View Full Version : Foul mouthed screaming kitty...HELP!

03-11-2006, 07:29 AM
My girl cat Teirza has in the past four days begun screaming. She screams in the morning. She screams when we go out the door. She screams when you walk by her. She screams when she's alone.

Nothing else seems to be wrong!!!! She's eating, drinking and playing as much as usual. She'll stop for a little while, but if she's awake it's usually within a half hour that she'll start screaming again.

I say screaming because its louder than any meowing she's ever done. Her eyes and nose are clear, her ears are clean and cool.She's spayed. She is part Siamese which I understand is naturally loud anyway.

How do we get her to shut it!!!!

03-11-2006, 07:40 AM
Is she spayed? Sounds like she's in heat. The only thing you can do is wait it out til she's done being in heaqt.... which could be as long as a week.

Spay her FAST to avoid this again (if she's not already spayed) If she is spayed, there might be another underlying health issue

03-11-2006, 07:41 AM
She is spayed.

Laura's Babies
03-11-2006, 08:23 AM
I have found mine are more verbal now... The weather? Spring in the air?
I'd give it a few more days and if she still continues it and you are still worried, get her to a vet and get her checked. Watch her close and make sure she continues to eat, drink and use her box.

03-11-2006, 02:52 PM
I don't think it's anything major because everything else is normal with her. It's good to know that yours are more chatty now....I try to think positive with them. There was one point where they started fighting ALL the time. I thought something was wrong, that one was sick or something. I asked a vet and she said, "Sometimes they just get sick of each other's faces."

Teirza part Siamese so she talks a lot more anyways, and Dodger is MaineCoon (mostly) so he never meows unless he's really pissed.

Laura's Babies
03-11-2006, 02:58 PM
My Samantha has to be part siamese even though she is black. She has the siamese sound and is more verbal that the rest of them all the time but Giz has been extreemly verbal since the weather warmed up and I had been puzzeled about it until I remembered how much more verbal Samantha has been. Even Amy is talking more than she ever has.. I think it is the weather with mine and how glad they are that the windows are open.

03-11-2006, 03:48 PM
I think perhaps she's pissed that she cant get up to see out of the big window. We just moved to a house built pre-civil war and it has these big shudders on the windows with the best views of the yard. She keeps going to the door where I sometimes pick her up to look out the window on it, and screaming her head off. She calms down when I hold her and let her look. Perhaps I need to figure something out about that.

03-11-2006, 06:55 PM
Can you open a shutter for her and have something for her to climb on to see out of the window?

Since the move, I'd guess she is yelling "WHERE ARE MY WINDOWS!?!" :D

Hope you can find her her own window, and get some peace and quiet.


03-11-2006, 07:01 PM
I love it when My Cats MMMRRRROOOW At Me,but I can see where it could get on your nerves.
Maybe get her some Cat Nip to distract her attention,and find a waywhere she can look out the window.
Good Luck with the Noise Maker.

03-11-2006, 10:10 PM
She enjoyed her cat nip, and the open window shutters. she enjoyed her dinner, a little wet food laced with kitty calm. She is only moderatly calmed down, which has allowed for Dodger to start crying over his baby, Sockie. Great.

It has been thunderstorming here the past few days, perhaps that's freaking them out.

03-12-2006, 06:22 AM
Hmm, could be the thunderstorms, it's one possibility.

How old is she? And how long ago is it that she was spayed? Sometimes parts of the ovaries remain in the body, keep producing hormones and cause a heat-like state.

Another possibility could be that she may have problems with her sense of hearing. Please don't get me wrong, I don't say this to scare you, it's just something that should be ruled out, I think. It's a common thing in deaf cats that they cry loudly, because they cannot hear themselves, and can't control their voice.

But as Teirza is part Siamese, it could just be normal meezer behavior. :)


smokey the elder
03-12-2006, 07:31 AM
It might not hurt to have her checked out. I had a foster who had had a botched spay job where the uterus was removed, but not the ovaries. Poor Raven and all around her were miserable!

03-12-2006, 07:54 AM
She's 4, and to my recollection she didn't flip out the past 3 years....but perhaps I've forgotten.

I thought about ear problems, and talked to my husband about if he noticed anything that would be a symptom of that....But she always comes when called and can hear the kitty treats container being moved from 3 rooms away. She hasn't been fussing with her ears either, as if she had an ear infection. Anyway, it's not really that she isn't usually loud, but even though she's chatty she usually is a litle more chill.

However, last year, Dodger (who can open doors by standing up and turning the knob) let himself out at our old apartment complex and went on an adventure, and Teirza would sit by the front door, nose pressed tot he crack of the door, and talk and talk about how he went out the door and then mom cried and everyone wondered where he went.

She's gone through times before where she gets more chatty than usual, but I don't see a link other than something happened she didn't like, like a member of her family being out of the house.

03-13-2006, 11:09 PM
I give up. She's going to kill me with the screaming. My husband says he thinks she did it for a while last year, and then she cut it out, and he thinks she's in heat. But she's spayed! Took her there myself.

If she has a remaining bit of ovary, is this a huge problem? Is it something that won't be a problem past the obnoxious meowing? Or is it something that could cause her some horribly awful issue. My understanding is that even if a cat has this deal, they can't get pregnant but can go through heat.

It would be nice if Dodger would you know...take care of things, shut her up. But like a good little innocent fluff ball he's not interested in the least in doing the deed with his adopted sister, only in smacking her in the head a few times or annoying her and then wondering why I'm yelling at them both to shut up.

03-14-2006, 09:31 AM
Maybe a vet checkup is in order....could be something else. Who knows? Even just give the vet a call.

Also, since you just moved - maybe a behaviourist, or a cat psychic?

Sounds like she REALLY misses something or is upset about it! Could it be as simple as more calming cuddles til she settles in?


Laura's Babies
03-14-2006, 09:48 AM
It could be that she don't like the new house?

03-14-2006, 01:01 PM
I would have to agree with everyone about the spaying.

But...... have you even given thought to maybe she has a kidney stone and is maybe trying to pass it? Kidney stones are extremly painful, but once passed you are fine. Does she drink a lot?

Your best bet all around would be a vet check up. Tell them about the screaming, and they will run tests for everything, but will find a soultion!

Good luck, and let us all know what the problem actually was! ;)

03-14-2006, 01:31 PM
Maybe she is just move vocal because spring is coming?

Oliver is a loud boy, even more so when he knows spring is coming!

03-14-2006, 04:54 PM
I'd DEFINITELY have her checked by the vet just to make sure there's nothing wrong. Meezers CAN be very vocal.

03-14-2006, 05:28 PM
You should take your kitty to the vet and have her checked out it was a year ago today that my husband had to put our little Pricilla to sleep because she started to have uncontrolable seizers. She started to do that crying and crying and nothing would make her happy and but by the time we took her to the vets office she started to seize and there was nothing that they could do. I don't want to scare you or anything but just to be on the safe side you should probley have her checked. We still to this day don't know what triggered it. But I didn't want them to do an autopsy on her she was just to dignified for that. Please just make sure she is going to be safe. The vet thought it was just a spay thing also. But it was much much more.