's done it, she's probably done it several times since we got her. She seems to be a little touchy about her back end.

What am I to do??? I CAN'T have a dog with aggression issues, no matter how serious or minor. I just can't. I don't think my family would be able to be as consistent with a dog with an aggression issue as they need to be. I am not, however, saying we are or will get rid of Molly.

I just cried when she lashed out at me.. not out of fear, but maybe disappointment??? Maybe I'm overreacting about this..

She doesn't exactly snap all the time, but she sometimes grabs at your hands if you're playing with her and a toy.. if you're putting on her collar, she'll nibble on your hands and try to eat her collar..

She doesn't snap if you just touch it, but if you move her in any way by her hind end, she'll nibble/go for/snap at your hand.

I haven't ruled out soreness.. but she hasn't had any problems with them before. It's not just from her spaying, if that could cause any soreness, because she has done it before her spaying. But maybe something in her hips could be hurting? She's still a little thin so you can feel the top point of her hips on her back.. should we be able to feel those or no?

Today she turned approx. 7 months so she could be testing boundaries?

It doesn't matter how light.. if you try and move her bum around she doesn't like it.

From what I can remember, it's everywhere.

Tonight when I got home from babysitting she's being pretty submissive to me right now. Thinking about her every move. Usually when I give her her hand command for down, she'll go down but make a move for my hand so when she did so I said "AH! No biting.." then from the down when I give the sit command, she'll go for it again, so I repeat the same.

I have a friend (the owner of Freckles (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v259/naumko/freckles_tree.jpg); the dog we were going to adopt before Molly) who offered to get together one evening with me to help me help Molly stop all of this behaviour.

Thank you God.. now just wish us luck!!

03-11-2006, 11:30 PM
this kinda sounds like when Zoey was a puppy. She has really bad agression problems like everytime we would move her. we scolded her and everything. So we were talking to the vet's about this and they said it sounded like a joint problem. He explained about how the puppy's joints are growing and she is jumping of beds and couches damaging her joints. This might be part of molly's problem since she is still growing and all.

Edit to puppies joints are still growing at 7 months??

03-11-2006, 11:39 PM
Yeah.. it could be. Dogs joints are growing until around 18 months, I think?

03-11-2006, 11:50 PM
More obedience work - she's 7 months old - entering her "terrible teenager" years. She will test your boundaries, and the limits of your patience. Be consistent and firm, but not cruel.

03-11-2006, 11:59 PM
Ugh, Growing pains...You think all animals go through it?

03-12-2006, 07:22 AM
Rule out anything medical first ;). Then worry about training. It realy does sound like soreness. Elvis had similar issues at about that age and it turned out being a medical problem.

03-12-2006, 11:57 AM
Could be something wrong, have your vet check out her hips. could be that terrible teenage stage. Star got pretty snappy about then. Just keep up with the training. might be a good time to join an obedience class, you can get assistance from a pro that way. ;)

03-12-2006, 03:07 PM
I agree with ruling out some physical problem, before assuming it is behavioral. I know how scary this must be for you...but she is just communicating with you in the best way that she knows how. It will be up to you to figure out what she is telling you!

Best wishes and lots of good vibes coming from Hawaii!!


Suki Wingy
03-12-2006, 03:31 PM
they way you explained it tward the middle of your post sounds kind of like really rough play to me :confused:

03-12-2006, 06:07 PM
I would take her to the vet to see if anything physically is wrong with her, if not (I am hoping there isn't anything wrong with her..), contact a behaviorist. please keep us updated. I do agree with Suki, though that it could have been rough playing.

03-12-2006, 06:11 PM
Tango started that when she was roughly 8 months old and she was just trying testing boundaries, she quickly learned it wasn't acceptable and was/is now fine. Hopefully that's all it is with Molly too.